MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion The Visual Creative Efforts of MLT videos…

  • The Visual Creative Efforts of MLT videos…

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 07/02/2019 at 20:27

    I’m always in constant awe of how MLT always captures the perfect creative visual elements of their videos…

    From the locations…Props… Cistunes/Clothing/Makeup…extra casting… & etc… Even in live performance videos .. The same applies for me…

    It’s all complimentary and just intertwines beautifully and poetically for me. The essences all conveyed and captured  It’s no easy feat or task and certainly takes hard work and dedication of focus… planning… & etc to  bring it all to creative visual perfection as best as one can with resources and imagination. Kudos to Team MLT for continuing to Awe all of us with your ongoing  creative endevours and bringing your music journey to visual life as well as for our enjoyment for our musical ears… Thankyou ????????????✌️????☮️????????????????️????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????️????️????????????????️????️????️????️✒️✏️????????️????



    Howard replied 5 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Tomás F. Calvo

    08/02/2019 at 00:18

    I second that thought Jacki! I am always in awe of their videos. They could have a film-making career in Hollywierd if they were not so damn good at making music. Not that I recommend that for them, they’re perfect where they are. It’s easy to think that they have access to something that we don’t and that’s why they do such great videos, but they do it with the same things that we could have at our disposal. It’s really amazing.

    Thank you!

  • Michael Rife

    08/02/2019 at 07:13


    I agree, too.  And yet the Still a Friend of Mine was a simple video by comparison but the images on the video and the song itself is just so profound.  Mike.

    • Howard

      09/02/2019 at 04:10

      Yes Mike, ‘Still a Friend of Mine was a simple video by comparison’ but even with this video, the time and patience that went into its production (the Barbie doll run through), is just amazing!


  • Richard McGlenn

    08/02/2019 at 16:16

    They may enjoy making the videos as much if not more than writing or covering the music. That might be an interesting question to ask them. They often say that musicians want to be movie stars and movie stars want to be rock stars.



  • Jacki Hopper

    08/02/2019 at 20:01

    Thankyou for the great replies here  to my posting… Yes… I suppose it would make for a great question… Perhaps I inadvertingly did…… just didn’t realize it although this posting was not intended or meant to be a question… It is an observation from my view but I could see how it could be regarded as a possible future question to be asked either by myself or someone else for to ask… ????✌️☮️????????????❤️

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