• Rudolf Wagner

    18/02/2020 at 22:21

    Hi Louis,
    I just answered a similar question here so I hope you don’t mind me referring you to that post. In short –  we’d love to, but it probably won’t happen this year!
    Thank you ♥

  • Howard

    19/02/2020 at 04:18

    Hi Louis, I addressed this issue in another post too, as follows:

    ”The issue of the MLT touring the States was a hot topic discussed in the Forum early in the formation of the club. The logistics involved for a small (cottage industry) family business to pull off such a tour, and still keep the day to day running of the business viable, became obvious to all.

    They don’t have the backing of big record companies with their capital, marketing departments, touring managers and infrastructure etcetera in place to do this. I think they could only manage such an operation with the assistance and support of their many fans organising something in their local area that was viable. Don’t forget, their fan base is widely distributed throughout the world, and not concentrated in any one specific area.

    The only other option I can suggest, is for Mona and Lisa helping to expand the business by maybe creating some awesome new twins of their own. Now how good would that be. However, the Twins would obviously have their own views on the viability of that option. Just suggesting!

    When I get the time, I’ll try and dig up the previous debate on this subject. You can always use the “Search” function in the Forum.”

  • Louis Demayo

    19/02/2020 at 12:33

    TY for the replies. Guess ill have to go to England & see you guys. Thanks Lisa& Howard!

    Did a small tour there in 2014. Guess ill have to come over & tour again & hope to see ya.

    Look me up on You Tube – Hillbilly Water***Live in Portsmouth, England.

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