MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion The rivalry between two great 60's bands that would shape music forever

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/11/2019 at 21:27

    Lol… I’m finding this debate of differentiating opinions between both Howard and Jung kind of amusing… As long as it doesn’t get to the point of disrespect and nasty towards each other as I can see both of you are of quite fierce strong minded thinking and of opinions… I’m of that way myself… When I whole – heartedly all believe in something, I will stand by it quite stubbornly and not giving up my stand… Lol

    What I will say is, and this is of my own opinion and stand by it… While I’m for everyone having their own opinions, I don’t necessarily believe that one is better or more correct than not, yes, everyone is quite entitled to their own opinions/thoughts/conclusions on things and it’s fine to respectfully disagree.

    Also, remember as well, everyone’s perceptions of things they see/hear/read may be interpretated differently by others . While I like a healthy postive argument /debate, it’s quite easy to have it get out of hand because of the way it was interpretated though it was perhaps not meant to. That was my 2 cents worth for the day ?

  • Jung Roe

    04/11/2019 at 05:04

    I agree Brian Wilson is the heart of the Beach Boys. He wrote the vast majority of all the songs on all their albums, sometimes with the aid of a lyricist. Pet Sounds was the most complex studio creation album ever, so it would make sense for Brian to enlist the help of the Wrecking Crew/Professional musicians being the perfectionist he was while the band did live performances.

    As for the rivalry with the Beatles, it is greatly overstated. The rivalry was mainly in Brian’s head. His music inspired Paul McCartney but it didn’t drive him like the Beatles’ music did Brian.

    Was the rivalry mostly in Brian’s head?   The acknowledgement by both Paul McCartney and George Martin on the inspiration for their greatest album Sargent Pepper is well documented.  It was Brian Wilson’s Pet Sounds album.   That is pretty significant inspiration given it was the greatest Beatles album it inspired.   Pet Sounds certainly is regarded as one of the best albums, rivaling the Beatles in many greatest album of all time rankings.  I am a numbers guy, and for me proof is in the pudding:

    Top Rankings lists that come up in Google:

    Rolling Stones Magazine: 500 Greatest albums of all time
    1..Beatles – Sargent Peppers
    2..Beach Boys – Pet Sounds
    3..Beatles – Revolver
    4..Bob Dylan – Highway 61 Revisted
    5..Beatles – Rubber Soul
    6..Marvin Gaye – What’s Going on ON
    7..Rolling Stones – Exile on Main St
    8.. Clash – London Calling
    9..Bob Dylan – Blonde on Blonde
    10..Beatles – White Album

    Ranker: Greatest albums of all time
    1..Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon
    2..Beatles – Sargent Peppers
    3..Beatles – Abbey Road
    12..Beach Boys – Pet Sounds
    26..Rolling Stones – Sticky Fingers
    30..Rolling Stones – Exile on Main St

    Pop Vortex: 100 Greatest albums of all time
    1..Beatles – White Album
    2..Beatles – Revolver
    3..Beatles – Sargent Peppers
    4..Beatles – Abbey Road
    5..Nirvana – Nevermind
    6..Beach Boys – Pet Sounds
    11. Rolling Stones – Exile on Main St

  • Howard

    04/11/2019 at 05:16

    “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics’?”

    As I’ve stated, I’m continuing this debate elsewhere. I do note though that you’ve given up on the Bubble Gum Beach Boys in favour of Brian Wilson! Wise decision Jung.

    As for the Stones, even with this top 500 list, four in the top 65 isn’t bad. Second only to the Beatles.

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