MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Which is better, the Rolling Stones or the Beatles, and why?

  • Howard

    07/08/2019 at 12:26

    I agree with you about the Stones best period. I also agree acts like The Monkees and PR and The Raiders definitely shouldn’t be there. Probably the best thing the Monkees had going for them was big money backing and excellent song writers (Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart, Neil Diamond and Goffin/King). Didn’t know Steppenwolf were not inducted. Seems strange if acts like Karen Carpenter and the Association are. Steppenwolf’s Monster album is a beauty, in particular the first track, “Monster/Suicide/America”. I hadn’t heard them until 1975 when I bought this album.



    • Michael Rife

      07/08/2019 at 13:41

      Hi Howard;

      I did not mean to imply that the Carpenters, Association, and John Denver are in the HOF.  The three are not in and likely will never be in.  Steppenwolf has been active since 1975 but they play at small venues any more.  John Kay is about 75 now and the act is slowing down some.  Mike.

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/08/2019 at 20:31

    Well now, I’m thoroughly enjoying all viewpoints going on with this hot topic…. Wow….. I’m impressed by the research and knowledge presented here, and it’s quite alright to agree/disagree  and to do so, respectfully as done by here… Yes, there will always acts that are better/not/in the middle/ undecided –in that can’t pinpoint exactly where they would go and all are free to choose their choices and voice their opinions as such.

    This topic has certainly generated alot of Spink and I’ve learned stuff I wasn’t aware of and/or bands/groups/solo folks that I’ve forgotten about. It’s all good, Thankyou… You make my mind /eyes work overtime… Lol…!!!!

    • Michael Rife

      08/08/2019 at 15:07

      Hi Jacki;

      I agree.  I would like to see more discussions like this on the board.  But, it might take controversial topics to get it going, e.g., blonde musicians are naturally better musicians than redhead musicians……something like that…..j/k.

      Anyway I like the back and forth of spirited discussions with respect……seems we have lost that art these days.  Mike

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    08/08/2019 at 05:20

    Some of you know that I’m from Argentina.


    Yes, that’s Ronnie Wood. I do like the Stones, they are a superb band. Songs like Angie, Ruby Tuesday, 19th Nervous Breakdown, Satisfaction, Miss You, Paint it Black, are fantastic. I think the stones have set the standard of what touring can be (once the Beatles quit, that is 🙂 ). They are the kings of the road. That being said, Beyonce’s tour has out performed the Stone’s tour in attendance and income (not taking into account that this is 50 years after the Stones heyday, and Beyonce is in her heyday). Paul certainly fills stadiums in the USA. I have been lucky to attend a few of them, and they sell out in about 10 minutes, again I know from personal experience. As to why he chooses to do mostly arenas vs stadiums, I think there may be other reasons for that. Same for Beyonce, Swift, and the new crop. U2 and AC/DC are still doing amazing in touring. The record for a tour, just got set by Ed Sheeran, of all people. Given, all those stats are relative to many factors and are really anecdotal.

    Hats off to Mick for getting back on stage after heart surgery.

    • Jacki Hopper

      08/08/2019 at 18:42

      Hi Tomas…. I had always wondered if Ron Wood and Rod Stewart were related as they do look alike…. Turns out they are related, as I had read somewheres and it said so… Lol… Just thought you’d enjoy that tidbit in case you did not know…!

  • Jung Roe

    08/08/2019 at 07:36

    After seeing this list of Billboard artists with the most Number 1 songs to date since Billboard began rating songs, I can only come to the conclusion in the 80’s and 90’s, since the creative renaissance of the 60’s, a number 1 song simply did not carry the same weight as a number 1 song in the 60’s.  Nevertheless, 50+ years later, Beatles are still at the top (what a legacy), although the landscape of artists has significantly changed.

    1..The Beatles. > No. 1 hits: 20. > Total weeks at No.
    2..Mariah Carey. > No. 1 hits: 18. > Total weeks at No. …
    3..Madonna. > No. 1 hits: 12. > Total weeks at No. …
    4..Michael Jackson. > No. 1 hits: 12. > Total weeks at No. …
    5..Rihanna. > No. 1 hits: 11. …
    6..Whitney Houston. > No. 1 hits: 11. …
    7..The Supremes. > No. 1 hits: 11. …
    8..Usher. > No. 1 hits: 9. …

    Janet Jackson and Bee Gees round out the 9 and 10th place respectively for most No 1 songs.

