• Vocal Ranges

    Posted by Lynn T. Newcomb on 22/08/2021 at 18:03

    I was listening to “Crazy on You”, one of my favorite songs by Heart. I thought it would be cool to hear you cover this, but then I wondered if it was out of your vocal range. Are there any songs you would really love to cover but don’t think you could manage the vocals (without changes you don’t want to make)? What are you vocal ranges, by the way?

    Congratulations (early or late depending on when you read this) for “Hotel California” FINALLY reaching 1 million views on YouTube. I’m sure it would have outpaced “San Francisco” if not for the U.S. ban.

    David Culp replied 2 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    22/08/2021 at 18:03

    Hi Lynn,

    “Crazy On You” definitely wouldn’t be out of range for us but it’s not really the type of singing style we prefer or that we think suits our voices best. We’ve never been super into high pitched rock voices in both female or male singers (though that is a cool track!) which might also be why it isn’t a singing style we dabble in much.

    As far as our vocal ranges go, I wouldn’t know from the top of my head so I just did a little test on the piano and found that at the moment I can go from C3 to C6. According to the internet that apparently puts me somewhere between a tenor and a soprano. Since I definitely don’t sound my best at the extreme ends of that range, I guess I’m technically an “Alto” or “Mezzo”. I really don’t think it matters and some songs sound better sung in a lower chest voice, some more in a high falsetto and some work best somewhere in between 🙂

    Thanks for the congratulations for the “Hotel California” milestone. Is still such a shame that it’s blocked for US viewers but we’re glad it’s being viewed in other parts of the world.

  • Greg Dent

    24/08/2021 at 22:26

    Your “Hotel California” is incredible! And astounding, given that you were about 14 at the time. (I guess that’s redundant.)

    Anyway, it’s not on YouTube, but Google does know where to find it if you ask.

  • Deidre Darnell

    26/08/2021 at 23:07

    Lisa, as it turns out you and I sing in the same range! It’s a real groove to find someone I can sing easily with without having to strain what’s left of my voice. I LOVE LOVE LOVE singing along with you!

    By the way, and this may really be a question for Mona, I think I notice a small scar on Mona’s thoat, maybe because I also have a scar there from several surgeries on my vocal cords. Is it just my imagination?

    Thanks, y’all!


  • David Culp

    14/11/2021 at 07:02

    Yeah, Lynn, that song is probably not a good match for MLT, but I discovered a band recently that does a great cover of it. On YouTube you can find a “garage band” called Tangerine, from Quebec I think, that does Zepplin covers and also covered “Crazy on You”. Check them out.

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