MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs What’s Been The most challenging songs to record so far!?

  • Rudolf Wagner

    03/06/2020 at 20:13

    Hi Jacki,
    Different songs come with different challenges but “It’s Alright” from ORANGE definitely gave us a headache for a while. Not because it is a very complex song or because any part of it was particularly hard to play or sing, but because it took us quite a lot of tries until we found the right arrangement. Oh the amount of times we scrapped and re-recorded everything ?

    We really like how it turned out but not unlike “Once Upon A Time”, we had to twist and turn and scramble it around for a bit until we were happy with it.

  • Jung Roe

    03/06/2020 at 20:25

    Jacki, Lisa, love the question and answer.  All the extra insight into the songs like this make it so much more special.  When I hear “It’s Alright”, I will listen to it with that much more appreciation given the extra challenge that went into it!  🙂  The amount of time it was “scrapped and redone” reminds me of when I attempt a sketch.  But in the end when you get it the way you want finally, it feels so rewarding!

  • Jacki Hopper

    04/06/2020 at 02:41

    Thankyou Lisa, for answering my Q,  and indeed, you’re  answer , quite fascinating, and  ( pardon the  pun here but)…  ‘ It’s Alright’, in the fact that you  had encountered some challenges on these particular songs, but out of it all, with perseverance and  knowing when at long last all felt right with the arrangements to record  for to be on ORANGE album….Good Things Come To Those Who Wait,  If At First , You Don’t  Succeed, Try and Try Again…..Never Give Up, just Keep On….?

  • Howard

    04/06/2020 at 07:26

    Now Jacki, have you been listening to Jimmy Cliff?

    Good advice for us all. The MLT are masters at it. They never give up!

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/06/2020 at 03:02

    No, Howard, never heard tell of him, ….lol…until you posted this video….

  • Michael Rife

    10/06/2020 at 20:34

    I just listen to both of those songs a few minutes ago from the Orange CD.  Today I loaded up the Bose player with five of my favorite CDs and made sure to make it eclectic:

    1)Meet/With the Beatles

    2)  CD#1 of a 3 CD collection of Classical music

    3) CSN’s 1st LP

    4) Donovan’s Greatest Hit

    5 ) Orange

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