MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Top 3 MLT playlist originals and covers

  • David Herrick

    23/09/2019 at 01:05

    Top three originals:  Sweet Lorraine, Still a Friend of Mine, I Wanna Kiss You.

    Top three non-Beatles covers:  Bus Stop, God Only Knows, A World Without Love.

    This list can vary a little for me too, but I usually have to stop and listen when any of these pops up on the jukebox.


  • Jung Roe

    23/09/2019 at 03:28

    David, that happens a lot to me too when I listen to the Jukebox, a certain song or song(s) come on and everything has to stop.  Now of course if I was listening to radio or Sirius FM and any MLT tune came on, everything would stop in it’s track.

    Last summer I was driving through the beautiful Nicola Valley in northern BC Canada with it’s breathtaking semi-arid ranch country with little lakes, rolling hills, puffy cumulus summer clouds, train tracks packs of cows, sometimes almost right up to the road.  I had Orange piping through the car stereo via my iphone and bluetooth.  “In It for Love”, “Count on Me”, and “Sweet Lorraine” on that one part of the album was just perfection going through this area, I kept hitting repeat between these 3 tracks over and over again.  That day, these 3 songs were my top MLT original songs on my playlist providing the joyful carefree spirit.

  • Jacki Hopper

    23/09/2019 at 03:48

    Geez… It ‘s just Frikkin impossible to choose as I luv all stuff equally…. Covers and original, but for the purpose of this post today, I’ ll give you today’s choices :

    Covers:(same for what I posted in Howard’s Trifecta posting)



    Wide Wide Land-Sweet Lorraine – Once Upon A Time

    For today only… Lol

    • Jung Roe

      23/09/2019 at 04:21

      Thanks Jacki.  I just love to hear what other’s are really getting into with MLT music on any given day!

  • Howard

    23/09/2019 at 03:52

    This is always a difficult one for me Jung as I usually listen to The MLT via their brilliant Jukebox. It’s always nice being surprised by what’s coming next and having those covers followed by originals and vice versa. My favourites can also change from day to day like many other MLT fans! However, I’ll have a stab!

    Top three originals:  Sweet Lorraine, Still a Friend of Mine, Count On Me.

    Top three non-Beatles covers:  Bus Stop, Catch The Wind, A World Without Love.

    At the moment I haven’t been listening very much as one of my Airpods has stopped working and I have to decide whether to buy a single replacement for $90 odd, or upgrade to a completely new set (yes, Apple products, like everything else in my country are very expensive). I have the original Airpods and original Apple Watch and am about to upgrade to the latest Apple Watch (I like the idea of the waterproofing for swimming and counting laps), so probably time to upgrade my Airpods and take better advantage of MLT music while walking or riding my bicycle or at the gym!

    I just love this cover. Simply sublime!

    • Jung Roe

      23/09/2019 at 04:13

      Howard, I admire how you embrace the latest technology so well.  Those Apple Watches look cool (saw in a few photos Mona and Lisa wearing what looked like one) and sound interesting.  I’d upgrade to the latest one too if I were in your shoe with an out of action Airpod.  For me I got a new mechanical auto wind wrist watch with 80 hours power reserve (old technology) to celebrate a 30 years work anniversary recently, so I don’t think a new Apple Watch will be on the horizon for at least another couple of Christmas’s.

      “Your’re Going to Lose That Girl” cover, MLT nailed it so fantastically, I don’t think any band on the planet will ever be able to top their cover, and if a time machine transported John, Paul, George and Ringo to the present to do this song, they’d get quite the run for the money.

  • Howard

    23/09/2019 at 05:28

    Congratulations on the thirty years’ work anniversary Jung! In the same company? As for that new mechanical auto wind wristwatch with 80 hours power reserve of yours, sounds awesome. Knowing your taste, I bet it is a quality product. I have to put my Apple Watch on charge every night. At the moment they are sacrificing battery life for functionality and apps. They have some awesome upgrades though, including an excellent compass and location system, heart rate sensors and now a function that sends an alert to next of kin or emergency services, including your location, if the watch detects a  fall. It can be easily canceled if assistance is not required.

    This sort of function is going to become increasingly important as we age, especially for the increasing number of people who live alone. I’ve already had two incidences of where neighbours (in my block of flats), have fallen and not been able to get up again. In the first case, an elderly lady fell when getting up from her lounge and wasn’t discovered until three days later when the lady calling to take her to church saw her lying on the lounge room floor (through the kitchen window) and alerted emergency services. Unfortunately, she had passed away.

