MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion What is your favorite MLT animal photo or moment

  • David Herrick

    05/07/2022 at 07:20

    Hey, Jung. The songs I heard in childhood, whether on TV or in music class, staked out the choicest spots in my brain, and have steadfastly refused to be dislodged.

    Sadly, the vast majority of Electric Company material on YouTube has disappeared in the past few months. Most of it was posted by just a couple of people whose accounts seem to have vanished. I had thought that once something was on YouTube, it would live forever.

  • Jung Roe

    05/07/2022 at 08:31

    I was quite surprised to see little Neve dive under the water like she did in the video, twice. I have never seen a Canada Goose dive under water. I’ve seen ducks turn upside down in the water to get at something under the surface, with their feet sticking out of the water, but not dive completely like Neve did and resurface somewhere else. I did a trusty Google search about diving geese, and apparently it is rare!

    “Because their legs are placed toward the center of their body, swans and geese walk easily on land but do not dive underwater, according to Sibley (2003).”

    I read in another place in a bird forum, some discussion about geese diving under water, and most people (bird people) have never seen this. One person mentioned it is rare, but saw a gosling do it once to escape a predator.

    I have to say little Neve is one special little Canada Goose. She can run, dive like a seal, and fly soon! Amazing.

  • Jung Roe

    09/07/2022 at 08:59

    In last weeks video about Neve, I really liked the quote the video ended on.

    “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard” – Winnie the Pooh

    That quote and the video was especially meaningful and comforting the last couple days for me, as our family had to say goodbye this evening to our cat Milo we had for 20 years. He left us due to an illness suddenly. The animals we are so fortunate enough to have come into our lives, enrich us so much.

    • Johnnypee Parker

      09/07/2022 at 15:29

      Hi Jung,

      So sorry to hear of Milo’s passing. Twenty years is a long life for a cat. I have had to take that last ride to the vet before. It’s not easy.

      I have always thought outliving our pets helps us learn to deal with loss.

      It sounds like Max and Milo lived happy lives, and that says a lot about their owners. I agree with Jurgen’s sentiment.

      Marlo & JP

  • Jürgen

    09/07/2022 at 10:13

    Jung, when something we loved dearly becomes a memory, then this memory will come with us in love forever.

  • Jung Roe

    14/07/2022 at 03:59

    Thanks guys for the kind words! Was sad for a few days, but better now. My brother said “Milo is with our mom again”, that cheered me up, you see Milo use to spend all day with my mother when she was alive keeping her company.

  • Jung Roe

    11/08/2022 at 03:44

    I absolutely love this! This is so special, you just don’t see Canada Geese and people bonding like this! This is stuff of movies like Born Free. Mona and Lisa, your whole story of finding and raising little Neve from a tiny gosling, to taking her to the vet when she got sick, to releasing her to nature, and all the love you gave her is just amazing and heartwarming, and attests to the wonderful beautiful people you both are. Wow! Thank you for sharing this! And would love to see more of Neve in future posts.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    11/08/2022 at 04:32

    Hey Jung,

    This picture is priceless. I think we have entered into a parallel world. It feels like we are in some Disney musical. I will not be surprised if the animals begin speaking and breaking out in song. Keep an eye out for animated characters on the train. They may be up to some kinda malarkey.

    It’s so kool how Neve let Lisa pick her up. What am I saying? Neve probably jumped up into Lisa’s open arms. They are the Geese Whisperers. What a precious moment that must have been.


  • Jung Roe

    11/08/2022 at 06:55

    Hi JP. That picture of Lisa with Neve is priceless indeed. I’ve never seen such an affectionate picture of a Canada Goose in the arms of a person like that. You never see a goose let a human get so close. That is so special. Mona and Lisa are forever mums to Neve.

  • Jung Roe

    30/10/2022 at 23:40

    I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist! I know we have some cat and animal lovers here, including MLT, so here it goes. Reminds me of my first black alley cat Spooky I had as a child.

    The cat wants to be a goose.

    • Jürgen

      09/11/2022 at 12:59

      Ha, ha, ha, Jung: “Top Cat”. When I look at the neighbor’s cats as they walk through our yard: they are so cute and sweet, but don’t be fooled: Cats are the most underrated pets.

