MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion How have MLT/Team MLT inspired you?!

  • How have MLT/Team MLT inspired you?!

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 05/03/2020 at 20:07

    I thought I’d ask, as I’m curious and interested in what everyone has to say in their replies :

    Ok, since the time you discovered MLT, what aspects have stood out for/to you about them and  have inspired you whereas previous to you not discovering upon them?!

    For me, it was a further creative reawakening of sorts, their Positivity, music, and being  themselves, inspiring and their fab sense of humour, etc. It’s been needed in my life and I believe it was meant to be that fateful unexpected MLTBuzzing of Awe when 13 years ago, I stumbled upon them as I was looking for a decent Mamas and Papas song.

    The first impression was the clencher…. Happily and Groovingly MLTBuzzing ever since… ?


    Brian St. August replied 4 years, 6 months ago 8 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    05/03/2020 at 21:04

    Nice topic Jacki!

    Their music, the pure beauty of their singing voices and harmony, can reach deep into your soul and tug at your heart strings in a super positive way.

    After I lost my mom to dementia in 2016, I could not watch the video of our family trip to San Francisco in 2004 that the whole family did just before my mom became ill. It was just too sad and painful for me, and it was a shame because that was one of the most heartwarming memorable moments for the whole family.   Not even Scott McKenzie with his San Francisco that I always loved so much helped, then one evening I heard it on You tube out of the blue “If you come to San Francisco, summer time will be a loving there….” That beautiful song caressed by the beautiful singing and harmonies of MLT! Suddenly I could feel the sadness of those memories transformed back into happiness and beauty that I so enjoyed with my mom and family in San Francisco. I knew there was something very special about this group, MLT, right then and there. That is in essence the magic and inspiration of MLT for me, the positivity, brightness and joy in their music, whether a classic interpreted into their own magical version or an inspiring original.

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    05/03/2020 at 23:53

    Ran across them one day when I was scanning Beatle covers. They were playing “Eight Days A Week” in a canyon in Australia. Just blew my mind. They also did a really nice cover of “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz at that same location.

    I went to their Website and have been hooked every since.  After following them for a couple of years I decided I wanted to go to Liverpool and see them play live at The Cavern Club. I fell in love with the whole family. They are all soooo nice! I had such a great time.

    They inspired  me to start back playing music, which has helped me to cope with some illnesses and issues with depression. They pick me up so much. Still I get down. Life is a daily struggle and I need Lisa and Mona, Michaela and Rudi. Their inspiration, kindness and music are something I have become addicted to. An addiction I’m glad to have. I can’t get enough of the MonaLisa-Twins! I love the whole family so much, but of course,… sort of especially the girls. 🙂


  • Thomas Randall

    06/03/2020 at 01:41

    I stumbled upon MLT while Youtubeing one day almost 2 years ago. They immediately blew my mind! I was hooked instantly! I don’t know how I didn’t see their videos sooner. I’m always watching Beatles videos. Even after all these decades.

    I was just starting to come down with health issues a month after I turned 60. They have really helped me pull through the last nearly 2 years. I couldn’t thank them enough. Watching all their videos then getting all their music really brightened me up! Even though I was a drummer originally I was also interested in guitar. I had an old 1970 something Sigma acoustic guitar with action so high you could drive a car under the strings so I bought myself a new one, A Fender. I already had a Telecaster (I’m more of an electric guy but mess around on an acoustic once in a while), I’m no where near as good as these beauties but I can bang out some tunes! I can’t pick to save my butt though unless it’s real slow stuff. I’m more of a rhythm player.

    MLT inspires!


  • David Herrick

    06/03/2020 at 03:45

    Going beyond what I merely admire about MLT, what truly inspires me is their relentless positivity.  We see it in their songs, in their music videos, in their spoken-word videos, in the back stories they write to accompany their posts, and of course in the personal replies they write to each of us in the discussion forums.

    It’s not just Mona and Lisa, but Rudi and Michaela too.  The whole family is a remarkably cohesive and incorruptibly joyful unit that genuinely seems to get a kick out of knowing that what they do creates a happier and more uplifting environment for everyone who samples what they have to offer.