  • Howard

    08/08/2019 at 08:45

    Yes Jung. They have left an amazing legacy that is being recognised and enhanced by groups like the MLT. I have no doubt they will still be remembered in 100 years time, alongside the likes of Mozart and Beethoven. Due to their business model and independence, MLT May never enter the billboard charts, but I have no doubt that their extraordinary talent, music and art (videos etcetera), will one day be discovered and appropriately recognised .

    It’s obvious that in this club, there is as much love for them as there is for the Beatles. I can’t wait for their next release, and in particular, their next album of originals!

  • Howard

    08/08/2019 at 09:08

    And yes Tomás, those Argentinians are a wild bunch and fanatical Stones fans. Must be all that hot, passionate Spanish blood! As for what’s going on with that Ed Sheeran thing, I understand he is quite good and very popular, but I’m probably much too old to understand why!

    On the subject of South America, I recently finished watching the Bolívar series on Netflix. What an amazing character. I guess you are aware of his extraordinary efforts in leading the drive for independence from the Spanish for Panama, Colombia, Ecuador,  Venezuela and Peru. He was also instrumental in having Bolivia created from northern Peru (and  named after him).

    One thing that people probably forget is that in the sixties, not everybody had access to record players and albums were more expensive (relative to incomes), and we are talking about a smaller market, population wise, so the Beatles phenomenon needs to be considered in that context when comparing with today’s statistics.

  • Jung Roe

    08/08/2019 at 15:51

    Good point Howard.  Stats like Billboard is no longer a gauge for good music like in the 60s when it took remarkable talent to get a song in the charts in the company if the likes of the Beatles, Dylan, or the Stones.  Now forget originality or inspiration, just conform to what the major labels are willing to push and you get a hit.  You are in the company of the Justin Beibers, Rianna, and Rappers.

  • Howard

    08/08/2019 at 20:25

    Hi Jacki. I don’t  know where you got that information. They are not related but have been friends since the sixties.

    When Ron Wood played bass with the Jeff Beck Group in Feb 1967, Rod Stewart was the singer. They left in 1969 to join former ‘Small Faces’ members, Ronnie Lane (bass), Ian McLagan (organ), and Kenny Jones (drums), to form ‘The Faces’. Wood switched to guitar.

    On 21 December 2012, Wood married Sally Humphreys, the owner of a theatre production company, 31 years his junior. Their twin girls, named Gracie Jane and Alice Rose, were born on Monday 30 May 2016, just before Ronnie Wood’s 69th birthday on 1 June 2016. Rod Stewart was asked to be the godfather of one of the twins.

    They have been good mates from the mid sixties but are not related!

    Jeff Beck was one of three top guitarists to play with the Yardbirds in the sixties. The other two were Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page. Page was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice; once as a member of the Yardbirds (1992) and once as a member of Led Zeppelin (1995).

    In 2000, Eric Clapton was Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the third time, this time as a solo artist. He was earlier inducted as a member of the bands Cream and the Yardbirds.

    In March 1965, Beck was recruited by the Yardbirds to succeed Eric Clapton on the recommendation of fellow session musician Jimmy Page, who had been their initial choice. The Yardbirds recorded most of their Top 40 hit songs during Beck’s short but significant 20-month tenure with the band.

    In his autobiography, Nick Mason recalls that during 1967 Pink Floyd had wanted to recruit Beck to be its guitarist after the departure of Syd Barrett but “None of us had the nerve to ask him.” In 1969, following the death of Brian Jones, Beck was approached about joining the Rolling Stones.

    Jeff Beck has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice: as a member of The Yardbirds (1992) and as a solo artist (2009).

    I hope this has helped to clarify things for you. Rock and Roll has an interesting and rich history. Cheers, Howard.

