• Jürgen

    15/08/2022 at 10:38

    The Italian composer Domenico Scarlatti was even inspired to write a sonata by his cat’s walk on the harpsichord. At the beginning of his „Cats fugue” you can hear every step.

    PS: Mozart also composed a duet in 1790 in which he let a cat have its say: “Nun liebes Weibchen, ziehst mit mir”, roughly translated: „Now dear female (young lady), move with me“.


  • Johnnypee Parker

    18/08/2022 at 20:50

    Yes, I do believe Lucifer Sam was about Syd Barrett’s cat.

    Ted Nugent sometimes comes off as a nut job. Cat scratch fever is very real, but more like cat scratch itch. Our feline friends have a chemical in their claws that can be very irritating. I always regret rough play with my cats. Itchy itchy

    That cat’s something I can’t explain


  • Jung Roe

    20/08/2022 at 21:30

    Jurgen, that Scarlatti piece based on a cat movement is amazing, sounds great. Reminds me of many of Bach’s piano pieces. This makes me wonder if Bach actually took inspiration from animal movements in some of his works. He utilized math, geometry and other influences from nature, like Beethoven did, so it wouldn’t be too far fetched animals in nature inspired some of our most famous musical pieces in history. It would be cool if Mona and Lisa captured little Neve’s cute running musically like in a guitar run. That would be interesting.

    Ted Nugent was a well known 70s rocker. I knew of him as my brother had some of his albums, and so I got some exposure. He reminds me of David Lee Roth.

    JP, I remember when I got my first cat Spooky getting my hand and arm quite scratched up wresting with him. Not deep scratches as Spooky was trying to be gentle with me, but I always had scratches all over my arm, and feeling a little itchy.

  • Daryl Jones

    11/11/2022 at 18:37

    I’m an old Ted Nugent fan (his music not his political stances). Being part of a garage band in the 70’s sort of fell in with that genre of metal and crazy guitar riffs. Cat Scratch Fever wasn’t one of my favorites although it was a favorite of most of the band. I was more into Stranglehold and Motorcity Madhouse from an earlier album.

    We’ve always been cat lovers and currently have two furry overlords in the house, a ragdoll and a Maine Coon. Both are a year old now, we lost our Birman of 18 years last October so needed to fill the empty nest. They are pretty much inseparable pals.

    • Jung Roe

      16/11/2022 at 07:44

      Hi Daryl, they both look adorable, and so happy and content together. I can see they are inseparable pals. Thanks for sharing that. I love cats and dogs.

      Let me introduce Milo (my cat) and my sisters cat (Cooper), they both lived with my sister in our parents old place. In the first photo Milo is the one in the front. I lost Milo this past summer after nearly 20 years, miss him. Cooper is a lot younger, 6, and much bigger than Milo, but Milo was the boss. In the second photo, Cooper is in the forefront with Milo in the chair. Cooper’s nickname is vacuum cleaner as he eats so much.

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