MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion The Tomás Crown Affair

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/10/2019 at 21:06

    This reminds me of what one of my older bros did for our niece one Cgrustmas/Bday Gift (her Bday is a few days b4 Xmas)…. Gave her an acoustic guitar, an earlier on when she was younger, had refurbished an older acoustic that he had for years…. She ‘ s 20 now and plays  the guitar occasionally  as she’ s busy at university becoming a nurse… So I can appreciate/understand Tomas’ efforts to gift his niece with guitar and lessons… ?

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/10/2019 at 00:34

    Kudos on your niece’s efforts?

  • Darryl Boyd

    22/10/2019 at 04:13

    Brilliant. Playing finger picking like that isn’t easy, and to sing at the same time takes talent.

    Keep up the good work!

  • Stephen Krogh

    27/10/2019 at 02:03

    Thanks so much for sharing this story with us Tomas. I too was very touched watching your video… and she really did do a wonderful job with such limited experience. Loved your choice of music! It really is a beautiful guitar and one she will never part with thanks to your gift of love.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    27/10/2019 at 13:51

    Oh wow, Tomás!!! We’ve only just caught up with this thread but this is cute beyond words. Thank you so much for sharing the story and for posting the little video of your niece playing the “Wide, Wide Land”.


    Especially considering she hasn’t been playing for that long, she did a marvelous job! Fingerpicking and singing at the same time is never easy and if she keeps it up she’ll be rocking Australia’s stages in no time 😉

    Please keep us posted on her musical journey and send her and her sister our love ♥

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      28/10/2019 at 03:40

      Thank you Lisa!! ❤ This will mean a lot to her especially coming from you! It means a lot to me too. 😉 I was amazed at how quickly she picked up the finger picking. I only showed it to her once, and after a couple of weeks she had it.

      The younger sister Isa (Isabel) picked up the violin, a much harder instrument to master, but she also has a natural ability with it.  Their parents are good friends with the founder of the Perth Symphony Orchestra, so they’ll have good guidance if they want it.

      I’m curious as to how it will play out. Thank you! ???

  • Howard

    27/10/2019 at 20:46

    Well Tomás, I’ll certainly be looking forward to seeing your young niece rocking Australia’s stages soon too. Hopefully, the MonaLisa Twins will join her! Mona might have to take a back seat on the drums though. Perhaps you could get Luli‘s younger sister to switch to the bass!

    Now how awesome would that be for an all girl group!

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