MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion What other songwriters go against the tyrannical narratives of our times?


  • Dave Johnston

    11/01/2023 at 18:14

    Any time there is a debate between people who all mean well but are going in different directions is to take the conversation to a next step….what do each of us offer as solutions to the issue. We live in a Post-Fact media culture and many have opinions about just about everything in just about a nano-second. Conspiracy Theories proliferate with little or no factual merit. To one person the other is drinking the Kool-Aid and visa versa. But many of those that point out the issues with very strong opinions really don’t offer any realistic solutions . Not being a Canadian or living there I can’t feel just as you do Tobias but living in the US many of your feelings are shared here as well by some. I will earnestly listen to anyone on any topic and what their opinion is as long as they remain universally fact/science based, un-partison and wanting to find a solution for everyone…not just rail against the main stream. That’s too easy. The hard part is finding viable solutions. When I protested the Vietnam War I had a solution..get out!! When I went to court to protest some traffic tickets I had a solution…don’t put speed traps in places to maximize collecting revenue but at intersections that are dangerous. When it comes to everyday democracy I’ll speak my mind in a civil manner and vote when it is time. When it comes to the last couple of years it’s been very hard to have definate solutions because the issues have been extremely complex. Decisions though do have to be made. We can’t all lead and each of us doesn’t have all the answers. I don’t think anyone wants to follow another over the cliff. But we all have voices and in many countries a vote…and eventually we have to choose who/what we believe. Living in a mostly free society I am free to express my opinions and offer solutions. At the end of the day I will choose to believe in those whom I trust and believe with what I call “an open mind”. If I am wrong, then I will be wrong. But I will always strive to keep intercourse open with those with whom I disagree in order to do as the Beatles suggest “Come Together”.

    • Tobias Kaiser

      11/01/2023 at 19:31

      None of what I said is “conspiracy theory”, though I know MSM insists on that, despite the fact that primary sources proof theses liars wrong on almost every single front! Whatever you think might be conspiracy touching on this subject, let me know. There’s a very good chance I can rebut backed up it with quotations!

      Solution? Simple! Those who are (mis-)guided by fear and MSM-manipulation, can lock themselves into their homes (free to come out of course), whilst acknowledging that it’s not anyone’s responsibility, but their own, to pacify the manufactured anxieties they’re experiencing. This might sound cruel, but not remotely as cruel as what actually happened (see screen shot in my first exchange with you) which in the spirit of Nazi Germany, but not a free and open society! Again, best example is Sweden (numbers for that are also available – no conspiracy!) that went about life normally and came out the other end WAY better than all the new dictatorships of the “free west”!

      Living in the US, I’m sure you’re aware that the founding fathers were all about personal responsibility and the pursuit of happiness. “Live and let live” with other words. Ben Franklin is quoted as saying that (I paraphrase): “They who can give up liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”. And I must say, I have to agree with him wholeheartedly!

      “I will always strive to keep intercourse open with those whom I disagree in order to come together” …which is very honourable and appreciated. For as do I!

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Tobias Kaiser.
  • Dave Johnston

    11/01/2023 at 19:55

    We can agree to disagree.

    • Tom Fones

      11/01/2023 at 23:15

      Well i feel like i should say…

      Goebbels – the NAZI propaganda minister thought that there should be one

      state-sanctioned media outlet.

      It is now understood that two is better.

      Two sides which appear to disagree which implicit assume the biggest whoppers.

      This serves divide and conquer efficiently.

      We will never appreciate how much common ground we have until we turn off the television.


  • Jung Roe

    12/01/2023 at 00:55

    Tobias, Dave et all, I will just add….

    Democracy is a wonderful thing. When we want change we have an election and let someone else run things for a while. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best thing we have going. So long as we can all agree to disagree respectfully and live in peace and harmony, it can be another beautiful day on this merry go round.

    And when you make us feel alive again
    You never mind who’s right or wrong
    But soft and tender
    Make us surrender
    And show us how to get along

    God, who was the genius songwriter who wrote this?👍🎶✨😁

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    13/01/2023 at 08:11

    That’s a very wise and succinct piece of poetry.

