• Tom Fones

    13/06/2022 at 16:07

    Now that’s luxury!

  • Christopher

    13/06/2022 at 18:17

    Paul McCartney’s Wanderlust! I could see MLT doing this in a duo session with Papa Rudi on the keyboards…hence, a trio session!

    “Oh, where did I go wrong, my love?

    What petty crime was I found guilty of?

    What better time to find a brand new day?

    Oh, wanderlust away.”

    Just a great verse!

    • Jürgen

      13/06/2022 at 19:12

      Hi Christopher, glad you stopped by. A trio session would be a nice combination. But then the whole thing would have to be renamed MLRT. And who should sing the lyrics, Mona or Lisa? Or both as a duet?

    • Christopher

      13/06/2022 at 20:23

      How about this: Lisa does the main vocal “Light out wanderlust, head us out to sea”, etc. while Mona does the bridge “Oh where did I go wrong my love, what petty crime was I found guilty of” etc. Lisa on the Martin acoustic, Mona on the Hofner bass, and Papa Rudy, of course, on the keyboard.

  • Jung Roe

    14/06/2022 at 00:41


  • Jung Roe

    15/06/2022 at 05:49

    Hi Jurgen, enjoyed those 2 videos of the Queen Mary, thanks! Seeing that one clip of the Queen Mary cruising into New York, it dwarfed everything else and looked magnificent. In 2018 I actually got to spend a night in the ship and slept in one of the cabins, as it is now a floating hotel in Long Beach. We were scheduled to board a cruise out of Long Beach, and as the cruise ship terminal is right next to the Queen Mary, it was really convenient to book a night at the Queen Mary prior to boarding our cruise the next morning. The cabin was pretty much original furnishings including the shower/bathtub that looked its original original age, but everything is word down gracefully like you are in an elegant antique shop. Apparently the ship is haunted, and on some decks in the cabin sections, there have been reports over the years of ghost sightings in the rooms and hallways. Maybe cruise guests who liked it so much and decided to never leave the ship. LOL. I didn’t see any. They have a nice restaurant in the ship, bars, and coffee/snack shops and all the decks with mostly original antique furnishings everywhere are open so you can walk around and explore, it’s really nice. Makes for a real interesting and cool hotel to stay at.

    Here is a photo of the Queen Mary from the cruise ship the next morning. It’s interesting as big as the Queen Mary was, compared to todays large and even medium sized cruise ships, it feels small, but the hallways and main atrium levels are still quite grand inside. “They don’t build them like they use to” still apply in some sense.

    Can you imagine an MLT fan cruise, with Team MLT as guest of honor. That would be a dream cruise, LOL. The MLT Magical Mystery Cruise.

    • Jürgen

      17/06/2022 at 20:05

      Hi Jung,

      thanks for the very detailed post. I read about the Queen Mary being ancored in Florida and now serving as a floating hotel. And you spent the night there? Wow. I’m glad to hear that the ship still exudes old-fashioned charm. In this day and age, a lot of vacation accommodations look kind of the same: Modern, stylish, cold and kind of boring. I think it’s a shame when you wake up in the morning in a hotel room and first have to think about where exactly you are now, because rooms all over the world now somehow look the same. It’s always very nice when an accommodation exudes a lot of local color. Local furniture, decoration and maybe also typical paintings or pictures of the country.

      My first and only cruise in my life, I did with the AIDA Blu. It was a so-called taster cruise to Scandinavia (Oslo-Stockholm). The ship was just launched, the cabin seats were raffled at a low price to make the ship known (the ship does not even exist today). The trip started in Hamburg and lasted five days. Not particularly long, but I found it quite sufficient. There is a certain charm to traveling like this. When we entered the port of Oslo, I was sitting in the sauna. Somewhere high up in the ship. Fully glazed outer wall and a beautiful view of the harbor and the ships that sailed in and out of there. So we sat there and marveled: Only my sauna towel and I ????. I will probably never enter a port this way again.

