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  • What’s Considered To Be Your Fave Go To ComfortFood/Drink!?

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 18/08/2020 at 23:43

    Hi, always trying to think of Qs that aren’t  necessarily generic, but perhaps with a twist…lol

    So here goes it:  I know Chef Lisa is the the key Housecook at CafeGroovyWagners, but we have witnessed Mona being sous chef in some capacity… Do you all ( Team MLT), have specific Fave  Go To Comfort Foods/Beverages, ( a specific food, meal, tea, smoothie,beverage) that fulfills your hunger/thirst, Groovifies your tastebuds, tummysmiles that you enjoy, or as long as it looks, smells, yummy, anything goes…lol !???‍??‍?

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 1 month ago 8 Members · 42 Replies
  • 42 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    18/08/2020 at 23:43

    I’m currently sitting at my desk with a steaming cup of tea + milk + cinnamon with a homemade coconut-ginger cookie to dunk into so I guess that answers the question. After a heatwave here in the UK it’s back to good ol’ rain so the snacks have changed accordingly ?

  • Jung Roe

    18/08/2020 at 23:51

    That sounds delicious Lisa.  When it comes to tea, just thought you’d like to know that Canadians are very proud of their Red Rose tea in case you tire of the British brands.  🙂

    Great question Jacki!


  • Michael Rife

    19/08/2020 at 01:24

    Comfort food:   Has to be Ice Cream.  Comfort Drink: Canadian Blended Whiskey. e.g. Crown Royal or Canadian Mist or Canadian Club…….but I do not over do it.  Funny story and it is totally true.  I was out once with my wife on one of our dates after music practice and we went to a restaurant and they asked me if I wanted a drink.  I said Crown and 7 meaning Crown Royal with 7-up to make the drink tame.  Well……….they gave me Crown Royal mixed with Seagrems 7 straight.  I took the first sip thinking it was going to be Crown and 7-up and it really caught me by surprise…..cleared my sinuses and everything.  We mentioned it to the waiter and she said she would fix me a new one free of charge…….but I saw it as a challenge and drank the whole thing.  Needless to say I only needed on drink.  Mike.

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/08/2020 at 01:35

    Lisa…Lol…The others got to reply to you  before I  had a chance to, to which I’m now doing, Thankyou Lisa for your reply…Both the  tea and cookies sounds yummy…. a good combo…. I’ve been making Blueberry Chocochip Smoothies,  and Blueberry  Freezer Jam, BlueberryChocoChip muffins with local blueberries available  at the 2 outdoor farmers market I frequent in Summer to buy veggies and blueberries/cherries from…. also the smoothies were ideal during the heatwave here in Ottawa when it was here, I’m always more thirsty than hungry when humid hot, so the smoothies were ideal…

    And as Jung said, Red Rose  Tea is the first choice I believe for tea, at least with me it is both regular Orange pekoe  and the Decaf Orange Pekoe….but when at Tim Hortons  fulfilling my Tea Cravings from there, it’s the English Breakfast, or Orange Pekoe…

    I recall sending you all some Red Rose Tea and Maple Leaf cookies along  with other Canadian  stuff, Tshirts a few yrs ago….

    Here’s to Tea n Cookies ??????

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 04:24

    “homemade coconut-ginger cookie”. Ah! Can I see another cooking show coming on. Long overdue. I still can’t forget those two you made early on in the Club.

    Now Jacki, you also seem to be an awesome cookie cooker! And I know you are a big Tim Hortons patron. I was a big tea drinker in the sixties and seventies, but have since become a big coffee drinker, probably due to the convenience of new coffee machines. I do miss those tea parties though. There’s nothing like putting the kettle on for a pot of tea when guests arrive.

    Nice video Jung. However, only one side of the audio was working for me and I missed the punchline. What is his final comment?

  • David Herrick

    19/08/2020 at 05:20

    Howard, I think the last thing he said was “Pity.”  Funny commercial!

    I don’t know if I represent most Americans, but for me, tea is basically a flavor of Kool-Aid.  I go for a long walk in the hot sun, and when I get back I reach into the fridge and take a few swigs from a big plastic jug of sweet tea.  None of that cultured, extended-pinky stuff for me.


  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 05:27

    “ but for me, tea is basically a flavor of Kool-Aid.“

    You Americans are a weird and wonderful mob!