    Another one from “I Bought Myself A Politician” is

    “And on a whim I also bought the opposition
    It’s better to be safe, you never know
    And then for even less
    I also bought the press
    To wrap it up and I was good to go”

    “How much information did they keep from you and me” (Jump Ship)

    From John Lennon’s Gimme Some Truth

    “I’m sick and tired of hearing things
    From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
    All I want is the truth
    Just give me some truth”

    I find it amazing that the Twins, when English is not their native language, can go toe to toe with John Lennon who’s one of the greatest lyricists (sorry Bob Dylan)

    And of course,

    “It’s not red against blue
    And not me against you.”

    When they’re keeping so much information from us, the truth is all that matters. I find it enlightening to find out when I’m wrong, like opening a door to a room I didn’t know was there, learning something new. For several years now, I have dedicated time to reading scientific papers to know what the truth really is, what information they are keeping from me, especially when some narrowminded hypocrite with “the necessary means to influence the worried teens” wants to Make Show. By the time 2020 came around I was glad to be a step ahead. To say that I’m disappointed is the mother of all understatements.

    Two cents, 1) I agree with Jung (again) that bodily autonomy is a must for any free society. If the government can inject it’s population with whatever excuse they come up with, then all we have to look forward is Auschwitz. 2) the other cent goes to Peace. I don’t think we can physically force anyone to do what they don’t want. It’s a tough one because there are some exceptions, but without it there is no sovereignty.


    Both the music and the Lyrics of the MonaLisa Twins give me such an uplifting and joy, especially in these times. 😊

    • Tom Fones

      13/01/2023 at 15:11

      Well said about the Twins

      Speaking of writing well in one’s 2nd language.

      Don Tomas

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      01/02/2023 at 01:01

      Thanks Tom, but I did grow up in a bilingual household. My mum would speak only English to us, so we (my siblings and I) learned both languages. It was more of a “curated” British English, than what a kid in Britain would learn, but still fluent. When I moved to the US 30 years ago, it seemed that I had to learn an entirely new language! I was teased for my pronunciations of aluminum and tomato 😂

    • Tom Fones

      01/02/2023 at 03:14


      ?Como llego usted a Tijuana?

    • Tobias Kaiser

      16/01/2023 at 14:47


  • Tomás F. Calvo

    13/01/2023 at 08:15

    Edit button not working for me either. also all these formatting tags showed up after posting. 🤷‍♂️

  • David Herrick

    13/01/2023 at 15:15

    A couple of weeks ago, in another post, I mentioned that I couldn’t edit my forum submissions. Papa Rudi said it was a bug in the software, and we’d probably just have to wait until they fix it.

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/01/2023 at 15:44

    I’m just going to add… Not everyone is going agree with one’s cup of Opinion Tea/Coffee on Topics but let’s all sip in Respectful Harmony, even if one disagrees … We All Have Our Own Tea/Coffee Preferances…. 💜🤘☮️😊😉

  • Len Upton

    17/01/2023 at 19:10

    If you raise your head, and you’re feeling particularly conspiratorial, you’re sure to find a bogeyman or two under every rock on the landscape. That’s not to say there isn’t the general cross section of bad apples, or less than perfect, humanly constructed, institutions out there. But it’s a bit of a stretch to assume that MLT, as song writers, are necessarily speaking specifically to libertarian pet peeves and biases. “You say you didn’t see that coming” and “You say that you don’t understand” are sufficiently ambiguous, that interpreting the lyrics can easily give credence to a variety of views. It is, after all, a big old, complicated world out there.

    As a piece of satire though, I Bought Myself A Politician is much cleverer, skewering, as it does, virtually every public institution in the U.K. The clownish parade of Prime ministers passing in and out of 10 downing Street, all the while taking themselves oh so seriously, hilariously proves the point of the song.

    Despite the hyperbole of the original premise, the story in Canada comes nowhere close to the definition of a tyranny, and if you’re going to make a fuss over something as innocuous as Covid 19 mask mandates, a relative comparison with other jurisdictions might be useful.