      MLT-Magical Crusing Tour? A wonderful idea. Imagine it like this: The name of your cruise ship is “MS Orange” because it has exactly this color: Bright orange. After checking in, with a little help from your friends, you get on board and go to the reception desk, where a nice receptionist is standing in front of you, who introduces herself to you as Long Tall Sally. When asked how long you would like to stay on board, you show her your ticket to ride and answer: „Eight days a week“. She smiles at you and gives you your cabin key with the words: „From me to you“. You say: „Thank you girl“, making your way to your cabin, while passing some members of the crew fixing a hole where the rain gets in. In the cabin you put down your suitcase and take off your old brown shoes. Afterwards you take a nice warm shower and when you leave the bathroom you are surprised to see a small white seagull sitting on your bed: It came in through the bathroom window. You’re thinking: „Ain’t she sweet“, as you put on comfortable shorts and a casual shirt. Your stomach growls and you know: All I’ve got to do is going to the dining hall. Not knowing the way, you ask a friendly man in a white uniform who meets you in the hallway. It is Doctor Robert, the ship’s doctor. He shows you the way and satisfied, you line up at the buffet. You feel free as a bird and your friends are all aboard. They’ve all come together having a great time. At the buffet there are Glas Onions with savoy truffle and as dessert Honey Pie with an extra taste of honey is served. You think: „I feel fine“ and on a stage in the back of the room the Sgt. Pepper Band begins to play: Good Day Sunshine. And now you know that you are really there: on the Magical Mystery Crusing Tour.

      PS: When the AIDA entered or left a port, “Orinoco Flow” sounded everywhere on the ship as a theme song.


  • Tom Fones

    17/06/2022 at 20:12

    May we all meet on open waters someday.

    Smooth sailing Juergen.

  • Jung Roe

    18/06/2022 at 05:44

    Jurgen, that was a wonderful MLT Magical Mystery cruise description with words! It was very Beatlesque, From me to you, thank you for that, it really made me feel fine. You have the fine writing skills and imagination of a paperback writer.✒ Love me do, I do! ????????

    That cruise ship you went on, the AIDA looks pretty sleek, and I like the big smiley red lips and eyes. I would love to do a world cruise one day. They have these 100+ days cruises that circle the globe stopping at dozens of ports around the world and it literally takes you around the world. I think an MLT Magical Mystery cruise would still be the best.

    Thanks for that. Hello goodbye.

  • Jürgen

    18/06/2022 at 08:04

    Probably the oldest means of travel in the world: our feet. Two feet doesn’t make a way, but we humans have a habit of running after other humans. As long as they move forward purposefully enough. So it happens that where there are two feet, there is soon a path. Is there a hiking route or a landscape that impressed you very much? Where have you always wanted to go or would you like to go again?


  • David Herrick

    18/06/2022 at 14:20

    There are plenty of places I’d love to go, but with regard the specific act of walking, I’d like to revisit some of the routes I routinely covered a long time ago, from the one-kilometer path to school when I was a little kid, to the one-hour hike I did for exercise around the small town where I lived in the 90’s. I know the memories would come flooding back.

    For a hefty guy, Fats did a lot of walking:


  • Jürgen

    18/06/2022 at 15:57

    You are right David, it doesn’t always have to be the long ways in life that impress you and leave traces. Oh yes, the way to the school in your hometown, walks with your parents or friends you did. I find it completely fascinating when, after many, many years, you walk a path that you haven’t used for a long time. Everything is saved: where you have to go, which turn you have to take, what it used to look like here and many memories are running through your head. Funny memories, memories that make you think. Thoughts of people and situations in life that you haven’t thought about for a long time and that are suddenly back as if it was only yesterday. Almost like a little time travel. You do the walk of live.


  • Tom Fones

    18/06/2022 at 16:37

    My Juergen, that is some schooner. I didn’t bother counting all the sails.

    Actually – i would walk to the dive site if they would let me.

    There is the Appalachian trail and the Rocky Mountain trail here in the U.S.

    I have read this can take several months and very few people have done both.

