MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion WHY? is the pinnacle of modern music

  • WHY? is the pinnacle of modern music

    Posted by Jung Roe on 31/05/2023 at 05:00

    I am so proud to own these 3 amazing work of art masterpiece albums in vinyl that I never tire of listening too. The highest achievement in musical creativity, timeless, and classics that define modern music. Mona and Lisa are master songwriters, singers, and musicians who can take their music to this level of excellence. The future of rock music is secure in these incredibly talented powerhouses, Mona and Lisa Wagner.

    Jung Roe replied 1 year, 2 months ago 4 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    02/07/2023 at 09:03

    You just don’t see this kind of craft any more, artists who write their own music, play all the instruments, arrange all the tracks and mixing, and who have incredible vocals and harmonize like the Beatles, Beach Boys, Righteous Brothers, Everly Brothers…. Today most acts do the equivalent of a glorified Karaoke with music written by someone else, and musicianship if any done by someone else. Mona and Lisa are the real deal, brilliant singer, songwriter, musicians, pioneering inspired music. MLT is to rock music today what the Beatles and Pink Floyd were to rock music in the 60s and 70s.

    • Allan Morton

      03/07/2023 at 16:47

      So true Jung. When I heard some of the Why? tracks before the release of the album as they were shared with us it was hard to grasp the scale of the forthcoming album. However once I heard the album in full (played on something better than a PC), it grew to be one of my favourite albums. The tracks seemed to take on a new greatness being played that way which was not so evident when hearing individual songs just in the club on a media player. And of course you then get the videos which add another dimension to the music. I think there are quite a few artists out there who play everything (saw this yesterday but since the dawn of the internet it’s hard to find these people any more (despite so many tools which claim they help you do this!!). It must be really hard for new musicians to get an audience these days as the music world is so splintered. So it’s great to belong to an amazing club where you know you will find love, joy and great music nearly every week!

    • Jung Roe

      03/07/2023 at 19:20

      Hi Allan

      I agree, music today is splintered indeed, unfortunately good artistic music, and real talented musicianship on youtube is lost to a sea of fast food canned electronic pop that pulls together a bunch of hooks heavy dose of auto-tuning and re-used effects. It appeals to young people like a can of sugar soda but there is no substance or inspiration there. The state of popular music today is like inspired literature of Dickens, Twain, Vernes, Hemingway, Poe, Kafka etc..being forgotten in favour of MAD cartoon comics.

      Some nice finger picking there by Toni Lindgren. She partners with Rina Del Cid right.

    • Allan Morton

      04/07/2023 at 14:38

      Yes, I follow Reina on YouTube so these videos pop up every so often. They do a lot of covers too.

    • Jung Roe

      04/07/2023 at 15:10

      Hi Allen

      A couple years ago Reina Del Cid was mentioned by a member here and so I checked out some of her videos. Some great musicianship indeed. I found in some of the more folk pop music, Reina has a very good Bob Dylan flair to her vocals, in a complimentary way. Did you notice that too?

    • Allan Morton

      10/07/2023 at 15:13

      Yes there is a bit of Bob there. She is also very into Star Trek which I suspect Bob is not. They did a great Hotel California cover next to a river in a forest but the Eagles forced them to take the video down which was a pity.

    • Jung Roe

      10/07/2023 at 15:21

      The Eagles seem very protective of someone covering their song without realizing it is honouring their music. If it weren’t for MLTs cover of Hotel California, I probably would not have gone back and listened to that song for decades unless I happened to hear it on the radio, but that is unlikely because I only listen to news and talk programming on the radio as current crop of canned popular music has no appeal to me. Lesser known treasures like Hey Bull Dog and Junk would have been lost to me forever.

  • Steve Kirk

    07/07/2023 at 14:17

    Hi Jung. I do agree with you that ‘Why’ is a masterpiece. Musically and lyrically out there amongst the best ever. It speaks for so many of us that are wondering what on earth is going on in the world at this time and commenting as the great art works do. I don’t understand what success is in music anymore but if I ask people I know, they won’t know who the MLT are. There is so much bilge and drivel out there that it swamps the creative. We preach to the converted here, but the masses are missing it. I believe as you do that nobody is producing this quality of work today. Great works are often recognised in retrospect and I hope ‘Why’ does too. It deserves it certainly

    • Jung Roe

      07/07/2023 at 15:32

      Hi Steve

      Well said, couldn’t agree more. WHY? deserves more recognition in the music world indeed for the masterpiece it is. In the Rick Beato videos he says if Stair Way To Heaven or many of the classic masterpieces were released today, they would go unnoticed by a general public that has lost it’s way with music. I feel an awakening and appreciation for good music is on it’s way, and MLT will be leading the pack.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    08/07/2023 at 14:40


    I am sitting in line waiting for an oil change listening to Why?

    Every song on this album is fantastic!

    Oh joy I am next!

  • Jung Roe

    09/07/2023 at 09:09

    Hi JP

    I know what you mean, MLT joy indeed. These days I love getting in my car, not because of the neck snapping torque of a burbling V8 I use to love, but because I can listen to WHY? behind the wheel which is even better. It’s very rare and special to have an album like WHY? where you can love every single song on it. It’s so wonderful isn’t it. It’s the sound track of my life these days, as I am sure it is for us all.

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