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  • Stephen Krogh

    04/04/2020 at 19:20

    Yes Howard I think you’re right. Since their age difference is less than the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee (or tea, according to your personal preference) I am sure they kept their parents constantly guessing which of them was responsible for whatever mischief was being sprung. I must say though, as the youngest of three boys, David does have a point. My personal experience taught me that I could often get away with “murder” because the older sibling usually got blamed.

  • David Herrick

    04/04/2020 at 19:40

    As the oldest of four, whenever I misbehaved my mom took me aside and reminded me that my siblings looked up to me and emulated me, so it was incumbent upon me to set a good example in order to prevent chaos in the family structure.  Fair or not, that assessment put me on the trajectory to become the hard-working straight arrow that I am.

    Thanks for the psychotherapy session, guys!


  • Brian St. August

    04/04/2020 at 22:59

    I have never detected a negative note in either Mona or Lisa. They seem to be very affectionate, mature and considerate ladies. I am sure they have their moments like we all do, particularly since they spend so much time together, but they just strike me as really well adjusted people. Without selling them short for those qualities, I also look to Rudi and Michaela for the giggle in the twins eyes and their creativity and kindness. I think it is a pretty loving, supportive and positive environment.

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/04/2020 at 01:24

    I wasn’t sure what was meant by “Toni” here… But after reading other replies, I do recall TV ads for and seeing “Toni” in stores… Lol…. Time warp… Lol

  • Jung Roe

    05/04/2020 at 01:30

    MLT Evil Twin

    Brian, I think this may be one of those moments.  🙂  Something tells me they are trying to figure out the answer to that question themselves too sometimes.

  • Howard

    05/04/2020 at 02:09

    Well said Brian! The whole family is a role model for healthy family (physically, emotionally and spiritually), values. Mona and Lisa are fortunate to have such loving and caring parents in Rudolf and Michaela.

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/04/2020 at 05:59

    I’m youngest out of 3 of us, I have 2 older brothers… And yes, I was  a tad of a hell raiser as a kid, got away with loads, much to my older bros chagrin…. Lol


    By the way, being the only female  MLT Club member, who participates regularly in postings, I  get a kick out of your male perspectives on things and commentary about MLT…. Lol… Makes my day and I have a good chuckle…. Keep On, I enjoy it all…. ?

  • Michael Thompson

    09/04/2020 at 15:27

    Jacki Hopper I for one am glad to have your female insights on the twins (and us old males). Keep on keeping us in line! You go girl!

  • Jacki Hopper

    09/04/2020 at 18:22

    Thankyou Michael…. I’ll continue to do my best to keep you all in line… Lol??

  • Jung Roe

    10/04/2020 at 06:22

    [postquote quote=89770][/postquote]
    Hi Michael.  I have my hunch 🙂

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