
  • Posted by Howard on 19/10/2018 at 13:30

    Hi Guys, me again. If I’m being too pedantic just ignore me.

    The following typo can be found in – ‘Questions or Ideas? Read this first …’  Third last paragraph:

    a should be an.

    ‘If you came about a issue on the website, please look out for’

    If you’re wondering why I’m picking these up, it’s probably because one of the jobs I had when working in tertiary education was editing a weekly staff online publication and eventually I was doing the job so well that during my last three years of employment, the weekly newsletter was published without any of my editing being checked.

    I am now retired but can’t seem to help reading without editing as I go. Just hope I don’t annoy you too much! I’m not a totally OCD though, I manage to restrain myself when reading a novel for pleasure!



    Rudolf Wagner replied 5 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 14:44

    I was going to let you know that it was nice to have the editing Tab working but when I clicked on the SUBMIT button, my bold changed to the code: <b>a</b>

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    19/10/2018 at 14:56

    This looks like the PHP that is dynamically generating the HTML code right after the SUBMIT button is clicked is generating improper-syntaxed HTML errors for the ‘<p’ and ‘/p>’ elements.   Erroneous characters (semicolons, &lt, etc) are being erroneously inserted/duplicated instead of the HTML elements mentioned.   Anyone who can look at the generating code should be able to modify that.  This can sometimes occur when a developer copies & pastes code using Word or other editors that change the ‘<‘ to &lt and other erroneous characters, as an example.

    Best wishes and hope this helps.  Just my best guess without looking behind the scenes.

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>This is a test of the center align issue.</p>

  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/10/2018 at 19:58

    Thanks, Howard. That was a really painful one, so glad you found it.

    As for the editing – we do see HTML tags popping up in the forum but we have troubles to reproduce the error. I know, you don’t want to hear that. It’s what we hate most when we contact someone’s technical support and they come up with this statement.
    But we’re working on this and will eventually come up with a solution. We always do. Quite possible that we have some mild OCD as well …
    Until then, we’ll edit them out to prettify the posts because the editor works on our side. See your first post, I changed it to bold without the <tags>. I left the second one original though so that your comment would still make sense.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/10/2018 at 20:42

    Mona finally found out why this happened and why we could not replicate the problem. The reason is that we are logged in as administrators and it works perfectly.

    As participant most of the formatting works also but not if you try to center text or images for some very strange reason. Possibly missing user permissions.

    I contacted the developer of the plugin and hopefully we soon have a a solution.

  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 16:37

    Hi. Noticed this a while ago but either didn’t think it important enough or thought it may have been intended. You may or may not be concerned.

    ‘I Follow The Sun’ should be ‘I’ll Follow The Sun’.

    And so, my love, I must go. And though I lose a friend, In the end you will know.”
    I Follow The Sun – one of our favourite Beatles songs that is hugely responsible for us falling…………

    • Saba Arif

      21/10/2018 at 19:12


      I’ve been on the lookout for typos throughout the site and could barely find any 🙂 So I thought it made sense to post whatever I found on here instead of creating a new thread just to post a few typos.

      Here’s one from this link: https://test2.monalisa-twins.com/ june-behind-the-scenes/

      “…in Austria and endet up adding the final touches in the UK!”

      And another one: https://test2.monalisa-twins.com/london-showcase-behind-the-scenes/

      “…sore throat (the ever hauting performer curse!)”





      MonaLisa Twins Homepage

    • Howard

      21/10/2018 at 20:02

      Good thinking Saba and well spotted. You have a keen eye. Nice to have some help as this is a tough job. Those Wagners don’t miss much!

      I also found a lost space (or is that Lost in Space?) in the following, a couple of paragraphs prior to your endet.

      Papaaaa!” … You see, some people call their Da d if their……….

    • Rudolf Wagner

      21/10/2018 at 20:59

      Many Thanks! All done.

    • Howard

      21/10/2018 at 21:33

      Brilliant Michaela.

      This topic somehow got duplicated and I don’t know if/how we can delete our mistakes. So can you please delete the other one for me.

      Would you prefer us to create a new typo topic each time we find something or just add them on to the last as Saba did?

  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 21:46

    Actually. There’s still the case of the missing space!

    We worked on it until we got stuck. “Papaaaa!” … You see, some people call their Da dif their car gets stuck somewhere,

  • Rudolf Wagner

    21/10/2018 at 22:11

    Howard & Saba,
    I have merged the two typo-related topics into this one and renamed it “Typos”.
    Please post all future discoveries here.
    The Da d is also done now.

    PS: The merge got the time order of the replies mixed up. This message should be last

  • Saba Arif

    22/10/2018 at 12:33


    Found another one here: https://test2.monalisa-twins.com/mlt-club-home/

    “Download lyrics and chords booklets ouf our songs”

    And one with a word missing: https://test2.monalisa-twins.com/mlt-club-info/

    “…this is what we have already put together to this new adventure off the ground”

    should be:

    “…this is what we have already put together to get this new adventure off the ground”

    Latest MLT-Club Posts

  • Rudolf Wagner

    22/10/2018 at 14:28

    Thanks, Saba!
    I corrected the “this is what we have already put together to get this new adventure off the ground”

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