• Jung Roe

    21/02/2022 at 07:41
    • Johnnypee Parker

      24/02/2022 at 02:20

      Those first drum beats give it away for me. I remember this song was played to death by the radio stations. Those were the days. My my my my


  • Jung Roe

    21/02/2022 at 07:48
  • Jürgen

    22/02/2022 at 04:29

    Jung, Soft Cell and the 80s. I can think of a lot of interesting intros. This one for example:


  • Jung Roe

    22/02/2022 at 04:45

    Jurgen, never heard this song before. You’re right it has an interesting and long intro, and I especially like the chess theme, and those chess boards. Last time I had a good chess game was on an Alaska cruise in it’s elegant library overlooking the ocean with a good high school friend in 2019. I miss being able to travel freely. I don’t know if you are into chess, but have you seen “Queens Gambit”? It’s a great mini-series for any chess buffs out there.

  • Jürgen

    22/02/2022 at 13:09

    Hi Jung, I’m glad if you like the piece of music. „Chess“ is a musical written by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus of the pop group ABBA. The story involves a politically driven, Cold War-era chess tournament between two grandmasters, one American and the other Soviet, and their fight over a woman who manages one and falls in love with the other.

    Chess was never my great passion, as I never had a real chess partner. I once played it for a short time with a friend. We were both teenagers and we didn’t have the right calmness and composure to enjoy the game at that time. One quick move followed the other and the games were always over pretty quickly. We played a kind of „speed chess“. 🙂

    I have already heard about “Queens Gambit”. It sounds interesting.

    I can well imagine that playing chess went well with the relaxed ambiance of your Alaskan cruise and I also miss traveling a lot.

    An ” A Capella” introduction is also a delightful way to start a song.


  • Jürgen

    22/02/2022 at 13:37

    … or this one…


  • Tom Fones

    22/02/2022 at 15:56


    when do you sleep?

    • Jürgen

      23/02/2022 at 05:27

      Thanks for asking Tom, could be a little more sleep at the moment.

  • Tom Fones

    25/02/2022 at 19:05


    i FINALLY got the web site to stream the BB show.

    It was worth waiting for.

    • Jung Roe

      01/03/2022 at 06:58

      Hi Tom, you will have to jog my memory. Which show are you referring to?

      Edited to add. Never mind, yeah the Billy Butler show is awesome. I will have to go back and listen to the whole Saturday series of interviews MLT did with Billy, some real gem performances they did on the radio.

    • Tom Fones

      01/03/2022 at 15:31


      the show you directed me to where the Twins covered Help in the studio.


  • Diana Geertsen

    28/02/2022 at 07:58

    What about ‘Come Together’


  • Jürgen

    28/02/2022 at 08:53

    And here is a very nice „Canadian“ intro:


  • Jung Roe

    01/03/2022 at 06:56

    Diana, the Beatles certainly had some of the best intro’s, like Come Together, and Paul McCartney certainly continued that tradition with Wings.

    Jurgen, that Ride To Agadir is an epic song, and what a variety from vocals to Led Zeppelin like guitars. The vocal “Capella” lead in works good for sure. “Heart of Gold” guitar lead in is awesome, love those.

    Thank you both for sharing those videos.

  • David Herrick

    01/03/2022 at 07:10

    Say what you will about disco-era Bee Gees, but the intro to this song just invites you to hop in and go for a ride:


  • David Herrick

    02/03/2022 at 15:30

    Of all the rock and roll songs that begin with circus music, this has to be considered one of the best:


  • Jürgen

    02/03/2022 at 17:36

    A well-known “circus song”, with an interesting intro and an even more interesting origin story. Typical Beatles. Thanks for the idea, David.


    • Jürgen

      02/03/2022 at 21:46
    • Jung Roe

      04/03/2022 at 02:57

      Hi Jurgen, that’s an interesting video about what inspired For the Benefit of Mr Kite, with Paul’s help. You know MLTs “No More Worries Company”, also has a great carnival feel to it too, and the intro starts off with carnival sounds.

  • David Herrick

    02/03/2022 at 22:10

    You’re welcome, Juergen. When I posted I was snarkily noting that no other songs opened with circus music, but clearly I was wrong. Now we’ve got a whole new direction to go with this thing!

    • Jürgen

      02/03/2022 at 22:25

      I have found a few other pieces of music that deal with the theme of the circus. Unfortunately, these pieces of music are from bands that drift more in the direction of heavy or trash. The implementation of the actually very nice theme by these bands reminds me somehow of the clown Pennywise from Stephen King or the Joker from Batman.

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