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  • We are not the same

    Posted by Tim Johnston on 27/10/2021 at 00:50

    I raised 2 beautiful daughters. They were NOTHING alike. One is neat and organized almost to a fault, the other is a messy and totally disorganized. I love them both to the moon and back but they couldn’t be any more different. What’s it like it with the Wagner Girls? I remember a video of the notebooks Mona put together for the Steve Harley concerts so I assume she is pretty detail oriented. Am I wrong? And what is Lisa like? You guys are stars but I love knowing you as people.

    Christopher replied 2 years, 8 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    27/10/2021 at 00:51

    Oh how our parents would have wished for at least one of us to be the organised one ????

    It is really interesting that your daughters had such different characters. We also knew twins that were the polar opposite of one another but that was never the case for us.

    While there are definitely a lot of differences in character between the both of us I would still say we are more alike than not, compared to most people.

    Since it doesn’t boil down to easy things like one being messy, one being organised for us it would take quite a lot of analysing and writing to get our character differences across here, which might be too big of an essay for a reply here.

    A short, humble attempt: Mona is a bit more outgoing than me, I am a bit more “in my head” sometimes, while Mona has a very creative chaoticness about her, she still often has a structured approach to things, while I work my way through a mess until I find creativity through the process, I’m a bit more of a “feeler”, she’s a bit more of a “thinker” but all in all I think we do balance each other out quite nicely.

    And we share the vast majority of interests and hobbies which is pretty cool to have in a sibling and “business partner” 🙂

    Hope that gave you a bit of insight!

  • Thomas Randall

    27/10/2021 at 14:22

    I think Lisa summed it up very well. Mona seems a bit more active onstage, a bit more outgoing and Lisa seems more reserved and focused. It’s a very nice combo of traits! They never fail to bring a smile to my face!

  • Tim Johnston

    27/10/2021 at 15:49

    Hi Lisa, thank you for your reply. As I said, I enjoy learning about you and your sister and I have always appreciated that you take the time to answer our questions. You say Mona is more outgoing but you appear to be outgoing too. In many of your candid videos you are the one cracking jokes so maybe you are the closet comedian? Anyway, another enjoyable insight share by the MLT’s.

  • Bill Isenberg

    27/10/2021 at 17:45

    Great Post Tim, I have 3 , one daughter and two boys and they all are a bit different. So crazy huh? But they all have the same as far as family etc…thank goodness

  • Jung Roe

    29/10/2021 at 06:54

    In the Duo Sessions “Two Of Us” Lisa is in Mona’s room, and at the end I can hear Lisa say to Mona “we’re in your bedroom…well it’s a bit of a mess in here”. I always found that so funny and sweet, and made me think maybe Lisa is the more keeping things clean and organized one than Mona, but it’s really great to hear some insight about yourselves like this! 🙂 It sounds like your differences in character trait really complement each other more than anything as “siblings and business partner, like you do when you both sing and harmonize.

  • Christopher

    20/01/2022 at 02:21


    “There is nothing that I can’t do

    There is nothing that I’m not good at

    There is nothing that I am not a pro”


    “It’s crazy”

    Papa Rudi:

    “There she goes again”

    Epic ending during the making of “I Want To Kiss You”

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