MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Which is your favorite MLT? :D

  • Daryl Jones

    24/01/2023 at 14:59

    Well, not to early IMO. But certainly an impossibility for me to choose that’s for sure.
    They both spark emotional responses in their very obvious love of music, and it goes far beyond technical prowess and instrument skills. They both offer up such feeling and presence in their playing and vocals, which really is what all great performers do. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster since I started following them less than two years ago, first with the clips on FB and Youtube, and now with the club membership and seeing the work side of their efforts and continually building successes. This Christmas definitely pushed me over the top seeing the early days as young children and re-watching the “Alone” recording. If that doesn’t tug at the heart strings, then one must have no soul at all.
    And of course, they are both pictures of loveliness personified. To choose one over the other is a total impossibility I think. They are two halves of the whole: Yin and Yang, Day and night…one cannot exist without the other. But neither can one be without the other. If that sounds too deep and weird, my studies of Eastern philosophy and martial arts are to blame, it’s just a part of me that rises to the surface all the time.

    And I thank God for the day I discovered them and their incredible talents. They inspire this old, fumbling guitar player wannabe to reach for loftier heights.

  • Len Upton

    24/01/2023 at 20:51

    Many gentlemen before you have struggled with this question, Tobias. Think of it as an existential dilemma, for which the answer is more like a key passing through various stages in life. At some point, the question will dissolve into a bright light, and you will pass into another realm of pure understanding.🙃

  • Jacki Hopper

    24/01/2023 at 23:42

    Well,being female ….lol… I’m just going to simplify things … I respect both equally of their own merits …. leave it at that…..🤘

  • Jung Roe

    25/01/2023 at 07:28

    I’m not telling! 😜

    They are both so amazing and wonderful, together their spark is greater than the sum of their parts like the Beatles, and individually Mona and Lisa are each so interesting, charasmatic, stunning, and amazing, an impossible question to answer.

  • Roger Penn

    25/01/2023 at 17:12

    I must agree with the other sentiments here. I could never tell either Mona or Lisa, “I like you less…”
    The real question (ironically) is WHY? Why does one need to choose one over the other? Why does one have to be better? And is that a preference based on musicality or personality or….what? I sure hope you don’t expect Papa Rudi to answer this question! ROFL

  • David Herrick

    25/01/2023 at 18:25

    Well said, Roger. I was thinking along the same lines.

    As an analogy, I love to make floats out of cream soda and French vanilla ice cream, but when I drink them I think about how well those components work together, not which one I prefer.

  • Tim Arnold

    25/01/2023 at 18:27

    As far as the Twins I can only say Lisa is my favorite performer on the planet because Mona is out of this world !!! There I said it.

  • Dave Johnston

    25/01/2023 at 19:25

    I think that between the (3) of them The MonaLisa Twins are by far and away the best!! The other 2 are exactly equal in their own right but when mixed together you get a combination that just can’t be much better!!

  • Sara Pattern

    25/01/2023 at 20:34

    Splendid Girls .Both of them.

  • Steve Kirk

    25/01/2023 at 21:13

    I feel a little uncomfortable with this even if it is in fun. The ladies are incredibly talented in their own way and each have individual strengths of their own. As it’s said ‘The whole is equal to the sum of it’s parts, neither more nor less’. This sums it up for me. The Beatles are the finest example of this. Maybe I’m missing something and being a miserable old man but I don’t think this is a good discussion. Best wishes, Steve

  • Tim Johnston

    26/01/2023 at 04:07

    I’d rather not say, but it is safe to assume that if either of them, would marry me, I would run across the ocean to make it happen. Yes, run across the water. Tomorrow.

    Seriously as much as I want to meet them, I would get all googooly-eyed, awkward and brain dead if it happened. And I am an extrovert!

    They are stunning.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    26/01/2023 at 04:10

    Len, I feel enlightened.

    Would you take me by the hand
    Would you take me by the hand
    Can you show me
    The shine of your Japan
    The sparkle of your china
    Can you show me

  • Michael Rife

    27/01/2023 at 00:07

    It changes back and forth between the two. I can say things that I like about Lisa are her excellent lead guitar playing and her singing. Things I like about Mona are her drumming, her rhythm guitar playing and her singing. I don’t know who wrote which songs, so I can’t tell who I like better as a songwriter. So, I like both equally.

  • Thomas Randall

    30/01/2023 at 15:34

    It’s an absolute tie! Love them both. They really make me wish I was 27 again. Such lovely and talented young ladies.

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