• Jung Roe

    17/09/2021 at 05:21

    Hi David. It’s amazing that this band was originally started by John Lennon and at one point included John, Paul, and George as members. What a member line up history! Did a little digging in Wikipedia, and it looks like that last song they did in this clip, In Spite Of All The Danger, was written by McCartney and Harrison. All three songs are very catchy. I wonder if Paul would ever consider joining the band for a live show for old times sake. Wouldn’t that be something.

  • Jürgen

    25/09/2021 at 20:27

    Hi David, somehow I missed a few details. John Lennon originally founded the Quarrymen. Paul and George were also members of the band for a while. That’s how far I know. But the rest of the band, were they also professionally active as musicians or is this now more a hobby band that occasionally has gigs? (or are these now all well-known musicians that I just don’t recognize?)

  • David Herrick

    25/09/2021 at 22:20

    Juergen, I gather from Wikipedia that it’s just an occasional thing for them these days. The group was extinct until about 25 years ago, when they reunited and started performing again, doing several tours and recording three albums.

    • Jürgen

      25/09/2021 at 22:30

      Thanks David. Now I got it.

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