MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion When you are sad, do you prefer happy or sad songs?

  • Jung Roe

    27/04/2022 at 02:46

    Just for fun, I did a search on the saddest Beach Boys songs, and this one tops the list. Hauntingly Beautiful.

  • Thomas Randall

    30/04/2022 at 23:59

    When I’m sad I don’t listen to any music. I’m just not in the mood at that point. I get real quiet and I just read. I read a lot anyway (non fiction only) but it’s how I escape that mood.

  • Jung Roe

    01/05/2022 at 08:12

    Hi Thomas, I can relate to that. Maybe my question should have been do you prefer happy or sad songs, or which moves you more.

    Here are a couple from the Duo Session gallery that are very moving, and I would say are on the sadder scale of the spectrum. There are brighter songs that move me, but if I add them up, I would say there are more sadder songs that effect me than the brighter ones, because the movement from sadness to beauty is more moving, as that is what sad songs tend to do. In all of Beethoven’s music, there aren’t many pieces, if any I can think of that is bright and happy throughout. It is often a journey from tragedy to resolve and triumph, or melancholic with bursts of joy. There is usually emotional conflict that ends in peace and beauty in the end.

    • Thomas Randall

      02/05/2022 at 00:26

      I prefer happy or upbeat songs in general but I don’t mind a sad one every now and then. But when I’m in a sad mood no songs.

  • Jung Roe

    01/05/2022 at 08:13
  • Jung Roe

    01/05/2022 at 08:39

    Here is what I always considered a happy song. Interestingly the song starts in a darker minor key, Myxolydian mode, switching to a brighter major key in the chorus, mixing the mood between dark and bright. There is a sense of longing (depicted by the darker mode) for finding happiness. It’s the sense of longing turning to joy, that makes the song I think.

    Changing Moods & Modes: Minor to Major Modulation (and Picardy Third) in The Turtles’ “Happy Together”
    One of the most effective minor to major switcharoos of all time.

    The song moves between parallel minor key in the verses and a major key in the choruses.

  • Tom Fones

    01/05/2022 at 15:15

    I meant to mention Caroline No as best sad Beach Boys song.

  • Tom Fones

    01/05/2022 at 15:21

    Not to forget the contrapoint vocals in the verses.

  • Jung Roe

    02/05/2022 at 17:58

    Hi Tom, yes Caroline No is one of their sad songs with stirring vocals. The Beach Boys had quite a few sadder songs too. The more I delve into this topic, many songs that I associated to happy bright songs, have sadness in it. I guess that is like real life, you have to know sadness to appreciate the happiness, and good songs reflect reality.

    Here is another one considered a sad song.

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