    I don’t mean to promote Apple products, but I find that between my Iphone, Airpods, and watch, I have excellent connection with MLT music. I can listen to music at the gym, merely via my watch (including volume control and forward/reverse capability, and my Airpods via Bluetooth! The watch can also be used as pay wave for purchases and soon I will be able to use it to swipe on and off on all public transport. No more situations of getting to a bus and find I have left my card at home and the bus driver doesn’t take cash (which I never carry anymore anyway). And of course, I won’t even need my Iphone on hand to make and receive calls. This can all be done via the watch. Calling Dick Tracy!

  • Jung Roe

    23/09/2019 at 06:17

    Thanks a lot Howard!  Yes 30 years in one company is quite rare these days.  It’s funny many of the people I work with now are younger than the years of service I have in the company.

    With all those features, you’ve sold me on the Apple Watch, and I especially like the emergency service function you described.  Might be something to consider for my dad who is in his 90s.  Anything that will get me even more connected to MLT music anywhere I go is well worth it.  Well my mechanical watch is on my left arm, so there is always room for an Apple Watch on my right wrist and my next birthday comes around before the 2nd Christmas  🙂

    Now what do you think of MLTs cover of the Last Time Howard?  A huge Rolling Stones fan neighbor of mine last year was just completely blown away by MLTs cover of The Last Time, and Paint It Black.  Here is MLTs stellar version of The Last Time, and a Rolling Stones great original version, and I have to say MLT do it just incredible justice from the wonderful Lisa guitar riffs (in the videos you can compare Lisa riffs to Keith’s riffs), to Mona’s magnificent lead vocals with that perfect raspy sound.


  • Howard

    23/09/2019 at 06:32

    Yes Jung, an awesome cover from the Twins of a great Stones song. The Stones version you have picked is a studio version dubbed over a live concert. Mona and Lisa absolutely smash it live! I also really like their minimalist interpretation of “Paint It Black”. I would also love to see them cover this once Lisa has mastered the sitar, and she will one day!


    • Jung Roe

      23/09/2019 at 06:55

      Yes I noticed the lip sync on the Stones version was off.  I found the original performance from the Ed Sullivan show.

  • Howard

    23/09/2019 at 17:13

    By the way, young people these days are lucky to work three years in the same job, let alone thirty. I’m glad The MLT seem to be the exception. I hope they spend a lifetime working in the same job at MLT Production, Video & Engineering, MLT Management & Booking and Woolgoose records!

    As for that that Stones “The Last Time” Ed Sullivan performance in 1965, I must apologise. I was looking at the wrong video. The Ed Sullivan video IS live! I had to check as I was aware that Ed Sullivan shows were typically live.

    Following is another Stones performance on the Ed Sullivan show the year before. Live!


  • Jung Roe

    24/09/2019 at 06:10

    Yes indeed Howard, I hope the MLT will flourish for a lifetime creating beautiful music, as what they do each day make a big positive and important impact on peoples lives everywhere, everyday, compared to being a little cog in an industrial machine like so many of us.

    After you mentioned the video was an overdub, which it was, I changed it to a different video from the Ed Sullivan show which is not a lip sync overdub.

    Another one of my favorite songs, Time is On My Side (I sing this one every friday, but by Sunday night, it fades away 🙂  .  I also like “You Can’t Always Get What you Want”



  • Jung Roe

    24/09/2019 at 06:19

    Here is another playlist of MLT songs I had setup on youtube a couple of years ago when I first discovered MLT.  A beautiful trio.


  • Howard

    24/09/2019 at 06:19

    Thanks for clarifying that Jung. I thought something wasn’t quite right and then thought I must be losing it, which was quite embarrassing! I’ll check the original overdubbed version to settle my mind. I’m glad you edited your post to include the truly live version.

  • Jung Roe

    28/09/2019 at 23:28

    These 3 form a great trio to experience Mona and Lisa’s superb rocking vocals and guitar riffs.

    You Really Got Me

    Hey Bulldog

    Club 27


  • Jung Roe

    28/09/2019 at 23:37

    On the other end of the scale for ballads, these 3 MLTs originals today:

    Alone (from their 2007 concert)

    All About Falling In Love

    Still A Friend of Mine



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