MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Who is this little guy?

  • Rudolf Wagner

    10/03/2019 at 22:56

    His name is Snoop.

    He came to us many years ago probably around 2008, during school holidays and we proceeded to take him anywhere for the next 12 months straight. Those were our bonding months and he has refused to leave ever since. He even made it into English class at some point and is extremely sociable and talkative (he squeaks).

    These days he just likes hanging out near cameras and creeping around film sets. We think he’s trying to become a movie star but he’s very sneaky about it.

    Snoop is a cool cat.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    11/03/2019 at 04:39

    Ha! He certainly likes to Snoop around. He’s very cool, wouldn’t mind seeing more of him. His true colors are all right.

    Thank you Mona!

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