• WHY? Bundle

    Posted by Tomás F. Calvo on 09/11/2022 at 07:12

    I received the bundle of WHY? and I have already been able to frame and hang the Art Prints. They are awesome. Hung them next to my other prized possession.

    WHY? is one of the best albums of all time. I’ve been listening back to back and I can’t get enough. It’s like when I found The Beatles albums as a kid. The more I listen to it, the more details I find and the more I like it!

    Tomás F. Calvo replied 1 year, 10 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    09/11/2022 at 07:44

    Hi Tomas, wow I love that! Those framed lyric art prints on your wall all look so classy and elegant. You do MLTs art amazing elegant justice at your place.

    When I first heard Janitor Joe I was blown away, then Summer Rain followed that left me breathless, then came I Bought Myself a Politician, Songbird, Questionable, Jump Ship…I just kept getting more endlessly impressed. With each new song and sneak peak into the new album, I just knew there was a magnificent masterpiece album on the way, but when I received my Why CD, nothing prepared me for it. It was even better beyond anything I could have imagined. Moments of absolute beauty and bliss, a work of art masterpiece they created. Any Other Day…Why? Oh my God!!!!!! And as you said, the more I listen the more brilliant the album shines, a timeless source of joy and inspiration, that is what art is. It’s Beethoven’s 9th Symphony with 12 movements.

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      09/11/2022 at 20:50

      Thanks Jung! They look great. I’m also happy the site is super fast again.

  • Jacki Hopper

    09/11/2022 at 21:50

    WooHoo Tomas.. Love it .. thanks for sharing photo, posting… #MLTBuzzLuvGroovufued indeed 🤘

  • Daryl Jones

    11/11/2022 at 18:43

    Very cool display Tomas! I didn’t go hog wild on the bundle, kept it sort of minimal. But love the CD, really good stuff I think.

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      12/11/2022 at 08:20

      Thanks Daryl! Yes, it’s an amazing CD.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    19/11/2022 at 01:44

    WHY? is the BEST album, not just a Pretty Little Thing!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    19/11/2022 at 01:44

    To quote Neil Sedaka: ‘I love, I love, I love my Calendar Girls!’

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