MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion What particular MLT songs make you happy/laugh/tear-up the most !?

  • What particular MLT songs make you happy/laugh/tear-up the most !?

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 10/06/2022 at 16:23

    Ok, I’m limiting your choices to only 2 as to not cause glitches , etc on here if one posts too many links/photos in one posting ( it seems to occur when too many links are posted in one posting)…

    What my Q Topic is …

    What 2 MLT songs in particular for you , make you happy/laugh/tearing up – as in Emotional for Tearing Up!? …

    Perhaps this has already been asked previous and I’ve just forgotten and my apologies , if that is the case, but for more recent newer members, I thought it be groovy to ask … it’ll be tough to decide, I know but there must be specific/particular ones that stand out, and I’m interested in the replies …

    It( as in faves, etc ) constantly changes, as they(songs) are equal in my mind but once in awhile, maybe mood, situation etc, inspires/reflects the song selections

    But for this topic, these songs are what comes to mind for now…

    For me : Laughing ones : Bus Stop cover & That’s Life

    Happy ones : Once Upon A Time & If You Ever Ever Make Up Your Mind cover w/John Sebastian

    Tearing Up Ones ( Emotional ) : Wide Wide Land & Best Years Of Our Lives cover

    Okay, your turn now … looking forward to all your replies/song choices for this topic…????

    Fred van der Wees replied 2 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    10/06/2022 at 17:15

    Hi Jacki

    I think it’s always great when we can express our MLT passion, even if it’s been done before, because the ebb and flow of life constantly changes and refreshes. We should all do it more.

    These choices can change from day to day or week to week, but here are mine that come to mind for today.

    Laughing ones : I Wanna Kiss You (and I Wanna Kiss You behind the scenes video too), Day Dream.

    Happy ones : San Francisco (such happy memories for me from San Francisco elevated by MLT), Baby Mine (love the guitar playing, Mona and Lisa look so cool, my guitar heroes)

    Tearing Up Ones ( Emotional ) : The Wide, Wide Land, and Songbird (both songs pull at my heart strings. So much longing)

  • Jung Roe

    10/06/2022 at 17:19
  • David Herrick

    10/06/2022 at 17:25

    laughs: Bus Stop and Maxwell’s Silver Hammer

    smiles: I Don’t Know Birds That Well and Till There Was You

    tears: Imagine and Both Sides Now

  • Jürgen

    11/06/2022 at 09:13

    Hi Jacki,

    here are my favorites:

    funny: Bus Stop (very clear my all time favorite) / One more time

    smile: Wonderful Christmast Time

    tears: No tears. When I listen to M&L I only have fun

  • Tom Fones

    11/06/2022 at 15:19

    Nice thought Jacki,

    i couldn’t do better than Wide Wide Land & Songbird for sad songs.

    It’s hard to think of any better song than “When We’re Together” for happy songs

  • Bill Isenberg

    14/06/2022 at 15:27

    Hello Jacki great post! So here goes

    Laughing ones…..One more time , Maxwells silver hammer , Questionare , I bought myself a politician

    Happy ones ….Baby of mine, World without love, This boy is mine , When were together , Drive my car

    Emotional songs ….Wide Wide Land, Sounds of Silence , Stary Stary Night, Count on Me ( my favorite ) Best Years of our lives

    My goodness I could go on with each one but let me add one more?

    One that gets you pumped up and makes you jump up and dance

    Drive my car, Revolution, Kansas City , The Last Time , Just to name a few


  • Jung Roe

    15/06/2022 at 04:52

    Here is another favourite MLT video, gives a glimpse into the MLT Cavern days behind the scene. Love the back stage footages, like hanging out with Mona and Lisa and the band backstage. And their performance sounds so awesome, love the chord progressions.

  • Jung Roe

    15/06/2022 at 06:28

    For moving and emotional, this one can’t go unmentioned as one of my faves.

  • Bill Isenberg

    15/06/2022 at 17:42

    Good posts Jung! I agree 100%

  • Christopher

    16/06/2022 at 02:16

    Happy: No More Worries Company; Won’t You Listen Now; That’s Life

    Laugh: I Want to Kiss You; One More Time (both the songs and the Behind the Scenes)

    Tear-up: In It for Love; Close to You

    Songs that make you think and reflect: Dreams; I Bought Myself a Politician

    That does not even include my favorite covers: If I Fell, Vincent, Please Please Me, Bus Stop; Here Comes the Sun

    Oh man, I have to stop, the list of both originals and covers would go on for days!

  • Christopher

    16/06/2022 at 02:29

    Sorry, have to add some from the first concert…different feelings:

    Wonderful Tonight: Lisa was very tentative to start, then she relaxed and put on a fantastic performance. My reaction…”wow”

    Twist and Shout: Mona’s “c’mon, c’mon c’mon baby now” while banging those drums. My reaction…”hey hey”

    All My Lovin: Daddy/Daughter time with Papa Rudi and Lisa. Watch how Papa encourages Lisa throughout the song. My reaction…”this is so nice”

    Ain’t No Sunshine: Lisa’s soul and bass playing and that fantastic Mona drum solo. My reaction…”awe”

    I Will: Mona’s lead guitar and the happy, relaxed state that Lisa was in throughout the song. I think she was amused by Mona’s tongue clicking. My reaction…”a huge smile”

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/06/2022 at 03:18

    Lol….enjoying all your replies.. but couldn’t keep it at only 2 could ya ?! …lol…so much for that limitation notion I included …. I know ….it is hard.. I’d be inclined to say All Equally in their own ways … Thankyou for the replies…loving everyone’s choices ……????

  • Fred van der Wees

    17/06/2022 at 16:57

    Songs which make me “happy”: Lola”” and “No more worries company

    Song which makes me laugh: “Questionable”

    Emotional song: “Vincent”

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