    For example, the theologically challenged theocracy of Iran charges, and publicly executes, those who are currently making war against God. Other developing countries are known to dispense with the niceties of a charge altogether, and simply incarcerate indefinitely. China finds 98% of its citizens charged with a crime, guilty, and either incarcerates them, or sends them to a “re-education” facility, or both. Russia charges and incarcerates for 17 years, those who disagree with its “special military operation” and the Excited States has its 2nd civil war in slow motion, for all the world to see.

    <font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”>If WHY? and If You Raise Your Head, are both about </font>general<font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”> consciousness, or legal, or political evolution, or environmental issues, the question remains, with 8 billion captive inhabitants, is there a definitive </font>timeline<font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”> to “get it right”?</font>

    <font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”>Here are a couple of other MLT lyrics that seems to speak to the topic. They go back a few years now. “Life, give it a chance, you better not think </font>it’s always<font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”> coming up roses”, and “If life has a </font>meaning,<font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”> it’s a meaning that’s too mean to figure out”. Glass half full, or glass half empty?</font>

    <font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”>Cheers everyone! </font>

    • Tobias Kaiser

      18/01/2023 at 00:51

      Hi Len,

      The truth is already coming to light, and so it is interesting to me that even in this fan club there is still a fair amount of people defending everything that has transpired throughout the last 34 months. I didn’t really start this thread to seek a debate, but once again I feel compelled to respond to a couple of things that were said. You said: “it’s a bit of a stretch to assume that MLT, as song writers, are necessarily speaking specifically to libertarian pet peeves and biases.”

      With all due respect, they are not just “pet peeves and biases” of Libertarians! They are inalienable rights – and as such essential freedoms, which are enshrined in most constitutions of the so called “free west” – that have been trampled on by undemocratic means! Eg. Nobody is ever to tell you whether or not you can leave your house, meet your family or go to church. Any order to desist from such activities is an unheard of, unholy transgression and also an abuse of “the science” (which has always been about discovery and learning, but not about fear mongering and imposing).

      The MLT are indeed very freedom loving people. Look up Mona’s response to my comment below their latest video release “If raise your head”. You’ll find that she called herself a freedom nut! 🙂 Furthermore, I’d suggest, you have a closer listen, or read the lyrics of “I bought myself a politician” (the “universal scientist and generous philanthropist” is obviously a reference to Bill Gates), OR “Make Show”, OR “Jump Ship”, OR “Why?”… you’ll know they speak for freedom, personal ownership, normalcy and most importantly against the current narrative.

      Lastly, no offence, but to say that something awful (Canada) isn’t so bad, because there’s something worse (Iran), to me has the feel of camouflage tactics by an apologist. Of course there is worse! You can even find worse than Iran in North Korea! But does that justify any degree of abuse or criminal energy! No it doesn’t! And just in case you may not be aware of the degree of abuse that has been taken place in Canada most recently, let me post this again 👇

  • Tobias Kaiser

    18/01/2023 at 01:06

    PS: This exchange has never been about mask mandates and if you think there was some kind of hyperbole, then I’d like to know what that was.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    18/01/2023 at 02:55
    • Tom Fones

      18/01/2023 at 03:07

      Very nice choice Johnnypee

    • Jung Roe

      19/01/2023 at 04:35

      Great video and song JP. That was all filmed right in my backyard. The beach scene is from Stanley Park looking across the Burrard Inlet over to the North Shore and the mountains of North Vancouver, my neighbourhood where I grew up. And I know those totem poles very well in the park. 👍🙂

  • Johnnypee Parker

    18/01/2023 at 02:57

    <div>This is petty kool..</div>

  • Jung Roe

    19/01/2023 at 05:16

    Perhaps a friendly reminder is in order here of the MLT Club guidelines:

    Our admins will make it a priority to keep this place pleasant and interesting for everyone, so that you will want to invite your friends to join the MLT Club, too. If you want to help us keeping things groovy please consider and encourage the following guidelines:
    …please stay away from discussing politics, religion and other highly personal subjects.

    We all enjoy a thought provoking lively discussion here, but let’s respect MLT wishes and stay away from discussing politics, religion etc.. as these topics tend to devolve into unpleasant fruitless discussions. I know this all too well as I’ve been a culprit too in the past that I deeply regret.