      Look at this…

    • Jürgen

      09/11/2022 at 13:01

      …and this one…

    • Jung Roe

      10/11/2022 at 06:35

      Those are hilarious Jurgen! It looks like Owl Kitty is famous on Youtube. Cats just have amazing personalities.

  • Jung Roe

    30/10/2022 at 23:51

    I love the magnificent image of Neve in flight on the album back cover, and the MLT pens!

    It’s hard to imagine that little fluff ball, “pretty little thing”, chasing Mona and Lisa around in their backyard, has grown into such a majestic animal in the sky. “So many things to see from up there”.

    Godspeed Neve and Frankie!

    • Daryl Jones

      01/11/2022 at 15:58

      I have so much to scroll through I may never catch up. But Neve’s story reminds me of the “Fly Away Home” movie. So touching and many parallels between the two stories. The girls have many gifts beyond music. Impossible not to respect and adore everything they do. Not to discount Papa Rudi at all!

    • Jung Roe

      02/11/2022 at 06:36

      Hi Daryl, well said, couldn’t agree more! I saw that movie Fly Away Home too, it was so touching.

  • Jung Roe

    09/11/2022 at 04:49

    I love Neve and Frankie have made their way to Mona’s groovy denim jacket. I don’t know anyone more cool that Mona, love it.

    Wow everything is so fast, working like a charm!

  • Jung Roe

    14/05/2023 at 07:54

    In my neighbourhood there is an elementary school and a cross walk where often a line of kids cross the street. The other day there is this crow on the side walk that sees all the kids crossing the cross walk. The crow waits for the cars to stop, and then crosses the street along the cross walk behind the kids. It was so cute seeing the crow waddle across the street like it was one of the kids. Birds are such smart animals.

    Here is a heartwarming story of a crow given a chance at life by some loving caring people.

    I hope Neve and Frankie are out there living a free happy and majestic life soaring the skies, a beautiful life Mona and Lisa gave Neve. And I hope they will stop by the pond to say hello to Mona and Lisa.

  • Jung Roe

    30/06/2023 at 06:15

    It is quite amazing in the last year or so we got to see the humanity in Mona and Lisa the way they so lovingly brought two creatures out of the wild that would have faced certain peril, and saved them giving them a new chance at life. The love, care and respect they showed these “lesser creatures” is heart warming and inspiring. It is just an extension of the beauty of their music and art, and the beautiful human beings they are. That is why “Pretty Little Thing” song about Neve at the end of WHY? album is so precious and perfection.

    One of the great journalists, story tellers, and authors of the 20th Century is Jack London famous for his novels “Call Of The Wild”, and “White Fang” and a host of others. Jack London is also honoured by many Animal Rescue and Cruelty Against Animal organizations around the world. Jack London’s passion for animals comes from real life experience from his real life Gold Rush experience.

    In my recent trip to Alaska I took a short train ride up the “White Pass Trail” in Skagway which was the starting ground of many thousands of Klondike gold fever induced prospectors who packed thousands of pounds of supplies on horses, donkeys, and dogs to embark on their perilous journey up the treacherous 45 mile White Pass summit and on to the Canadian Yukon. Great cruelty ensued. After the train trip, I came across this plaque placed a the foot of the White Pass Summit trail, that sank my heart, and led me to discover more about Jack London and the Klondike Gold Rush.

    Here is what the plaque reads:





    OF 1897 – 1898. WE NOW THANK THOSE




    -Placed by the ladies of the Golden North and the Alaska Yukon Pioneers.

  • Jung Roe

    30/06/2023 at 06:18

    Jack London was a journalist and when he was 21, he was one of the hundred of thousands of prospectors who took part in the gold rush and witnessed the cruelty of the “Dead Horse Trail” along the White Pass Trail, and this is what he wrote. There is more about the plight of the pack animals during the Klondike gold rush. History Of The White Pass Trail.

  • Jung Roe

    30/06/2023 at 06:31

    And here is a famous Jack London quote from his novel “The Call Of The Wild”.
    “Beauty Smith was cruel in the way that cowards are cruel…he revenged himself, in turn, upon creatures weaker than he. All life likes power, and Beauty Smith was no exception. Denied the expression of power amongst his own kind, he fell back upon the lesser creatures and there vindicated the life that was in him.”
    -Jack London, Call Of The Wild

    It’s not just the beautiful music that draws me to MLT, but it’s the beauty they express in so many ways, like their beautiful story of Neve.

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