  • David Herrick

    19/08/2020 at 06:10
  • Jacki Hopper

    19/08/2020 at 06:47

    Lol, yes David they have it in grocery stores in Canada along with Nestea, but I hate the stuff, I’ve tried Nestea along time ago, gagged just about  on it, won’t  try this PureLeaf stuff either…Nope not a fan by no means of it…If ever I wanted real iced tea, I’d prefer to make it homemade,  not store-bought.?..I’m a tea person all the way, hate coffee taste but it smells good… I’ve been drinking tea all my life as did my Mom, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents,  etc, though they all drank coffee too, Dad did not like tea much  preferred his coffee , my older brother are coffee folk as is my sis in law …lol…

    I ? Tea…Red Rose Orange Pekoe/Decaf…Tim Hortons English Breakfast/Orange Pekoe, McDs Orange Pekoe, if I eat in a restaurant,  Orange Pekoe…. I also enjoy Irish & Scottish Breakfast Teas….☕

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 06:51

    We have plenty of flavoured iced teas in Australia (Lemon, Lemon/Lime, passionfruit, pineapple, strawberry, mango etcetera), which we mainly drink in summer, but I have never seen your “Pure Leaf” tea before.

    My go to tea these days is Matcha tea. A little more expensive than other teas but worth the extra. I can recommend it and well worth doing some research for the health benefits.

    From Wikipedia:

    “Matcha is finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves, traditionally consumed in East Asia. It is special in two aspects of farming and processing: the green tea plants used for matcha are shade-grown for three to four weeks before harvest, and the stems and veins are removed during processing. During shaded growth, the plant Camellia sinensis produces more theanine and caffeine. The powdered form of matcha is consumed differently from tea leaves or tea bags, as it is suspended in a liquid, typically water or milk.”

  • Jung Roe

    19/08/2020 at 06:58

    [postquote quote=101235][/postquote]
    But David, you haven’t experienced Red Rose yet.  You will be saying PITY too!  🙂

    Howard, Matcha sounds interesting.  I think I tried it in Starbucks, but not the ones you can buy at the groceries.  I drink a lot of green tea after hearing about all the benefits, but should give that Matcha try.

  • David Herrick

    19/08/2020 at 07:05

    Okay, thanks.  I feel reassured now.  “Pure Leaf” is just a brand name, and it comes in several flavors.

    Jung, I’d happily try Red Rose if it’s sweetened and iced.  Otherwise it wouldn’t be a fair comparison.  I don’t understand the appeal of hot tea.


  • Jacki Hopper

    19/08/2020 at 07:14

    Lol…I forgot to mention….the time Red Rose Tea offered up tiny figurines collections in the  teaboxes, it was a collection set, I still have one or 2 of the tiny figurines… I’ve drank Tetley, if no Red Rose is available,  ( love the cartoon guys from Tetley ads)…

    Not keen on green tea, the taste turns me off and it bothers me, perhaps I’m allergic to it… Thus my hesitation on not trying Matcha at all.. I can no longer drink loose leaf teas , because of my food/nut allergies, the TEASTORE( name of teashop in Ottawa ), which I used to frequent before my nut allergies transpired,  as some teas now have nut piece/flavor bits in them, and they can’t guarantee no cross contamination  on premises of shop as they deal with loose leaf. Other Teashops I enjoyed some teas from before my allergies, were Teaopia/David’s  Tea….

    I also use a Keurig/Microwave to make tea, and rarely use my kettle, I have no patience much for it…lol

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 07:39

    I haven’t sweetened any of my drinks since my early twenties. However, you don’t have a choice when buying commercial iced teas.

    As for drinking hot tea, no different to drinking hot coffee in winter. However, we always say a cup of tea is refreshing, especially in summer, because it brings the sweat out in you and that is what creates the cooling effect.

    All this talk about tea has made me determined to start the tea making rituals again. Tea drinking is a real ritual in places like Japan.

    There is a special tea I use in my filtered drinking water. I add it to a litre bottle of water each day, it is full of excellent antioxidants (137x that of regularly brewed green tea), vitamin B Complex, magnesium and calcium. I highly recommend it. It comes in powdered form in sachets and in various flavours. Probably too healthy for you David as it has zero sugars!


  • David Herrick

    19/08/2020 at 07:55

    You’re right, Howard.  Zero sugar = zero interest.  And come to think of it, I’m not really much of a fan of hot beverages in general.  They just don’t stay within a pleasant range of temperatures over the time it takes to drink them.


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