    For myself personally, they have inspired me to learn to play the ukulele, which is my first stringed instrument.  I’m still rather ham-handed, but I’ve learned enough to drop the jaw of my year-ago self who could never have imagined that I could do it.  And I owe it all to sitting in front of my computer one day and watching Lisa reach around and pick up her uke and start playing the intro to “I Don’t Know Birds That Well”.


  • Jacki Hopper

    06/03/2020 at 04:34

    I’m enjoying reading the replies to this, Thankyou… I’m feeling a tad under the weather tonight so these replies are helping to cheer me up ?

  • John Behle

    06/03/2020 at 04:44

    A little over a year ago I came home from a medical clinic.  The treatment was successful, but I really felt about 80% dead – not 20% alive.  I was in a lot of pain and started searching out old music I like on YouTube to boost the endorphins a little.  In a search for Beatles songs I came across “Drive My Car”.  There was something about the joy on Mona and Lisa’s faces that was just wonderful.  THEN – my gosh! – they have mad skills and beautiful voices.  Each new video I discovered became a new favorite.  It was like Christmas every day.  A new gift to unwrap and not a lump of coal in the bunch.   First I fell in love with their skills and voices.  THEN I came here and discovered two of the most wonderful people I could imagine.  THEN two more.  Mona, Lisa, Michaela and Rudi are amazing people.  Many can sing the words to “Imagine” but the Wagners embody it and share it.

    What’s it add to my life?  I am healthier and happier for their wonderful music and the people that they are.  My attitude has been helped so much and my ability to deal with the stresses and pains of life has increased.  I am more able to “lean into the wind” and move forward instead of getting knocked off my feet.

    I love their attention to detail and creativity.  From the “Yoo Hoooo” in Imagine to Mona’s exuberant joyful tone in Good Day Sunshine and Lisa’s “Beneath a Shady Tree.”  The three different versions of the lines “It ain’t me Babe” with the slight laugh with the last one.  I love their video creativity, their incredible harmonies, guitar skills, drum skills, flute, ukulele and harmonica.  The magic they add to songs to take a good song and make it even better.

    Literally every moment of my day and every interaction with others is better for having come to know these incredible people (and that includes those here in the club too).  It’s not just music, it is a healing, healthy, happy influence that makes this a better world.

  • Paul Steinmayer

    06/03/2020 at 20:12

    I watch various You Tube videos every day during my lunch break.  One day about 3 years ago, I stumbled onto Your Going To Lose That Girl from their Cavern Club shows.  I was immediately struck by their talent, and beauty!  I watched it over and over, amazed by how they really captured that song and made it their own, while still staying faithful to the original.  I then started watching other songs, again struck by how incredibly talented they are (and they continue to grow musically too)!

    Mona and Lisa fill a huge void in the music world.  Where most recent music has gone to an ugly place… or (in my opinion) is just noise, Mona and Lisa are a breath of fresh air to me!   I immediately purchased When We’re Together and Orange… and MLT Plays Beatles and more too.  I listen to them often… and tell everyone I know how awesome they are.  I’ve even shared their You Tube videos on my FB page.

    Another aspect I truly respect and admire – how sweet, kind and respectful they are.  Mona, Lisa, Rudi, and Michaela all seem to genuinely care for their fans… and people in general, and I get the impression they would never be rude to anyone.

    I’m definitely a lifelong fan now…

    Thanks for starting this thread Jacki!

  • John Behle

    06/03/2020 at 21:00

    Just ran across a video yesterday saying how Rock and Roll died in 1994.  S0 WRONG!  Rock and Roll was reborn in 1994.

  • Brian St. August

    08/03/2020 at 15:52

    A guy who had just interviewed me for his TV show sent me a message with MLT doing the Lovin’ Spoonful song, “Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind”, with John Sebastian. I was immediately struck by their excellent harmonies, cute attitude and subtle humor. This made me investigate them more and not long after is when I fell in love. These girls are so talented, so fresh, so positive and apparently in the moment with life, that I just was “hooked”. Now every time I hear them and see them I am even more impressed than the last time. And mainly, since I discovered their music, I have a healthier outlet to deal with some very troubled times. Mona and Lisa, Michaela and Rudi are a gift to my life that I enjoy completely.

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