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  • Using "odd" instruments

    Posted by Alan Smith on 17/12/2018 at 20:09

    I was watching an old classic film set in Vienna that featured the use of a Zither (similar to an autoharp if you are not familiar with what I am talking about.) It got me to thinking about the Beatles and how they always were trying to incorporate new instruments, which they usually used only once, into their songs to  give it a different sound than they had done before.  I loved the use of the uke in “Wonderful Christmastime” and I think you made that song truly beautiful. (The synths in Paul’s version is fingernails on chalkboard to me).  I also like Alison Krauss’ version of the Beatles “I Will” with a nice lead banjo part. Have you given any thought to adding more non-mainstream instruments to your music, and if so, do you have any upcoming songs using them you would like to get my ears yearning for?

    Jacki Hopper replied 5 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    21/01/2019 at 21:36

    We love trying to incorporate new instruments and using different sounds in a tasteful way whenever it suits our vision for an arrangement. There are times when nothing beats the sound of a good old Rickenbacker played through a VOX amp or a properly mic’d nylon string guitar, but from time to time we try replacing those with some more unconventional instruments as you’ve mentioned.

    On the last few covers we recorded quite a few “unusual” instruments like a washboard on “Baby Mine”, a flute on “I’ll Follow The Sun”, the Cello on “Yesterday” etc.

    I’d say that on the ORANGE album we easily used twice the amount of instruments than we used on our debut album “When We’re Together” and we definitely want to continue venturing out into new territories exploring the endless variety of instruments us crazy humans have managed to invent over thousands of years. Or sometimes keep it super basic, it all depends on what each song asks for of course.

    We are in the middle of recording a new cover too, which we rearranged with a slightly unusual instrumentation but we don’t want to spoil the surprise yet 😉

    Thanks to one of our fans and supporters we actually own an autoharp (not a zither though) but we have not been able to use it yet since it unfortunately broke in transit. Maybe we’ll fix it up and use it for the new album! … first, we’ve got to write a song for it 😉

    What was the movie you were watching? Was it “The Third Man” where Anton Karas plays his famous Harry Lime theme? 😉

    Thank you for the lovely question!

    Stay groovy,


    • Alan Smith

      22/01/2019 at 06:58


      Thank you for such a lovely answer. I know what you are talking about with the Rickenbacker, although I have never had the privilege of playing one.

      Yes, it was “The Third Man”. I love old movies, much better stories and dialogue. I have probably seen that movie 5-6 times. I am impressed that you knew it. Just makes me like you even more! ; )

      Peace and Love,


    • Richard McGlenn

      12/02/2019 at 17:44


      Care for a new challenge learning how to play the spoons? Not just any kind of spoons but hand carved Irish wooden musical spoons. They’re sometimes referred to as “cheating” spoons because they’re already connected at the ends and you don’t have to learn grips like when using separate spoons. There are videos on YouTube that show Irishmen playing them with a group or to a nice Irish jig from a CD. Could be even more fun than playing the “chair”.

      If interested I will send you a pair I found while cleaning up in my garage going through old store inventory that I still have. They are hand carved ones as you can see in the photo. If I find my Beatles autographs I’ll let you know also.

      Irish spoons B


  • Jung Roe

    22/01/2019 at 06:56

    The fact you both learn and play all these unconventional instruments yourselves is really impressive Mona.  Love hearing reference to a new album and new cover as well.  Exciting times are in store. Yay! ????

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/02/2019 at 20:32

    Spoon playing…now, that is something, I’d like to try one day…..

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