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  • There is hope for young people and good music!

    Posted by Mike Foudos on 28/12/2019 at 04:16

    Okay……hey, I’m old. I just turned 60 this year. It is so refreshing to see young people like Mona and Lisa who understand what real music is all about. Rap……Hip Hop…..PLEASE! How about harmonies and music that actually has a message? I can’t tell you just how wonderful it was to hear young people who understand what music is supposed to do and the the message it brings. These two girls have truly given me hope that the message of music is still alive and out there. You not only rock……you roll. Thank you. You have given me and the world hope that music still can shape our lives in a positive way!

    Rudolf Wagner replied 4 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Howard

    28/12/2019 at 04:47

    Hi Mike. You may consider yourself old, but I’m older. Nice to see you on the MLT magical mystery tour too. There’s a bunch of us here who share your views on music.

  • Jung Roe

    28/12/2019 at 05:38

    Welcome to the Club Mike, great to have you join us.

    I couldn’t agree with you more about what you said about Mona and Lisa.  They are the keepers of the faith of great song writing tradition that started in the 60’s.

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/12/2019 at 21:02

    Hi there Mike F. Groovy Welcome to here, it’s a Fab place to be and I echo the sentiments.. MLT are a refreshing breath of music air in today’s  music landscape…. They get it… Good songs and music matters and will reach out to all to those who stop to make time to really listen… I’m considered a wee one amongst the others here, at ripe old age of 50…..☮️?

  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/01/2020 at 22:55

    Hi Mike!

    Welcome and … Thank You! 🙂

    We try our best to keep alive what we value most about music and put out there as much as possible. It’s great to see that it resonates with people who grew up during our favourite era of music, and it’s also exciting to see a new generation of kids who are falling in love with all the “old stuff”.

    They are getting more every day, we see it in the reactions to our music as well as amongst our friends and their kids / younger siblings. It goes to show that good music will never die – don’t lose hope! 😉

    All the best from Liverpool and thanks for being here,
    Mona & Lisa

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