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  • Which 5 of your own song lyrics are FAVES !?

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 13/10/2018 at 01:12

    Okdokey….Out of ALL of your song lyrics you’ve conjured quite creatively…which 5 standout as personal FAVES !?????????????????❤️????????????

    Howard replied 5 years, 10 months ago 9 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    13/10/2018 at 05:00

    Okay so from the top of my head, I’d say (in no particular order):
    Sweet Lorraine, Count On Me, Still A Friend Of Mine, The Wide Wide Land, Club 27

    • Michael Triba

      29/10/2018 at 04:36

      Lisa, over my entire lifetime of almost 68 years, and especially since 1963 or so, I have come to appreciate that sincere lyricists and songwriters write of things near and dear to their hearts.

      “A good man (or woman) brings good out of the good treasure of his heart…for out of the heart’s abundance his (or her) mouth speaks.”  (Luke 6:45)

      I cannot read your heart as to the type of woman that you are, but I can listen intently to what you are saying, and that gives me great insights about you, and endears you to me.  Many of the lyrics of you and your family are autobiographical, methinks.  We all know how tender and special that “The Wide, Wide Land” is to all of you.  Two and a half years have passed for me, and I am finally able to watch and listen to that video without crying every time.

      “Count On Me,” my All-Time #1 MLT Song, is very, very special to me, my friend.  It is as though it was written for me.  Well, I know it was, because you love your fans, and have pleasing us in mind.  Your entire career is a “labor of love” and that shines through in your music.  That is why you are universally loved and adored, Lisa (and Mona).

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      29/10/2018 at 07:13

      We love so many MLT Songs, and things change, but others in my house would say we play Sweet Lorraine, Count on Me, Close To You, In It For Love, June, I Don’t Know Birds That Well, Club 27, No More Worries Company over & over & over!  And that doesn’t include the covers we play!  Some say songs you’ve written are like your children so it is hard to pick favorites….we love them all!!!

    • Michael Triba

      29/10/2018 at 07:33

      Ha ha; if I had 23 children (18 girls, and 5 boys) I certainly would not rank them.  Here is my MLT TOP 23 (published for the first time 3 months ago in an e-mail to Mona and Lisa Wagner.)  This list is for entertainment purposes only and is subject to change by my editor.
      1 Count On Me
      2 All About Falling In Love
      3 The Wide Wide Land
      4 Close To You
      5 I Don’t Know Birds That Well
      6 June
      7 No More Worries Company
      8 Won’t You Listen Now
      9 In It For Love
      10 Sweet Lorraine
      11 Still A Friend Of Mine
      12 That’s Life
      13 This Boy Is Mine
      14 One More Time
      15 Once Upon A Time
      16 When We’re Together
      17 I Wanna Kiss You
      18 Alone
      19 Dreams
      20 Waiting For The Waiter
      21 It’s Alright
      22 Nothing Is In Vain
      23 Club 27

  • Rudolf Wagner

    13/10/2018 at 05:16

    It’s hard to rank them! My list would look quite similar although I’d put “In It For Love” in there somewhere.

    • Michael Triba

      29/10/2018 at 04:06

      Thanks Mona!  Yes, rankings are not easy and one constantly second-guesses oneself after the ranking is made public.  My rankings constantly need revision.  When I first heard “When We’re Together” it was fairly easy.  When you and Lisa introduced “Orange” it turned my world upside down.  Whenever you add a third album into the mix, it will take me weeks, and maybe months, to rank the entire discography of the sensation called the MonaLisa Twins!!!

      By the way, I knew from Day 1, on April 2, 2016, that you and your Twin were “In It For Love!”  That is my All-Time #9 MLT song, based on lyrics, instrumentation, musicality, and performance.  It is no surprise to me that “All About Falling In Love” was my #1 song, until I heard “Count On Me!”

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/10/2018 at 05:34

    Thankyou both …Loved your answers….????????????❤️????????????????✌️

  • Howard

    13/10/2018 at 14:18

    Would it be asking too much if you could let us know who is the originator of each of your songs on both albums? For instance, was ‘One More Time’ a Lisa idea and ‘Won’t You Listen Now’ Mona’s?

  • Rick Ross

    29/10/2018 at 01:58

    Close to You -was started 4 years ago in Austria. Rudi helped with Chorus. Both

    Once Upon A Time- About Woodstock and all the Happings there Lisa

    Count On Me- written in Power outage by candle. Lisa couldn’t sleep and asked herself if you threw a stone into the darkness what sound would it make.

    Still A Friend- written about someone very special, though they still won’t confirm who its about. Even though there are many clues. Lisa

    • Michael Triba

      29/10/2018 at 03:53

      Thanks Tennessee Ricky!

      I know you are not making any of this up, because all the Wagner’s (at least all three lovely ladies) are reading this!

      You just gave me insights to my #4, #15, #1, and #11 MonaLisa Twins songs, respectively.  (They are Itso’s #11, #4, #8, and #6 songs in that order.)

  • Steve

    01/11/2018 at 19:14

    Some questions are impossible to answer.  Asking me to list my top five favorite MLT songs is like asking me to do the same thing with The Beatles.  I can make the list then think, “Oh wait a minute, what about that one?”  But being the old rock n roll dinosaur that I am, I tend to come back to the rockers with Club 27 at the top.  I absolutely love that song.  But then that might change in the next five minutes.  One thing I can say is I seem to have a constant MLT ear worm going and that changes by the minute.  So now I’m going to leave to pick up my grandson from school and I’m putting volume 3 in the CD player and I’ll bet when I get back I’ll have a new number 1 favorite and as I type this Count on Me is flowing through head.  There is no hope for me.

  • Steve

    01/11/2018 at 22:21

    Ok so on the way  home from picking up my grandson from school I had volume 3 playing. His response? “They’re good.” He’s only 6 years old but is developing good taste.

  • Rick Ross

    06/11/2018 at 03:27

    I don’t really have a favorite over any of the others. They change constantly.

    If I was made to pick

    1 CLUB 27





    • Michael Triba

      06/11/2018 at 04:41

      Wow Ricky!  Your # 1 is my #23 and Itso’s #21.  (Hope he does not mind me posting that, because maybe he moved it up in the last 3 months.)  Nonetheless, many people saw our 2 lists.  This is what we get for posting all 23 original, yikes!  As C27 is in Lisa’s own Top 5, I hope she is not mad at me now.  I know that Mona will always love, love, me do and send all her loving to me!

  • Jung Roe

    06/11/2018 at 05:56

    OK, I will play:

    1. The Wide, Wide, Land

    2. Sweet Lorraine

    3.  Still a Friend of Mine

    4. Club 27

    5. Count on Me


  • Jacki Hopper

    07/11/2018 at 18:12

    Lol…What started as a question  meant/directed for Mona and Lisa of what they considered to be their top 5 fave lyrics  from their own songs somehow  got evolved into what your fave MLT songs ( MLT ‘s & everyone’s else’s …lol..As to how that got strayed off path …I don’t know but I’m enjoying all the answers that gave birth from the Question Womb … Too funny …. Guess I’m not good sometimes at making my questions more clear????????????????

  • Jung Roe

    07/11/2018 at 20:05

    Its because we cant contain the passion and enthusiasm.  ????

    All right its back to work????

  • Howard

    08/11/2018 at 03:27

    Yes Jacki, whether intentional or not, this was a good topic and as Jung states, we just can’t contain our passion and enthusiasm. We are just like little children on Xmas eve. This is what MLT have reduced grown adults to!!

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