MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion " When Two Works Wonders"

  • " When Two Works Wonders"

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 07/12/2018 at 23:15

    Side by side

    Never alone

    Going or staying

    Rainbows or raining

    Lost and Found

    Sight and Sound


    Positivity Vibes arising

    Something about pairs

    The magic shares

    Intertwining layers

    More  sunshines than thunders

    When Two Work Wonders…


    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Howard

    08/12/2018 at 07:10

    Did you forget Mona and Lisa!

    • Michael Triba

      08/12/2018 at 07:42

      LOL, Howard!

      When you get to know Jacki better, you’ll see that ALL of her poems are about Mona and Lisa; as this one is!  She does not have to mention them by name every time.

      Perhaps you should join her Intergalactic if you have not already done so.  There you will see several poems per week, as well as some of the most amazing neon signs you’ll ever see!!!  🙂

      P.S.  Besides, how can she forget them when she is right here in the MLT CLUB?

  • Howard

    08/12/2018 at 07:51

    I know she didn’t forget them Mike. As for Facebook, I avoid it as much as possible. Far too much rubbish on it. Only stay there for the inside info from my Moto Guzzi bike club and my Wests Tigers footy team. I was looking forward to your next question to the Twins but I think you did the right thing giving them a break over the holiday season. I think we all need to give them a break as they are already doing so much for us with their Event Calendar.

    • Michael Triba

      08/12/2018 at 08:29

      Ha ha; I was just teasing you a bit Howard!  It is my feeble attempt at a sense of humor.  Sometimes I say stuff with a straight face and people don’t quite know what to make of me.

      Yeah, I was about to type my Q #3 (in MS Word first), but thought better of it.  I did not realize until tonight that the Advent Calendar had a video for each day.  Now I need to catch up.  I LOVED the drum-line one!!!

      I was on FB about 7 years ago for only about 3 weeks and abandoned it.  I just got back on 26 months ago when the Twins asked my permission to show the gifts I sent them and did a write-up for FanMailFriday.  I am about to inactivate it for 2-3 months.  I did that for one month several months ago and got a lot done.  I describe it 3 ways:  #ontoolong #uptoolate #fatternotfitter.

      I have met a lot of lovely people, but also a good number of jerks and trolls on FB.  I may be the only person to have a blocked list that is longer than my friends list.  After my 2-3 month sabbatical I may never return.  I do not need FB to follow MLT of any of my other fave musicians old or new.  (see again my new TOP 10)

      This MLT CLUB is BY FAR the best place on the Internet.  As you well know, everything the Wagner family does is TOP SHELF!!!

      Well, later buddy!  2:30 am now in Omaha; yikes!  See what I mean by #uptoolate?

      Here is the FanMailFriday photo!  Think that did not make my day, week, month, year, and decade!?!?!?!?!!!!!  🙂 🙂

      Fan Mail Friday photo

  • Jung Roe

    08/12/2018 at 08:44

    Great poem Jacki

    There is something special about the power of two even in nature.  We see it in mathematics (powers of 2, exponentials etc), computers are built on binary (2 states = 1 and 0), the celestial bodies in the universe like stars and galaxies appear and interact in pairs, and even at the sub atomic level 2 plays a big role.

    With regards to people, I like this quote:

    “One person can have a profound affect on another.  Two people can work miracles.  They can change the world.”

    When it comes to “when two works wonders” what better example can we think of than our lovely MonaLisa Twins.

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