MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion The song came out ‘75 … Any guesses?


  • The song came out ‘75 … Any guesses?

    Posted by Howard on 29/03/2020 at 10:04

    Well they’ve just done “Wish You Were Here” as their last duo session so unlikely to be a Pink Floyd song, unless duo sessions don’t count.

    How about 10cc – “I’m Not in Love”, another Graham Gouldman composition. Then there’s “Bye Bye Baby” by The Bay City Rollers, but have Mona and Lisa been listening to them their whole lives. How about “Boogie with Stu”, Led Zepplin. Unlikely I’d imagine, unless they could get papa Rudi to add some boogie woogie piano.

    There’s also “If You Think You Know How to Love Me” by Smokie, a definite possibility or how about “No No Song” by  Ringo Starr



    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Howard

    29/03/2020 at 12:23

    Well at least this one is another Graham Gouldman composition.

    10cc – “I’m Not in Love”

  • Howard

    29/03/2020 at 12:26

    If You Think You Know How to Love Me  by  Smokie

  • David Herrick

    29/03/2020 at 15:05

    I’m not sure I understand the premise of the title of this thread, Howard.  What are we supposed to be guessing?


  • Howard

    29/03/2020 at 15:19

    Sorry David, the name of the MonaLisa Twins latest video, due for release today, Sunday 29. It is a song from 1975 by a group they haven’t previously covered.

  • Howard

    29/03/2020 at 15:34

    “Boogie with Stu”, Led Zepplin

  • Howard

    29/03/2020 at 15:40

    Check out the Twins Twitter and Instagram pages David.

    “New video is coming to YouTube tomorrow! We’ve never covered anything by this band but have been listening to them our whole life. We’re sure many of you have been too 🙂 The song came out ‘75 … Any guesses?”

  • Howard

    29/03/2020 at 15:50

    Forgive me for not including this video. We’ve been so spoilt in this fabulous club I forgot that the wider world hadn’t got to hear this!

    “Wish You Were Here” – MLT Pink Floyd cover

  • David Herrick

    29/03/2020 at 17:15

    Ah, thanks, Howard.

    Based on the clues given, my leading contender would be “Listen to What the Man Said”.  (They haven’t covered Wings yet, right?)

    Or maybe they’ll be ironic and do Jessi Colter’s “I’m Not Lisa”.


  • Jacki Hopper

    29/03/2020 at 22:53

    Lol… I have mentioned somewheres on here in the foum in  a previous thread  about Jessi Colter’s… ” I’m Not Lisa “, I find it funny now that it has once more been mentioned… Are we all on same MLTBuzzing Thinking Groovy Wavelengths?!… Lol… I’m convinced we are??

    By the way… I’ve always loved that song everytime I heard it on the radio and sing along with it… Years later, when much older, I’d come to learn that Jessi was Waylon Jennings wife…

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