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  • Two of Us Video on U tube

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 27/04/2021 at 15:39

    Mona and Lisa,
    My little Maddie loves this video and seeing you both as babies and growing up; is so adorable. She has a question, who is the one that fell back wards and was crying? Remember that part? I am guessing Lisa?? That is the part where you both are holding hands and moving back or dancing??
    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh Pa USA

    Bill Isenberg replied 3 years, 4 months ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    27/04/2021 at 17:13

    Mona, being the cruel bully she is, is pushing me over. Thankfully I’ve learnt how to fight back since. We now live in constant fear of being tripped up by each other 😉

  • Bill Isenberg

    28/04/2021 at 13:22

    Thanks for replying, LOL…My boys are aftaid of my daughter growing up….they are bigger than her but she kept them at bay….

  • Janet Mccoy

    30/04/2021 at 21:08

    Mona Lisa, I love that video to. It’s just a very good job you now got different hair colours because you can’t tell which is which ???? best wishes from Wales.

  • Bill Isenberg

    04/05/2021 at 00:48

    All the video’s of you both when you were little is so adorable. We can tell that you both were lovable children! And more loving aduts now!! We all just love you both.

    • Janet Mccoy

      05/05/2021 at 07:26

      Here’s a challenge. At least we able to find out who was who in the falling over clip. There some clues in some of the other clips. Can anyone identify who is who and which is which in the rest of the clips and the best people to judge this are Monalisa themselves. ????

  • Thomas Randall

    04/05/2021 at 22:40

    I felt so bad when I first seen that video but you know, kids do that kind of stuff. Still, it tugged at my heart strings.
    Such a great video!

  • Rick Ross

    05/05/2021 at 16:33

    Hi Ladies,
    I remember asking this question a few years ago. Mona said it was her sticking up for herself. Guess she knew what was to come down the road.????????????????

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/05/2021 at 01:09

    Mona’s always been the taller one and her face features are slightly different than Lisa’s, even as kids, if you keep those tips in mind , you should be able to find it easier to tell who is who as youngsters … it can be a tad tricky but if you keep Mon’s taller tip and study their faces as kids very detailed like, you’ll notice the subtle differences… hope that helps….????

  • Bill Isenberg

    08/05/2021 at 14:42

    So to me it seems Mona is the more out going? And Lisa is the more settled one? Would that be correct?

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