• Rudolf Wagner

    01/05/2019 at 21:28

    Hi Howard,

    I’m glad you enjoyed the video and found the typo. It got all corrected.

    Many thanks,

  • Howard

    02/09/2019 at 02:18

    Hi Michaela,

    It’s been a long time, but I’ve found another typo. I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t been as pedantic in the last few months. Probably more because of your extremely excellent publishing skills and your professionalism. The word surprise is missing the second ‘r’.

    In the INFO page:

    “Your Birthday
    Enter your date of birth for a special surpise from us on the day! More info here.

    Your Birthdate”

    The Club seems to be thriving. Well done Team MLT.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    02/09/2019 at 15:48

    Thanks very much, Howard! That’s certainly too prominent a place for gremlins to goof around.

  • Dale Harris

    03/09/2019 at 01:15

    Hello all,

    I also found a typo, on the MLT Club home page where the opening of the club is announced, you all wipe your “forheards”.

    Nitpickingly yours…

  • Rudolf Wagner

    03/09/2019 at 14:24

    Hi Dale,

    Thanks for letting us know. We went back to wiping our foreheads again. Feels much better …

  • Howard

    03/09/2019 at 15:06

    Your new ‘foreheads’ reads as foreheards  on my page now Michaela!  I think those terrible twins must be working you overtime.

    Please don’t slap yourself on the forehead when you read this! Maybe time for another holiday perhaps.

    Have you heard of Grammarly? I discovered it a little while ago and it has made a big difference to my publishing. It is available in a free version like I have or you can purchase the premium version for a fee. I can recommend the free version to start with.

    “Grammarly is an online grammar checking, spell checking, and plagiarism detection platform for the English language developed by Grammarly, Inc. The software was first released in July 2009. Grammarly’s proofreading resources check against more than 250 grammar rules.”

    Cheers, Howard

  • Howard

    03/09/2019 at 15:17

    Wow! What happened there! Now reading correctly as ‘foreheads’. Just like magic!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    03/09/2019 at 15:20

    I think we have twin gremlins at work here. One’s correcting, the other one’s messing behind their back. They’d even get Grammarly to blow up.

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/09/2019 at 18:07

    Lol…. Geez…. They must stop eating after midnight… Perhaps that would help…. I’m sorry for not seeing these typos too, that’s my eye issues working for ya….

    We have in house Grammar-Spelling Squad 24/7….Aka…The Typo Terminators…. Lol

    I used to be awesome at spelling… See what happens after not being in school since graduating from 1988….I refer now/then to dictionary and grammar was not always my friend in English classes for me… Spelling was my friend, Grammar was jealous… Lol

  • Jung Roe

    03/09/2019 at 20:49

    It sounds like Rudolf and the gremlin ghost appearing in the background all over again!  🙂

  • Dale Harris

    26/02/2020 at 02:52

    Hi Michaela,

    Been a while since I spotted anything, but on the MLT Club Wire archive for this month, the first two issues have the same date and the latest one isn’t posted at all.  I was saving these in my email but stopped when the archive was created.  Just don’t want to lose any…or perhaps there is a standard turnaround for this be updated?

    Hope all is well!

    Dale Harris

  • Rudolf Wagner

    09/03/2020 at 19:56

    Hi Dale,

    Thanks for making me aware of the mistakes on the Club Wire archive page. We have fixed it and will take care to keep it up-to-date properly. After all, we’ve created it for that very reason you pointed out, so that Club members don’t need to collect emails and can always come back and re-read the Club newsletters.

    Thanks for your help,

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    15/08/2020 at 02:34

    After the big goof I recently made, I certainly can’t complain about typos on this site.  I created a playlist on my YouTube channel last week and put in the title “Monolisa Twins”.   I’ve since fixed it.  If you’re curious to see my selected songs, the playlist is called “Monalisa Twins – Eltenukem Mix”.  Surprisingly it had 180 views the first week.  I only have a half a dozen subscribers (all because of a Lindsey Stirling video I posted a couple years ago), so I have no idea who watches my playlists.  But some of my playlists have several thousand views and it looks like this one is headed in that direction.  I just hope I’m attracting a lot of potential new MLT fans.

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