• What I Worry About

    Posted by Steve on 19/10/2018 at 20:47

    I worry that Mona and Lisa, like so many artists do, will have creative differences and branch out to solo careers.  I worry that the membership in the club will grow so big that the personal touch it now has disappears.  Right now I feel like we are all a small part of the Wagner family and that’s something you just can’t get with other bands.  I hope they can stay grounded in their convictions and always remember how much we love and appreciate what they do.  Right now I feel like if I was in Liverpool and strolling along the street and ran into Mona or Lisa I could say Hi, maybe slip into a cafe and have some tea and a nice little chat then go about our merry way.  I hope that feeling always remains.

    Michael Rife replied 5 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 04:36

    Join the club Steve. Never considered Liverpool as an option to visit/live before but now would be quite happy to at least visit. That City has been blessed!

  • Jung Roe

    20/10/2018 at 05:25

    I don’t think we have to worry.

    All of us here are very lucky to have come across the MonaLisa Twins at this particular point in time when they can remember us each by name and communicate with each of us personally as they do in a family atmosphere.   But I would be very happy if their fan base explodes one day soon, and their music can touch millions and millions of people across the globe because they deserve it and the world needs to be touched by MonaLisa Twins wonderful music, like we all here have been blessed with.

    I will be just happy and thankful to have been a part of their journey in the early days and hopefully when they are legends, they will remember all of us here today with the same affection we have for them.   Being the caring and wonderful people Mona and Lisa are, I have no worry about that.

  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 06:11

    Well put Jung. You show incredible perception and insight there. I too would be happy to be non existent here if it meant that MLT had finally conquered the world. I think that is what most of us here want.

    Having said that, I do believe Steve they will never forget those who supported them as their career grew. Just as I’m sure they haven’t forgotten those who touched their lives growing up, at school in Vienna and in Adelaide and all those they may have met in their California visits and elsewhere.

    Their extraordinary ‘Wide, Wide Land’ song and video is testament to the affection they felt for someone who was close to them growing up. Family that may have been, but the Wagner’s have a marvellous way of making us all feel like family. I don’t think that will change, even if through ‘creative differences’ they pursue solo careers.

    My money is on them resisting this temptation though and I think that as they share the same musical passion, seem to have the same musical tastes and work so seemingly effortlessly together, the MLT ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ will continue indefinitely and I am so pleased to be on the bus with them! They may or may not be identical twins physically but I think they are identical twins artistically!

    The one thing that will test them though is living together in the confines of the same house. I have five siblings and I could not imaagine us all living in the same house in our twenties. Granted, I come from a very dysfunctional family so comparisons are difficult with the very healthy Wagner family.

    I guess being musicians too they are a 24/7 family who can avoid each other when they need alone time! I think I’ve just thought of another question for ‘Ask the MonaLisa Twins’!

    Anyway Steve, you really have nothing to worry about, just leave that to the ‘No More Worries Company’.


    No More Worries Company – Lyrics

    • Jung Roe

      20/10/2018 at 06:46

      Hi Howard.

      You cite some great examples.  Mona and Lisa have on many occasions in their posts on social media expressed their on going appreciation of people from their past like Australia, growing up in Austria, their trips to the US etc, and memories of loved ones as so beautifully expressed in the The Wide Wide Land.

      I think Mona and Lisa’s bond is remarkably strong that they will never split to pursue solo careers.  I really like this picture of them that says a ton about their love and support for each other.


  • Steve

    20/10/2018 at 07:36

    I too hope their popularity can explode and all the far reaches of the world can experience the joy and pleasure we are right now.  I know as they grow their paths will shift and maybe take them in new directions.  But right now I just love the connection with them and how they share so many things with their fan base.  I know they will be forever appreciative of our ongoing support.  As long as they are happy in their lives and careers then I will be happy too.  It’s just if this part of their journey comes to a close I will miss it.  But as was suggested, I will just pass on to the girls at the No More Worries Company and continue to just stay groovy.  May God bless the Wagner family.

  • Jung Roe

    20/10/2018 at 08:32

    I couldn’t agree with you more Steve! 🙂

  • Michael Rife

    20/10/2018 at 15:36

    I have a slightly different worry which is being alleviated some with the recent rise in YouTube views and people joining the group.  I was/am worried that their music is meeting a niche market which is not going to be here in the long-term (a little morbid, now).  A lot of us are from the 1960s and really enjoy the music from the 1960s to about the mid 1970s.  Our little aches and pains remind us that we are not getting younger.  In other words……the road ahead is shorter than the one we’ve been travelling.  So, this could mean that there is going to be a shrinking of part of their fan base over time and I am not sure that those behind us in age will appreciate good music.  That is one thing I have worried about……but I believe that MLT already kinda has this one figured out.  Mike.

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