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  • What’s a typical day been like?

    Posted by Jung Roe on 02/08/2020 at 22:52

    Hi Mona and Lisa.
    Hope you are both doing well and your parents too! As they cautiously open things up in the UK, hope you are all able to get out and enjoy the beautiful summer as much as possible safely.

    Today I went out to do some errands and started listening to your Duo Sessions album in the car and I was overwhelmed by the beauty of it. It reminded me just how much beauty you bring into this world through your music and all you do with the MLT Club and the social media. It gives me hope and makes me believe this world is going to be OK despite the increasing craziness of the pandemic that has gripped our world these days. I am so thankful for you both, and the MLT Club which has been a haven of beauty and comfort every day these past many months of the lockdowns. I’m so happy to be on this musical journey of yours!

    Anyway, I guess I should ask a question at this point. 🙂  Just curious what has a typical day for Mona and Lisa been like these past 4 or 5 months of the lock downs? How have you all been keeping your sanity? Have you been able to get enough exercise in as I know staying fit is very important to you both?

    Big hugs to you both and the warmest wishes to your entire family. Stay safe!

    Yellow red hearts small

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    02/08/2020 at 22:54

    Hi Jung,
    Hearing how much our music and this Club gave you comfort during the lockdown makes us truly happy. The Club and everyone here has done the same for us.

    Luckily, a lot of our day-to-day life has stayed surprisingly similar to how it was before the lockdown. We can continue to record music, practise our instruments, film videos, work on our Social Media posts and the MLT Club, and that’s what’s making up the majority of our day so not a lot has changed.

    Of course, we can’t see our friends as much, or in the way we would like to see them, but we’re using Skype for virtual hangouts or meet outside with plenty of space. All outdoor events, races and concerts were cancelled but we’re doing virtual races instead and are going to outdoor fitness classes with our friends and family. We’re catching up with our extended family in Austria via Skype but that was the same before the lockdown.

    We’ve also started doing daily jam sessions in the studio which is probably the best thing that has come out of all of this 🙂 We also do lots of home workouts together anyway and try to get out in nature whenever possible.

    So yes, luckily we were able to keep a lot of our daily routines the same. We are mainly doing studio work at the moment and didn’t have to cancel any live shows, so in a weird way things seemed to happen at the right time for us. We are well aware of how much more disastrous this lockdown could have been if we would have been in any other stage of our career or if we would have prioritised things differently for 2020.

    We hope things will change soon but we will have to wait and see. The arbitrariness and ambiguity with which all of this is unfolding is worrying to say the least. Time will tell but hopefully we’ll be able to look back on all this and say we have learnt a lesson or two.

    I hope you are dealing well with the whole situation. Take care, stay groovy,


  • Jung Roe

    03/08/2020 at 02:25

    Hi Lisa!  Thanks so much for sharing what you’ve all been up to and how you’ve been dealing with the pandemic restrictions where you are.  It’s so great to hear all the cancellations and changes in the music industry these days haven’t affected nor negatively impacted your music and projects, and it just goes to show your plans, priorities, and focus on studio work, new music, videos, etc have been the right ones.  I saw an NBC news report the other day about how so many famous musicians and artists are being forced to redefine what they do, and change how they reach their audience etc, and compared to them you guys are light years ahead in online presence etc which attests to your music industry wisdom and foresight from long ago.

    In Western Canada while we managed to flatten the curve down last month, things are starting to uptick again and it’s getting concerning.  Hopefully people will do the the right things.  I’m just thankful to be in my own situation right now to ride things out.

    Take care, and all the best to you, Mona, and your parents!



  • Jacki Hopper

    03/08/2020 at 02:54

    While in Ottawa, we were flattening, but with Stages 2 and now 3, now in effect, we’re  starting to see new cases again double digits, which isn’t  surprising,  but what worries me most, is the lack of abidement/adherence/respect with some folks who feel this is not to be taken seriously,  and not wear masks, gloves,  keeping safe distances, etc.  There are  those exempted  legitimately  due to medical reasons,  etc but as for those  just being pompous  with/of their attitudes  with all of this,  well, they  kind of are making this linger longer…. if only they’d  use their common sense…I’m wearing my nask/gloves , keeping  safe distances best I can when I’m out n about… I’m glad Team MLT is coping well… I did have a sort of meltdown back in April, but MLT Music, MLT Club, love/support from family and friends have helped…and…its allowed me to be creative even more poetically and drawing wise??

  • Jung Roe

    03/08/2020 at 05:20

    Jacki, for me too the best part was the opportunity for the creative bug to hit, I got to explore a  bit of drawing that I enjoyed, and loved getting back into the piano.

  • Jung Roe

    03/08/2020 at 06:47

    BTW Lisa, wasn’t sure what you meant by “virtual race”, so looked it up. Wow had no idea you could participate in virtual race challenges using Fitness Apps like Fitbit, Apple Watch etc.  There’s a whole world of virtual cycling or running challenge competitions online that even involve winning medals.  Looks fun and cool!  thumbup

    The Conquerer Virtual Fitness Challenges website (excerpt):

    Conquer Your Fitness Goals With Every Mile That You Do!
    Spice up your motivation for running, walking or cycling (or any distance based exercise) by taking on one of our virtual fitness challenges.

    Each challenge can be completed in the timeframe that suits you, either individually or in teams.

    Connect your favorite fitness apps or manually log your running, walking, cycling etc distances on our award-winning “My Virtual Mission” mobile app or through our website.

