MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Top 10 guitar models of all time

  • Jung Roe

    10/09/2019 at 14:32

    And finally an Eric Clapton signed Les Paul style guitar by Bently.  Like the MLT Orange shade.


  • Ckay Kirby

    20/09/2019 at 16:32

    Hi peoples,

    loving this thread on guitars, can’t play one yet !! but adore the sound, some of the previous posts are amazing with knowledge and insight so to support those who know I’ve found this video to tease “yaawl”

    By the way i found it looking for Harmonica tips

  • Jung Roe

    24/09/2019 at 08:44

    Hey Skip.  What an awesome video of beautiful and sexy guitars, especially that rose wood Gretsch and red Rickenbacker.  The background music of On The Road Again is great.  Thanks for sharing that.


    If I can indulge a little more, here is another sexy machine to Canned Heat On The Road Again.  I miss my Stang and being on the road again.





    • Ckay Kirby

      24/09/2019 at 18:07

      Cheers Jung,

      glad you liked it

      always loved the sound of raunchy hot guitars, favs of the day were Ronnie Wood, “Stay With Me” and Eric Clapton “Layla”

      trouble is having tried and tried my mind, fingers and ears dont work together !! so i was crap !!

      so i followed my dad and played Harmonica, and by the way Canned heat tunes are some of my favourites to play.


      I too miss my “stang” the British version – A Ford Capri, 3.5 lt rs

      worked my way up from the humble 1600 cc to the last beauty that was a German import, full rally spec, one of 6 build for Roger Clark the world famous rally driver, found it in a scrap yard and rebuilt it to glorious technicolor and full working order, such a beast with nearly 300bhp, ended up looking like this original, had to sell due to newborns, still sad about it but I did gain 2 lovely daughters so not all bad.

      Ford MoCo in Dagenham, Essex bought it as it was a numbered chassis and I think they placed it in their historical collection, never did find out for sure. it could be this one ??



  • Jung Roe

    26/09/2019 at 05:31

    Whoa Skip! That Capri must have moved.  I’ve seen the North American Ford Mercury Capri’s and they were hot!  My brother was really the hot rodder, and he rebuilt a late 60’s Cutlass 442 from the ground up, including the engine and tranny.  Later when the latest and greatest all new redesigned for 1987 Mustang came out he got that.  The all new 1987-93 Mustangs were beating everything out of Detroit that first year, the Camaro’s/Firebirds, Buick GNXs, and even the 87 Corvette, because a “properly optioned” stang with steep gear ratio, lightweight body, and gobs of torque was the perfect hot-rod formula.  Throw in an after market $20 K & N air filter and a tweaked aftermarket ignition chip to remove some of the factory emission restraints, you got a DIY monster.  So in 89 after I finished my first 3 months at my new job, went out and bought a new 89 Mustang LX 5.0 V8 notchback 5 speed manual , the same ones the highway patrols were using as their Interceptors.  I tore up and down the Interstate 5 between Vancouver and LA to visit my brother, who was living there, in that 89 Stang a couple dozen times back in those days.  I racked up 330,000 KM on that car by the time I was done and moved onto a 2002 Lazer Red Mustang GT.

    Highway patrol mustang

    • Ckay Kirby

      26/09/2019 at 19:17

      Hiya Jung,

      yep it certainly did, super scary on our small British roads, needed to treat her with respect !! she had a nasty habit of slipping the tail on even the slightest turn and biting you in the bum !! I did many 360’s when i really shouldn’t have.

      If we talking the Best of Mustangs it has to be the original 64, drop top in cherry red. Super cool to look at, not the hottest of speedsters and a pig to handle but it was beautiful.

      There where many design faults on that first production run for about 3 yrs, purely due to cost savings and some of those never got resolved.

      Ford where in a battle with Chevrolet and the Corvette Stingray, a car that was capturing the hearts of the young college teens, Ford wanted that market so designed the Mustang with that aim, they only spent money on the design & looks, much of the chassis, running gear and engines were pretty basic and lifted from other ford models.

