MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Why not offer separate Video Albums corresponding to each CD Album?

  • Why not offer separate Video Albums corresponding to each CD Album?

    Posted by Joe Skoczylas on 20/10/2018 at 08:48

    Hi Mona and Lisa,   Why not have a separate Video Album corresponding with each CD Album?   You could also offer the option of buying both for a special price.   I suggest this because, to me, your videos convey the spirit of your music better than those of any other artists.   It is very much as though you make us part of your performance, your circle of friends, your family and your creative fantasies and stories.   Love the cds but the videos bring to life your creations best.  Thanks for sharing your music with us.

    God bless you and your family and team.   Keep up the great work!




    Marián Hrozen replied 5 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 10:33

    Hi Joe

    I asked a similar question a while ago. and to a large extent yours has already been addressed by Mona. If you search the topic: 2007 Concert you will find Mona’s response.

    Also, I recommend if you haven’t already, share your details on the ‘Introduce Yourself’ page and MLT will be more likely to know you are around and respond!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    20/10/2018 at 15:15

    Thanks for your question and the lovely words, Joe!

    As Howard mentioned I went into detail about why we cannot sell our cover songs as videos in a different topic, you can find it here.

    When it comes to our original music that’s a different story. We were actually doing exactly what you suggested for our original album “When We’re Together” and are selling it as a CD and a DVD.

    For our more recent album ORANGE, however, we have only released 3 videos so far and are not planning to make a video to every single song.

    As much as we love putting visuals to our music and working on videos, we decided it is currently more important to work on new songs and more writing. It took us several years to finish all the videos for our debut album and there was a 5 year gap between our first and second original album. We don’t want to repeat that, and would rather create more music than spending too much time on too many videos for “older” songs.

    That’s not to say that we won’t release any more songs off ORANGE as videos (in fact, I’m sure we will!) but we won’t work on another DVD for a while.

    I like your suggestion though and if it wasn’t for the cover music problem mentioned in the other topic I’m sure we’d have a couple more DVDs out already!

    • Joe Skoczylas

      21/10/2018 at 06:16

      Hi Mona, Thanks for letting me know about the DVD situation. It is sad that so many roadblocks are put in the way of the creators of music including MLT. The laws should simply allow cover videos to be made and after each sale a % should go to the cover artist and whoever has the rights to the original. Simple and fair. Unfortunately, greedy music industry types mistreat the artists and complicate things. The ultimate example was the Beatles early publisher misleading them about their rights to their own music so it passed to other hands. Anyway, thanks so much for sharing your superbly well done cover videos on youtube. I just wish you could receive the income you deserve from them. Please stay true to your creative vision and don’t allow the industry to intrude. You and your team have the purest approach to sharing your art I have ever encountered. Please keep up the great work!
      God bless you, your family, and team.

    • Jung Roe

      21/10/2018 at 11:39

      Hi Mona and Lisa

      That sounds like a great plan.  You can never go wrong with more new songs.

  • Marián Hrozen

    21/10/2018 at 16:56

    Hi Mona and Lisa. Are not you going to do all the successful covers we’ve seen on YouTube?


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