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  • When Were Together

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 28/03/2021 at 22:49

    Mona and Lisa,
    So am I correct when I see that your Album When Were Together is 10 years old? I see the date of 2011 on the inside of the CD. i Am guessing a bit older with the songs you wrote? But released in 2011? So this is so cool to me because that album still stands the test of time, the music and song writing and arranging is awesome. Just love this album as I do all the albums you have. But any thoughts on this great album that you can share with us?
    Bill Isenberg huge fan from Pittsburgh Pa USA.

    Thomas Randall replied 3 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    28/03/2021 at 22:50

    Oh Bill, don’t remind us of how long it’s been ???? It was actually released in February of 2012 so it’s been a bit more than 9 years. Crazy to think how much has happened since then but we’re still really proud of this album and the songs we’ve written. We are glad you like it too!!

    It was our first original album and the biggest project we had worked on up until then. We weren’t as comfortable in the studio yet as we are now and even with the immense support and experience of our Dad, it still took us a long time to translate the ideas we had in our heads into actual songs. But we did it and wouldn’t want to change anything about those experience. 🙂

    Thanks for the kind words about it ♥

  • Bill Isenberg

    31/03/2021 at 00:23

    That album along with Orange is absolutely fantastic. To write your own music and to do the different parts of harmony and guitar Riffs is a mark of excellence to me.

  • Thomas Randall

    31/03/2021 at 01:12

    I LOVE When we’re together! It’s my favorite original album from you ladies so far.

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