    Let’s all discuss our passion for MLT and music, which is why we are all here! 🙂

    • Dave Johnston

      19/01/2023 at 16:55

      Thx for the reminder and Frank is exactly right…that’s why I visit the site daily to get a scoop of Joy. I shouldn’t have gone down that rabbit hole and felt bad that I even engaged. I got out quickly but should not have taken the bait in the first place.

    • Jeannette Wannamaker

      19/01/2023 at 20:50

      Thanks, Jung. Well said and a good reminder for us all! We are united in our passion and our support for the MLT. In that unity, we can leave our personal differences in other areas of life behind, at least for a little while, when we come to this sanctuary of peace, love, and grooviness!

    • Jacki Hopper

      19/01/2023 at 21:00

      I agree Jung and the other day posted a polite similarly reply in regards to this … I enjoy #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Unity of Harmony …. 💜✌️🤘☮️

    • Tobias Kaiser

      20/01/2023 at 05:37

      This thread was merely an enquiry about what artist with similar viewpoints might be out there. It was never meant to be a place of contention (and I don’t think it really was, because we ARE treating each other respectfully).

      Having said that, I don’t think it is deniable that some of MLTs songs carry heavy political messages. And so I would welcome a place were the subject matter and philosophy, as what drives the messaging in these kind of songs, can be discussed. I understand that not everyone finds this pleasurable, but after all, what good are political lyrics when – being what they are… political – they cannot be talked about on the platform of the band who wrote them? But perhaps this requires a different area behind a disclaimer wall?! This is where I’d be curious what Mona & Lisa have to say.

    • Len Upton

      20/01/2023 at 16:43

      Indeed, at the end of the song, the lyrics repeatedly ask “tell me what you see”…..

    • Jung Roe

      21/01/2023 at 06:03

      Hi Tobias,

      I don’t think MLT nor their music is political at all, instead it’s about the corruption, and deception, and general issues like war and intolerance that plagues humanity even today. People can interpret it to support their own personal views, but the lyrics are non specific and calls out generic issues like deception in places of power etc… There are songs about freedom and the environment…and people getting along etc..And I agree with you that this post was in fact an enquiry about what artists with similar viewpoints are out there, and that is why I contributed and many other members too, and the discussion was pleasant and enjoyable. Once specific politicians are called out and very specific issues mentioned, that’s when it becomes political. Political and religious discussions tear even families apart, and so that is why MLT guidelines are very specific about not discussing politics here.

      I don’t mean to imply you nor anyone here was behaving disrespectfully to one another, and meant no offence, and hope to be able to discuss other interesting issues that MLT music evokes with you and others here. I consider myself a freedom nut too! 🙂

    • Tobias Kaiser

      30/01/2023 at 05:27

      Hi Jung,

      You said: “I don’t think MLT nor their music is political at all, instead it’s about the corruption, and deception”

      By that measure one may argue that our exchange wasn’t political either. But okay 🙂

      I understand that songs are always up for interpretation and are interpreted differently by different people. I recently came across ChatGTP, which is a new AI, that is quite advanced in responding fairly intelligently to questions or requests you might have (it’s kind of scary actually!). I went ahead and asked it for an interpretation of the lyrics of some of the more “controversial” MLT songs, which was actually quite fun! Enjoy!

    • Jung Roe

      30/01/2023 at 05:39

      Wow Tobias, that is awesome! I’ve heard about ChatGTP on the news, but never seen it in practice until now, and I have to say I am totally impressed. It leaves Google search and SIRI in the dust.

      I love the interpretation it deduced from the MLT lyrics, and I have to say I am 100% on board with Mona and Lisa’s take on the world issues as interpreted here by ChatGTP! Mona and Lisa are my heroes. As Mona and Lisa stated in some Q&A’s their music is meant for interpretation. Thanks for sharing this. 👍🙂

    • Jeannette Wannamaker

      30/01/2023 at 21:50

      Wow! That is accurate analysis coming from AI! Can it also make broader connections between songs, themes, etc.? I’d be worried if I were a university professor trying to grade papers!