      There is some where on the internet or cable TV archives a brilliant firm documenting the birth of the Mustang which i remember watching here in the UK when i was about 12, 13 yrs old  (Lee Iacocca’s assistant general manager and chief engineer, Donald N. Frey was the head engineer for the Mustang project — supervising the development of the Mustang in a record 18 months from September 1962 to March 1964.[4][5] — while Iacocca (Rock Hudson) himself championed the project as Ford Division general manager. – Brilliant TV series for it’s time and really showed the pressure of the american motor industry and how things got done – think it was this – Wheels (1971) is a novel by Arthur Hailey, concerning the automobile industry and the day-to-day pressures involved in its operation. The plot lines follow many of the topical issues of the day, including race relations, corporate politics, and business ethics. The auto company of the novel is a little-disguised Ford Motor Company and some of the characters are recognisable to company insiders.)





    • Jung Roe

      27/09/2019 at 06:10

      Thanks for those video’s Skip.  Yes the mustangs were certainly notorious for the light rear end that was too easy to side step.  It’s massive heavy engine in the front with a solid rear axle and a ton of torque didn’t help.  An 80 pound bag of cat litter in the trunk was helpful for keeping the rear end planted.  With it’s neck snapping low end power, throaty exhaust sounds, and blistering 0-60 take offs, it was the visceral appeal.  The modern mustangs now have rear independent suspension (long over due), and are more balanced.  Will have to test drive a new one one day (sold my 2002 Mustang GT in 2017).  The immediate response from Craig’s list when I listed it was short of incredible.  I sold it to a college kid.  When his dad called me up and really wanted to get it for his son because his son couldn’t sleep after he saw my listing, really made it an easy sale!  You got to check out the commercial video below!!!

      Mustang Commercial

      Mustang gif


  • Jung Roe

    26/09/2019 at 05:41

    But this is the absolute best Mustang:

    Mustang cover

    Some great guitar riffs with Mustang Sally

  • Howard

    27/09/2019 at 08:12

    Hi guys. I like your enthusiasm and your videos. Perhaps we need a new topic safe from this specific guitar world. “Muscle Cars” came to mind but that would tend to alienate motorcycle enthusiasts like myself. I’m not the only motorcyclist in the Club and I’m sure there would be other car enthusiasts.

    We know those awesome Twins are into cars and they also have (or at least had bikes). It seems there’s nothing they wouldn’t try!

    What do you think of a topic like “Petrolheads?” This would be more inclusive.

  • Jung Roe

    27/09/2019 at 09:11

    I think Howard we’re all pretty good at returning to the topic on hand after going down a fun tangent.  We’re all tied together here by our common interest and enthusiasm for all things MLT and discussions tend to stay on track pretty good.  But thanks for your consideration and creating that other thread just in case.

  • Howard

    27/09/2019 at 10:01

    It’s predominantly a music club Jung but we all have other interests, including cars and bikes. It would be interesting to see how many members would like to share photos of their favourite wheels.

    I didn’t mean to be critical. Sorry if I came across that way.

  • Jung Roe

    28/09/2019 at 06:25

    No worries Howard  🙂

    Over the years I’ve seen a number of cats in various pictures taken by Mona and Lisa, sometimes even in their home, like Yoko Ono.  Now I wonder if they ever had this problem when they practice in their studio when one of those felines decided to visit.

    Guitar gif

  • Jung Roe

    28/09/2019 at 06:29

    Has anyone ever seen a Kangaroo air guitar???

    Kangaroo airguitarist

  • Jung Roe

    28/09/2019 at 06:31

    Here is Lisa’s guitar after a sizzling recording session in the studio

    Guitar flames

    • Michael Rife

      29/09/2019 at 23:20

      Hi Jung;

      I suspect that is how her guitar looks after playing Club 27!!



    • Jung Roe

      30/09/2019 at 08:49

      Indeed Mike, it would be quite the sight to see both of them jam to Club 27!  Guitar heaven!

