MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion What's your Baby Mine?

  • What's your Baby Mine?

    Posted by Jung Roe on 04/04/2019 at 01:19

    This is a question for some of our musicians amongst us.  In your vast or humble array of instruments, if you could take only one with you to a deserted Island, which one would it be and why?  If you can share your story about it, even better.

    I cant claim to be a musician, but back in the mid 90s at the height of my piano lessons I bought a new Baldwin upright acoustic piano which I still have sitting now in my parents old house terribly out of tune.  I haven’t used it much but has high sentimental value for me and is very special.  My mom liked having it in the house like a valuable fixture.  Next to my car it was my most valuable possession at the time costing something like $3500.  A lot of money back then.  I got a new digital piano recently to begin my piano lessons in ernest soon, but it’s not quite like a real acoustic piano.  I plan on getting it moved to my place eventually.  So my one and only acoustic piano is my pride and joy.  What is yours?

    Tomás F. Calvo replied 1 year, 5 months ago 9 Members · 28 Replies
  • 28 Replies
  • Stephen Krogh

    04/04/2019 at 03:57

    I don’t think I could haul it to a desert island but my Baby would have to be the old Estes pump organ I grew up with that has been in our family since it was built in Vermont in the 1870’s. Although I never really learned to play it properly I learned all my basic musical scales and chords on it and it sparked my interest in music as a child. I still have it and now that I am retired I am doing some minor restoration to it.

    • Jung Roe

      06/04/2019 at 07:30

      The 1870 Estey Pump Organ.  What a piece of art!

      Estey Pump Organ 1870

  • Jung Roe

    04/04/2019 at 05:43

    Stephen.  That is a grand looking instrument, and definitely worthy of a restoration!  Thanks for sharing.

  • Thomas Randall

    04/04/2019 at 12:38

    Mine is my 2006 Fender Telecaster. I was originally a drummer years ago but I also wanted to learn rhythm guitar so I self taught myself the major open chords and had a friend that played guitar teach me barre chords. I’m O.K. at playing but not great by any means. Mona and Lisa blow me away! But it’s a LOT of fun to me. Need to practice those 7th chords, etc. though. Man that B7 is not easy to switch to! John, Paul and George seemed to really love those 7th chords!

    I just ordered a Fender CD-60SCE acoustic. I have an old 1970’s Sigma but it stinks to high heaven. I never play it because the action is really high. I could sand down the saddle and may try it one day but it was time for a good acoustic even though I mainly play my Tele.

    • Jung Roe

      06/04/2019 at 07:34

      2006 Fender Telecaster.  I hope I got it right Tommy.  Cool looking guitar!

      Fender Telecaster 2006

    • Thomas Randall

      11/04/2019 at 15:10

      Looks good Jung but the color of mine is “Midnight wine”. Which is kind of a dark maroon color.


    • Jung Roe

      13/04/2019 at 02:52

      Looks nice!

      Fender Telecaster 2006 midnight wine

    • Chris Weber

      31/03/2023 at 03:30

      I bought my first guitar around 1971 – a Sigma, maybe the same kind you had. In college, one of my friends managed to drop it and cracked it around about half of the rim. I got it fixed, and also had them lower the action!

      It made a big difference, it’s much more playable. I paid $150 for it, and a few months ago I looked up to see if they still made them, and they do, and they still sell them for $150.

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    04/04/2019 at 13:47

    Jung Roe, easy question for me. I would take my Taylor GS mini travel guitar. One, because it is a travel guitar. Two, because it is a great little guitar, easy playing and has a great sound. But, three (and the main reason I would take it with me) it is signed by The MonaLisa-Twins!

    Stick with the piano lessons, when you are my age you will be glad you did! 🙂


    • Jung Roe

      06/04/2019 at 07:37

      Taylor GS mini Travel guitar.

      Taylor GS Mini travel guitar

      Well Jerry, an MLT signed one is extremely rare, maybe a one of a kind.  The ultimate Baby Mine I’d say!  🙂


  • Stephen Krogh

    04/04/2019 at 17:16

    Jerry! The Twins signed your guitar!!!?Wow, you have no idea how jealous I am. Good for you!

  • Thomas Randall

    04/04/2019 at 19:10

    I’m jealous too! Wishing I lived in Liverpool…..