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/08/2019 at 22:51

    Hi Howard, Thanks for your info but I’m still in disagreement with you and am Hell Bent that both Ron and Rod are related, I can see the resemblances in their faces, and I know other folks have thought the same as me (not from here) and  so, you have your opinion as I have mine and we’ll leave it at that…Lol…. But to be fair, I did learn some stuff in your info provided that I wasn’t aware of so it works out… Lol!!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    09/08/2019 at 04:06

    Yes, Billboard nowadays is a shame. No indication of good music or people’s tastes. The biggest influence on the charts now is streaming and the streaming companies are owned by the studios, so there’s no true independent accounting. They can make up the numbers as they wish, and pay themselves however they want, with sales and artists having little say in the process. I think in the 60’s the labels worked hard to put their acts at the top, but sometime in the 70’s it started going downhill. That Imagine or Bohemian Rhapsody didn’t make it to No.1 in the US shows the manipulations by the labels. In the US the labels did everything they could to block Bohemian Rhapsody, which initially it only made it no No.9 on Billboard 100. Imagine couldn’t make it past Cher’s Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves and Isaac Hayes’s Theme from Shaft. (November 1971).

    Speaking of Gypsies, Ron Wood was born into a family of Gypsies, but I thought he kinda looks like Keith Richards… sometimes in videos it’s hard to tell who’s who. Never met any of them, but I get the impression that Ron is the nicest of the bunch.

  • Howard

    09/08/2019 at 08:35

    Good points about billboard Tomás. Strange about ‘Imagine’ as it is often rated the greatest song of all time. Both Rod and Ron have always had similar haircuts, which may influence Jacki’s view.

    Once, back in the seventies when Ron was invited to Groucho Marx’s, he knocked on the door and when Grouch opened it, he said “that’s the most ridiculous haircut I’ve ever seen. What are you, a man or a chicken.”

    On the subject of his hair, Ron has had major surgery for cancer where part of his lungs were removed. He had refused chemotherapy as he didn’t want to lose his hair. That’s rock and roll for you! The sprightly dad gave up smoking before his new arrivals Gracie and Alice were born on May 30, 2016, and his lung problem was picked up during a routine scan.

    As for any resemblance to Richards, I think you must be looking at the wrong pictures as there is no resemblance to Keith. Both Ron and Rod share the same Rooster hairstyle and prominent nose. Jacki is correct in this regard. But they are definitely not blood relations. Just good band mates since the sixties!

  • Jacki Hopper

    09/08/2019 at 14:20

    No Howard… Lol…. I stand by opinion, no hair influence… To me they do look similar in their faces and therefore I am convinced that they are related somewheres down the line…. Distant cousins but related… And that is my last view on that, you have your thoughts, as I have mine… Lol

  • Howard

    09/08/2019 at 14:29

    Hi Jacki. We are all related, so you and I are also related. It just depends on how far back you want to go!

    • Jacki Hopper

      09/08/2019 at 23:45

      True Howard, we all are, blood or networking wise, music tastebuds wise…!!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    10/08/2019 at 03:59

    Well Howard, I’m no good at faces, I’m much better at guitars. I can identify those and their differences easily. Faces not so much ? I know Charlie is on the drums, so I can always pick him out!

    Speaking of Groucho Marx, did you know that he gave Alice Cooper his famous big round bed, then Alice went to Paul’s house in St John’s Wood and saw the geo-dome with the hydraulic lift in the back garden. He went back to Groucho and both of them gifted the bed to Paul with a nice little plaque. Apparently Paul had trouble convincing his kids that it was for meditating. The bed is still there.

  • Jung Roe

    12/08/2019 at 06:19

    Howard, I don’t know if you’ve seen this, but this video touches upon the Beatles – Rolling Stones rivalry quite well.  Interestingly the Rolling Stones come from a very different back ground than the Beatles, a more educated affluent background which surprised me given their bad boy more rebellious image they always portrayed over the Beatles.   It shows some insight into the early day beginnings of both bands quite well.  It looks like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones rivalry began in 1963, and the Rolling Stones manager’s strategy from the beginning was to create that anti-Beatles image for the Rolling Stones to stir up that rivalry in the media to help the Stones get a footing in the music industry.  There was however,  some unexpected behind the scenes things that went on between the Beatles and the Stones that was never really disclosed to the public.  This video reveals that which is very interesting.  I won’t spoil it.  It’s quite sad how the record labels and promoters really ripped off both bands in the end which led to the demise of one.




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