    • David Herrick

      30/01/2023 at 22:05

      Community college teacher here. Glad I at least teach science and not English! All I can do is tell my students that if they copy and paste this sort of stuff on homework assignments, they will be utterly unprepared for the exams.

      It’s still an issue for my on-line classes, though. I used to be able to require on-line students to come to campus to take exams under supervision in the testing center, but the college has waived that in the interest of increasing enrollments. Retirement can’t get here fast enough!

    • Jeannette Wannamaker

      30/01/2023 at 22:16

      That is the sad thing, isn’t it, the fact that students are cheating themselves of the learning that happens when they wrestle with material to complete their own work? I remember as a student, reading and reading, then struggling with making the connections and coming up with something interesting and useful to write. Even the process of writing my thoughts down required mental struggle. But the moment it all came together was so rewarding – I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything!

    • Christopher

      31/01/2023 at 01:07

      Like anything worthwhile, it is the process that counts…it doesn’t matter if it is hitting a baseball to the opposite field, learning to bunt, or writing a dissertation. The overall end-result is super, but it is how one gets there that makes it an accomplishment.

      It is a big reason why the Studio Scribbles are so cool, they are a snapshot of the process. Same with the Behind the Scenes, they show the evolution of the final product. And don’t get me started about the Duo Sessions…all the preparation that goes into Mona’s and Lisa’s instrumental prowess always is evident.

      Students are losing their critical thinking skills due to the advancement of technology. It gets frustrating, but we are doing our best in trying to make them think; and hopefully to research properly. Sometimes, I do not mind the ease in which they can find stuff…but know why, question why. Do not do things by rote.

      Just as a side note…Lady Jane Beagle’s surgery went well. The doctor was able to utilize a local, and was able to remove the entire growth. Will have to wait for pathology, of course. Lady is a little sore, but she is being pampered, which she loves!

    • Tom Fones

      31/01/2023 at 01:32

      Great News!

    • David Gagnon

      31/01/2023 at 01:35

      Glad the surgery went well!

    • Jeannette Wannamaker

      31/01/2023 at 13:58

      I’m so glad to hear that the surgery was successful! Good news indeed! I hope that today finds Lady Jane Beagle feeling one step better in her recovery.

      You hit of the nail on the head, Christopher, with what you wrote about education – learning definitely happens in the process of whatever we are trying to achieve. Critical thinking is the casualty of skimming the surface of an ocean of information without diving deeper. One thing I appreciated about my daughter’s elementary school was the practice of presenting information that was allowed to sink in deeply over a few days through reflection, class discussion, creating one’s own notebook entries, art, music, etc. before moving on to new information. While this meant covering less information, it led to the development of critical thinking skills. Here are a couple of samples from her notebooks, written with fountain pen in grade 7. The students were required to add borders to their notes and draw their own maps freehand.

    • Christopher

      01/02/2023 at 02:58

      The work that your daughter did is very impressive. Her writing, map-making, and artistic skills were evident at a young age. An outstanding school and an outstanding student!

    • Tom Fones

      30/01/2023 at 22:29

      David H.

      education has been subordinated to the profit motive.

      Br strong. Have a great retirement.

    • David Herrick

      30/01/2023 at 22:30

      Thanks, Tom. Unfortunately, my retirement is still 10 or 15 years away!

    • Tobias Kaiser

      31/01/2023 at 05:15

      You’ll have to just try it out:<wbr>blog/chatgpt/

    • Jeannette Wannamaker

      31/01/2023 at 13:59

      Thanks! I think I will – I’ll let you know what comes back.

  • Frank De Giacomo

    19/01/2023 at 06:03

    We’ll said and much appreciated Jung.

    I was scrolling the site, enjoying sone archives and videos as I do to get the great enjoyment of seeing the amazing Wagner twins fill me with joy. I happened on the thread that had several long discussions related to things I get on the MLT site to avoid. Not to disagree or be disagreeable, but there are many other sites for those discussions for those who feel so inclined. I hope the MLT Club remains a sanctuary for great music by great and supremely talented people for the joy of the members. No offense intended to anyone…

  • Dave Johnston

    19/01/2023 at 16:35

    Couldn’t agree more!!! Thx.

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