  • Bill Isenberg

    08/08/2020 at 16:04

    Jung and Mona and Lisa,

    Here in the USA, the virus was getting better but took a turn for the worst in some states and school and outdoor concerts and activity’s are being pushed back or canceled. So hard times for sure in the USA, BUT as Jung mentioned, I feel the same. I thank god every day for the Mona Lisa Twins and the club. It makes my day better and knowing that you two are in in it and saying stay groovy makes it so much easier to get by. I am still working and on my way home I pick one CD to play on my way home and I feel so much better listening and singing along, I am a tenor and I can sing with you both but sometimes I have to back out on the falsettos ….LOL…Yesterday I had the Orange Album on and just love You can count on me because I can count on the Mona Lisa Twins to make things right in this crazy world.  So in short my typical day is listening to the Mona Lisa Twins and catching up with the club. I have a 7 year old Grand Daughter who lives with us and she loves you both as well and loves Wide Wide Land and Two of us!!! Her name is Maddie and she also helps brighten up our days. She is a sweetie! So take care twins and Jung you as well my friend!

    Bill Isenberg A Huge Fan from Pittsburgh PA USA

  • Jung Roe

    09/08/2020 at 02:35

    Thanks Bill!  There’s probably no better way than to enjoy MLT music than singing along for those who can sing.   I don’t have much confidence singing so haven’t tried singing along with MLT songs, but perhaps when I’m alone in the car next time.   🙂   I’m sure MLT would be thrilled to hear about Maddie digging their music!

    All the very best to you, Maddie and your family.


  • Jacki Hopper

    09/08/2020 at 03:37

    That’s exactly  what I do, sing along all the time  to MLT songs, when listening, just love singing…I even , a long time ago,  on YouTube  , uploaded  a video of me singing along to MLT tunes….can’t  however do that on a bus/LRT, so it’s  only relegated  to when I’m home, that I do this of….lol?????

  • Bill Isenberg

    12/08/2020 at 01:45

    Jung and Jacki and Mona and Lisa,

    Today on the way home I had the first Mona Lisa CD covering the Beatles and again trying to sing along …LOL….But my god you both do such an amazing job. For instance, Revolution Mona sings her heart out and Lisa tears it up on the lead Guitar, I am in traffic swaying back and forth and when it was over? I yelled out loud…YEA!!! THEN the song that grabbed me in 2018 and never looked back The Last Time, again Mona rocking on the vocals and Lisa on lead. This past weekend, we had a cookout and my son pulled up his cell phone with music and guess what the first one was? Lola …yep Lola and then I went in and pulled out the CD’S and we listened to the Orange Album and my son loves Club 27, and I agree such a rocker of a tune that stands up against any classic rock band in my book! So our typical day this past weekend was family and Mona Lisa Twins!!!  But great idea Jacki about doing a video of  singing along with you ladies but my bucket list wish is to play my drums with the both of you doing For what its worth, after seeing the performance in the Club I want to rock out on my drums with that song!!! Jung, how can you not sing along with the Mona Lisa Twins?   And my little Maddie sends her love. I will send a picture of her to you all once I learn how to do it….LOL…

    Bill Isenberg A Huge Fan from Pittsburgh PA USA

  • Jung Roe

    12/08/2020 at 06:06

    Bill, when it comes to those rock and roll lead vocals, Mona is magic indeed.  You Really Got Me, Revolution, The Last Time, Lola on and on one wow and Lisa is one of the finest lead guitarist to walk the earth, and can she do magic with vocals too with songs like Both Sides Now, and She’s Leaving Home.  Together they got any genre of music covered, and that diversity spills over into their originals too from Club 27 to Still a Friend of Mine.

    Yeah, you’re right I shouldn’t shy away from singing along, not when it comes to MLT songs.

  • Bill Isenberg

    14/08/2020 at 00:44

    Jung and club members,

    So here is my take, what act or group, does what these ladies do? Only a handful, and let me explain what I mean. They can rock the roof off the house, Johnny B Good, Club 27, Lola, Revolution, For whats it worth…etc….ok? Then great songs like Bring us the change, Sweet Lorraine, That’s life, When Were Together…etc..ok then lovely songs like Wide Wide Earth, Still a friend of mine, Count on me…etc…Ok. My point is, they can do it all from Rocking it out to fun songs to lovely songs. Some groups can only do one thing only but not Mona and Lisa can do it all in my book. So how can you not love the Mona Lisa twins!!!!!

  • Howard

    14/08/2020 at 01:34

    So true Bill. And it gets even better, as I posted yesterday in the Lisa vs. Mona Topic:

    “The MonaLisa Twins take it to the extreme though. Singers, songwriters, mult-instrumentalists, recording engineers, producers. Add to that video production, marketing and distribution and you really do have the complete package.”

    I like your alternate titles for “Waiting For The Waiter” and “The Wide Wide Land”!

  • Bill Isenberg

    21/08/2020 at 01:08

    So today on my way home from work I had the first Beatle Cover CD And my day was not a lets just say good one, but the first track Revolution made it all go away, wow such energy on this track. Thanks Ladies!

  • Jung Roe

    22/08/2020 at 09:00

    Bill, I can relate completely.   Sometimes the best part of my day was listening to MLT on the train to and from work.  I remember Nothing Is In Vain early in the morning felt so awesome riding the train into work listening to it as the sun would rise, and the beauty of the mountains and water along the route would light up.  Then coming home, “Dreams” always felt perfect, got me in a peaceful relaxed mood for the train ride home.

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