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  • Jung Roe

    19/08/2020 at 08:09

    Jacki, I heard David’s Tea has gone out of business, another casualty of the pandemic, which is a shame.  Always liked going into a Davids Tea shop just to smell all the different varieties of specialty teas they had.

    Howard, speaking of tea rituals, my first job I had when I lived in Toronto for a couple of years in the 80s, I worked in a place where one of my duties was keeping the coffee and tea replenished in the big office staff kitchen.   My boss was Irish, and when it came to tea he was very strict.  The first day on the job I threw a bunch of tea bags in the big tea pot I pulled out of the dish washer and poured steaming hot water into it.  When he saw that he almost had a seizure. I quickly learned you must pour hot water into the teapot first to bring it up to temperature, pour out the water and then put in the teabags and refill it with fresh hot water.  The elevated temperature of an already hot teapot ensures maximum flavor.  That ritual has stayed with me to this day, and even the cups, I warm it first with boiling water before pouring tea into it.  Pouring tea into a cold teapot or cup just goes against my grain now.  🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/08/2020 at 08:23

    Jung, yes,  still awake but am getting sleepy now at 3:20AM,  but I’m letting you know  that Not all  David’s Tea are closing, one will remain open in Ottawa in Rideau Centre Mall, downtown Ottawa as it’s  declared a Tourist Destination, while the other Ottawa locations are now permanently  closed….As for rest of Canadian locations,  I have no clue….

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 12:09

    I am well aware of that tea making ritual Jung. Very important, especially in winter and cold climates. However, mine goes a step further where once the tea has brewed, you turn the tea pot once clockwise and twice anti-clockwise (or is it the other way around).  Also, if drinking with milk, you add the milk first. If you add the milk last, the hot water scalds it, affecting the flavour. And yes, this has all been scientifically proven!

  • David Herrick

    19/08/2020 at 13:15

    Howard, whichever direction you turn the teapot, I’m sure that for us it’s the opposite of what it would be for you in Australia.


  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 13:35

    And I understand the water flows down the drain in the opposite direction for you too!

  • David Herrick

    19/08/2020 at 13:54

    Yes, from bottom to top.


  • Jung Roe

    19/08/2020 at 21:45

    What happens at the equator?

  • David Herrick

    19/08/2020 at 22:10

    At the equator the water just boils away because it’s so hot.

    The science teacher in me feels compelled to point out that the Coriolis effect is negligible for something as small as a sink, and water does not actually prefer to swirl down the drain in one direction based on which hemisphere it’s in.


  • Johnnypee Parker

    20/08/2020 at 02:26

    Black cCoffee

    i feel awkward when i have to ask for my coffee hot .  I do not understand how iced coffee got so popular.  Did somebody lose a bet?

    black coffee is my drink. If we are talking treats or comfort drinks, make it a cappuccino


    Death Wish coffee is top shelf


  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 03:16

    I’m with you on that one JP. Make mine a flat white. I have my own Nespresso machine with capsules. Not quite the same as a barista made coffee but much more affordable at around a dollar a cup, rather than the  $4.50 or so at a cafe. And I don’t have to travel.

    As for David, well what can we say? He has some peculiar tastes – TV commercials, cold sugary drinks, some very nerdy TV shows and music!

    But he has an excellent sense of humour!










  • Johnnypee Parker

    20/08/2020 at 04:22

    Howard, I have a basic Mr Coffee cappuccino maker.  It does the job, and helps me feel sophisticated.

    Now I remember.. (shimmery lights) I started drinking coffee as a teenager.  When I learned to drive I would always stop at the Stewart’s Shop and get a cup of coffee to go.  it was only sixty cents.  That same cup at the same store is now $1.40 (40 years later)

    $4.50 for a cup of coffee    What are they thinking?


  • David Herrick

    20/08/2020 at 04:29

    Thank you for that high praise, Howard!  You checked all the relevant boxes.


  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 05:18

    You must remember JP, the Aussie dollar doesn’t have the same value as the US dollar. For example, I have just ordered something online from Austin Texas and when I saw the price of $229 I thought I was in for a bargain.

    $229.00 USD
    -negative $22.90 USD
    $70.00 USD

    $276.10 USD

    Still doesn’t look too bad, until you see what I pay after the exchange rate is included.

    Exchange rate $402.04 AUD = $276.10 USD1 AUD = 0.6867 USD

    Regarding my coffees, I should add that I’m lactose intolerant and have soy milk for which they charge an extra 50 cents. I did try black coffee but could not quite get into them. With my coffees at home I don’t use as much milk as the baristas do though. I will have another go at getting into those black coffees and leave the flat whites for special occasions.

    By the way, with the merchandise I purchase from the MLT,  the postage is just about as expensive, and ten GBP = around $19 AUD.

  • Howard

    20/08/2020 at 05:20

    Don’t mention it David! I can only reiterate, you have a wicked sense of humour!

  • Jung Roe

    20/08/2020 at 07:54

    Speaking of coffee, I loved the Keurig machine at the office, they probably noticed a big drop in coffee consumption after I left!  🙂  Had mine black and darker and stronger the better.   The Keurig sure improved the office coffee experience, probably saved me some $10 a day from going out to buy cups of coffee at Starbucks.

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