  • Jacki Hopper

    04/04/2019 at 21:15

    Awww… I thought my reply to this had gone through and got posted… Guess not… Now I can’t recall what all I had said so… I’ll start from scratch… Again… (it could of been my phone acting up or I don’t hit submit as I thought I had)…


    I cannot just take 1 instrument… I’d have to take a few as I have OCD a tad and need to have my hands busy and not idle and need to use different instruments and not stick with just one… Lol…

    So… I’d be taking a portable wee piano keyboard to dabble on… A Cowbell… My tambourine .. My wee Purple Ukulele to plunk and pluck  around on and… My two metal pronged piano-percussion instruments made from wood… And a my mini xylophone metal pronged wood made instrument… Those would all have to come with me… Though I can’t hardly read music… More of a play by ear type… These are what would give me Baby Mine Musical Bliss…. ????????????????️????????????????????????????????❤️☮️✌️

    • Jung Roe

      06/04/2019 at 07:41

      Hi Jacki, you have an impressive collection of instruments.  Is your purple Uke something like this?

      Purple Uke

  • Thomas Randall

    04/04/2019 at 22:03

    Jackie it’s funny you mentioned the ukulele. Because of Lisa I bought a concert sized uke and recently got a baritone uke. 2 different tunings of coarse. Seeing Lisa play her uke really tickled me and I said “Oh I’ve got to get me one of those!” So I did. They’re really fun to play. There’s a video clip of Lisa playing this carnival song riff with I assume Mona accompanying her off camera on guitar.  I love the clip. It cracks me up and she’s so good playing it.

    • Jung Roe

      06/04/2019 at 07:44

      Mona and Lisa with ukelele

      Love this.  What an incredible duo they are!

  • Jacki Hopper

    04/04/2019 at 22:44

    Hey Tommy… Exactly the same reason for why I bought mine… After hearing on CD and seeing the “IDBTW” video… Lisa inspired me to go buy one… A small one… A Purple one… Lol… Only I have no idea how to really play it… My fingers aren’t quite exactly co-ordinate or made for guitar or Uke playing… I have short stubby like fingers… Can’t quite reach the frets .. Lol… But I can try… Can’t hardly read much music either… More about playing by seeing and by ear…. Also… I love my tambourine…  I wish to own a Cowbell…  I like Drums… I dabble on piano a little… Dabble on harmonica… Would love to dabble on a harp… I’m better at air guitaring and air drumming imaginatively…. Lol… I grew up to being exposed to jam sessions going in basements with  one of my older siblings and friends… They let me have fun a bit on drums…. Lol.. And I’ve dabbled on guitar too whenever they let me… Said I had a good sense of rhythm????????????????????????️????????????????

    • Jung Roe

      06/04/2019 at 07:47

      I never thought a Ukelele could sound so good until I saw Lisa playing it here.  Beach Boys never used a Ukelele on “God Only Knows”, but Lisa did great justice to that song with it.

      Lisa with Ukelele

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    04/04/2019 at 23:28

    Thanks, Stephen. I was living in South Carolina then and hauled it to Liverpool. Took it to the Cavern when I went to see them play. They were kind enough to sign it for me. Such a great night. So much fun and everyone was sooooo nice! I am so glad I got to go see them. I feel very fortunate.

  • Jung Roe

    06/04/2019 at 08:08

    I took the liberty of finding your instruments in Google, just so we can see what they look like.  I hope I got them close to your pride and joy.

    Here’s my Baby Mine.  Still so shiny after all those years!

    1994-95 Baldwin black upright

    Baldwin upright

  • Jim Yahr

    15/04/2019 at 05:33

    Tough question – can I take more than one?  Probably the Yairi Bob Wier:

    Elph_apt_inv_0023 (2)_ed


    If there was electricity and I could take an amp it would be the twelve string Strat.


  • Jung Roe

    16/04/2019 at 05:38

    Jim, yep there is all the electricity you need there.   🙂   That blue Strat looks very nice too.


  • Michael Rife

    05/05/2019 at 10:56

    Only one!!!!  It depends on if there is electricity on the island.  If there is electricity, then I would take my Gretsch White Falcon… amp would have to be there, too.  With no electricity then it would be my Martin D-35.  Mike.

  • Jung Roe

    06/05/2019 at 05:32

    Hi Michael.  The Gretsch White Falcon is a supremely elegant instrument in white.  Love the names Gretsch give their guitars.  Duo Jet, Country Gentleman…

    Gretsch White Falcon

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