  • Jung Roe

    19/06/2022 at 00:53

    Hi guys, as we have moved on from planes, trains, ships, to walking on foot, how about a little running. While this one has a bit of a morbid flavor that only the Beatles could get away with (one of George Harrison’s fave John song), I love the guitar work and general raw musical feel of the song. Makes you feel like running.


  • Jürgen

    19/06/2022 at 05:41

    Thanks for posting this song Jung. I have always loved „Run for your life“ musically, although I find the lyrics also very macabre. The album Rubber Soul is in my opinion one of the Beatles albums that represents an important turning point in the musical development of the FabFour. Not as hyped as later Sgt. Pepper or the White Album, but full of musical gems.

    But you’re already running on the right path (little pun ????, haha): Traveling and running sometimes just go well together. E.g. because you’ve been annoyingly called out at the airport for the fourth time and now they’re threatening that the plane will take off without you. Or you’re struggling up the stairs to the platform at the train station, a suitcase in one hand, your travel bag in the other, and you can already hear the first doors of your train closing. Or you are sprinting through a huge airport because your plane was delayed and the connecting flight doesn’t want to wait anymore (preferably at one of those mega airports you have never been to in your life) Oh yes I remember…


  • Jung Roe

    20/06/2022 at 06:21

    Jurgen, great rocking video there. Not very familiar with Spencer Davis Group, but they had that 60s rock sound down nicely. Your running at the airport description reminds me of the old 70’s football star OJ Simpson Hertz car commercials running through the airport with his suit case.

    Yeah, Rubber Soul is an important and significant album in rock history I think, triggered much inspiration. I remember in highschool hanging out at a friends place and listening to Rubber Soul, didn’t know it was Rubber Soul at the time, but I my friend started to sing Michelle, and Girl. It was my first time hearing those two songs and wow, thought it sounded so good.

    On the topic of traveling, here are a couple incredible McCartney and Wings songs. One of my early albums was “Wings Greatest Hits”, every song on that album sounded so good.


  • Jung Roe

    20/06/2022 at 06:33

    A little fun fact.

    “Jet” was the name of a black pony that Paul McCartney and his wife Linda owned; the pony provided the title for the song. The McCartneys owned a variety of animals, and at the time their brood included a golden lab named Poppy, a Dalmatian named Lucky, and the old sheepdog Martha (from the Beatles song “Martha My Dear“). “Jet” was chosen because the name makes a very stadium-ready title, perfect for throwing your fist in the air when it’s performed in an arena. The song is really about freedom; McCartney did something similar when he used an amusement park ride as the title for a song about madness in “Helter Skelter.”


    • Jürgen

      20/06/2022 at 20:31

      Hi Jung,

      thank you very much for the two tracks from the Wings. I also have the Greatest Hits album. The Wings produced very nice songs, but somehow I never really warmed up to the band. Maybe because the songs were no longer a real Beatles sound, but also not yet a real Paul McCartney sound. The best example for this is Band on the run. The beginning of the title reminds me a lot of the Beatles album Abbey Road, but then develops into something else. But I think that the band helped Paul a lot to process the breakup with the Beatles. My favorite song from the Wings is Mull of Kentire. A wonderfully sentimental song. Unfortunately it doesn’t fit into this topic. Although: Hiking vacation in Scotland …

      I had no idea that Paul McCartney had so many animals. It’s almost a whole zoo. Jet, Poppy, Lucky, Martha, well my dear.

      I watched the commercials with O.J. Simson. Thanks, very entertaining: Yes exactly how I imagined the sprint through the airport terminal. Maybe not quite so relaxed and cheerful. More tired, sweaty and slightly rushed. But otherwise exactly this way…????


  • Jürgen

    20/06/2022 at 20:38

    In recent years, the bicycle has been rediscovered as a travel vehicle in our country. There are countless travel experiences offered by bike. Whether relaxed through meadows and fields. Sporty up and down the mountains or romantic along the Rhine and other rivers.

    The Carthaginian Hannibal once crossed the Alps with the help of elephants. Today he would come by mountain bike. Like this guy:


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