  • Jung Roe

    28/09/2019 at 06:35

    Our Guitar Hero

    Guitar Girl

    • Ckay Kirby

      29/09/2019 at 00:02


      returning to the original theme of guitars, I popped into our local music shop having heard they moved to a bigger store – WOW was i suprised !!!

      from a small cramped, noisey, no parking space shop a massive leap into the 21st centry, now house on a large retail park with over 2000 car park spaces, thier now housed in a bright, modern 10,000 ft shopping unit, 3 storey and an awesome collection of everything musical – BUT – and this is the best part – same staff, same free drinks and same low costs !!!!

      They now boast he largest Guitar wall in Europe !!!! and I can believe it – its a haven for musicians – absolutely brilliant.

      hers a few pics – sorry not more but got so goggle eyed forgot to take photos as i browsed amongst the gobsmaking choice and variety.

      feast your eyes on these beauties



    • Ckay Kirby

      29/09/2019 at 00:04

      More of the store


    • Ckay Kirby

      29/09/2019 at 00:05

      and one for Lisa



  • Jung Roe

    29/09/2019 at 01:14

    That looks like guitar heaven Skip! I think one could spend all day in there trying out guitars.

    That Fender for Lisa comes in an awesome guitar case!!!If it’s not a guitar case, I’d insist I get that with the guitar.   🙂

    • Ckay Kirby

      29/09/2019 at 01:30

      Yea, it’s astonishing, I don’t think there another this big in the UK, the old shop always had lots of celebrity visitors who were in town playing gigs at the big arenas so we have had some pretty big names added to the wall of fame, not least our own home boys from Led Zeppelin & Black Sabbath.

      Hopefully when the twins get to hear of it they might come and take a peek, only 2hrs from Liverpool.

      As for that Fender – wow ! it’s a beauty, custom made and with a price tag of £15,000 !!!!!! no wonder they locked it up in that case!

      I don’t play guitar so I couldn’t have a go on any of them but they do have 12 sets of amps free to use and try out any guitar you wanted with a totally separate area for the acoustics, fully soundproofed – unbelivable !!!

      And that’s not even mentioning the Keyboard, Drum and Studio areas !!

      I only went in for a look and a few spare bits for my harmonica and spent over 2hrs there !

      I had a session on a rig with some effect pedals and spent £150 that I never intended to – still walked away much happier than when I walked in though.

      I hope the girls get to see this and come down – it would be so cool





  • Jung Roe

    29/09/2019 at 01:55

    Yes Skip, I am sure they would have a marvelous time visiting there.  Perhaps they could do a short video of Mona and Lisa drooling at all the wonderful guitars, like when they visited the big one in Germany in the “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” video.   Perhaps they might let them try out that locked up Fender, when they learn of Mona and Lisa’s amazing repertoire and following of fans.   🙂

    • Ckay Kirby

      29/09/2019 at 02:00

      They probably would let them – they have done before – quite a few of our local bands have shot videos in the old shop, and using their shiny new equipment, they even let them use the studio rigs for teaching sessions.

      That’s what I meant by the best bit – “Same Staff” the guy there are great and so friendly and helpful

      perhaps Ill post the pics on Instagram, that should get the girls attention.





  • Jacki Hopper

    29/09/2019 at 01:58

    Whoa… OMG…. Guitar Glory… Ahem,

    “Guitar Glory”

    Skip shared with us

    Photos so Groovy and wild and tame

    A music store claim to fame

    Where not one instrument is the same

    Not dull or lame

    In Awe

    And Bliss

    A dream indeed to browse around this store

    It is what it is

    Each product

    Defines its own story



    Tuneful Territory

    Here’s my poetic ditty ode

    Of which I dub

    Guitar Glory…

    ©JackiHopper2019 ~

    • Ckay Kirby

      29/09/2019 at 02:03

      Super !!!

      Top marks Jacki

      brilliant words to accompany the pics – ill post them on Insta – you add the words



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