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  • Jacki Hopper

    14/08/2020 at 14:20

    Hey Joe, Morning from Ottawa, I checked out BlackBerry Smoke, not bad…definitely has that 70s southern rock stuff essence vibe going on, and I like it..reminds of the stuff my oldest brother enjoyed listening to growing up, , my 2 nd oldest brother and I , our music tastes are more similar, I do share some similar music tastes with oldest bro but to a point, whereas my 2nd oldest bro I, we’re more of the Beatles, Stones, Blues, etc kinda stuff ….my 2nd oldest bro does think of MLT stuff as being cool, which means he’s  impressed…. I thank him for getting me into Jeff Healey, Lucas Haneman, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Clapton, BB King, etc….??

  • John Behle

    14/08/2020 at 14:35

    Yes, it was the right John.  I should have mentioned “Twist and Shout” also as that is one of my favorites.  I also love their version of “I Will”.  It’s one of my favorite songs.  I first heard Alison Krauss’s version and didn’t even know it was a Beatles song.  I think young Mona and Lisa knocked it out of the park, but I constantly think of what an incredible update they could do with their current beautiful voices.  What  a great duo session that could be.

    I really enjoy Mona and Lisa’s humor.  When I first joined the club someone pointed out the “Advent Calendar that they did Christmas 2018.  I think their cookie making video is hilarious.  It’s at:

  • Joseph Manzi

    14/08/2020 at 15:10

    Good morning Jacki,

    I really love this group. They are great acoustic and electric. They are defiantly Southern Rock. And they tour like crazy. They been together 20 years now.

    They have a little Allman Brothers, Lynyrd Skynyrd and a dash of Petty in them.

    Enjoy some Free bird.


  • Joseph Manzi

    14/08/2020 at 15:14

    Jacki, I love the blues all that you mention and Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf and one of my

    all time favorites Mr. Buddy Guy and many , many more.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    16/08/2020 at 00:05

    Hey Joe (where you goin’ with that gun in your hand? …),
    You got quite the party going here 🙂 We’re glad you got to meet everyone in this thread and that you’re sharing your experiences and thoughts on so many topics here. The first-hand Woodstock memories are fascinating!
    Thanks for joining the Club and for adding your voice to the comments and forum. We hope you’ll have a fab time!
    Keep the guitar journey going and give hugs to your dogs from us, will ya? 🙂
    See you around!

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 04:37

    Hey Lisa, Let me see Jimi would sing the following — Going down to shoot my old lady
    You know I caught her messing around with another man. A lot of artist have done this song.One of my favorites.

    First how are you Lisa?

    Yes I am glad I have joined your club. You have a lot of nice and loyal fans. One of my loves of life is music. I have always loved it. Not a big fan of New York anymore. But in my teens the 60’s and 70’s in New York was a great place to be. I have attended a lot of great concerts seen a ton of artist. I could not list them all. I love passing on my knowledge of music.

    That’s one of the reason I love what you and Mona are doing. As each generation passes. Music from other era’s get lost and buried. You and Mona have been able to revitalize this music and are presenting it to new generations and making the people that lived through that era happy again. I was hooked on the British Invasion. I loved all the groups. But the three that stood out to me were The Beatles, The Who and The Kinks. If you listen to their  first album to their last. They always progress which makes then ever lasting and great in my book.

    I glad that MLT are doing your own music. That’s important you progress. I think you both have talent to do your own music too. I enjoy listening to When We’re Together and Orange. I feel you have progressed from Together to Orange. I hope someday the world gets back to normal. What ever that is. Then the Mona Lisa Twins can do some touring. I hope you make it to the States. And I can get a chance to see you perform live. Until then I’m just playing my guitar and making my dogs happy. Especially my howling dog Abbey…

    Peace, Love, Groovy and God Bless.


    PS  If you get a chance listen to Blackberry Smoke. They are Southern Rock. Let me know what you think..

  • Howard

    16/08/2020 at 06:08

    Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand? You must get that a lot. And what an awesome song to kick start Jimi’s career. You can’t help but be transfixed by that guitar intro. Mark Knopfler credits it with influencing him to get into the guitar playing business.

    It is one of those instances that stick in your mind and you never forget. I’ve had a quite a lot myself. Dylan’s “Like a Rolling Stone”, the Hollies “Bus Stop”, the Who’s “Substitute”, the Kinks “Waterloo Sunset” (how’s that practice going Lisa), Manfred Mann’s “Do Wah Diddy Diddy” and “Pretty Flamingo”, Herman’s Hermits “There’s a Kind of Hush” and “No Milk Today”, the Beach Boys “Sloop John B”,  the Animals “It’s My Life”, the intro to the Stones’ “Tell Me”, “Honky Tonk Women”, “Street Fighting Man”, “Gimme Shelter” and “Brown Sugar”, to name just a few, and many early Beatles’ songs, like “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” and “Help”.

    Hearing favourite songs for the first time is an experience you can only have once in a lifetime and is one that you want to repeat so often, they can sometimes begin to wear on you. Having not listened for many years, and then seeing  some of your old favourites having new life breathed back into them, is the gift that the MLT continue to give.

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 12:21

    Hey Howard – I agree with you. When you mention the Animals. My mind jumped to my favorite song by them. This was the Vietnam era. A lot of protest in the states. On song that stuck in my head was Sky Pilot. The worst to that song was so powerful. About a priest who blesses the soldiers before they go out to war.

    He blesses the boys as they stand in line
    The smell of gun grease
    and the bayonets they shine
    He’s there to help them all that he can
    To make them feel wanted he’s a good holy man
    Sky pilot,
    Sky pilot,
    How high can you fly?
    You’ll never, never, never reach the sky.

    He smiles at the young soldiers
    Tells them it’s all right
    He knows of their fear in the forthcoming fight
    Soon there’ll be blood and many will die
    Mothers and fathers back home they will cry
    Sky pilot,
    Sky pilot,
    How high can you fly?
    You’ll never, never, never reach the sky.

    He mumbles a prayer and it ends with a smile
    The order is given
    They move down the line
    But he’ll stay behind and he’ll meditate
    But it won’t stop the bleeding or ease the hate

    As the young men move out into the battle zone
    He feels good, with God you’re never alone
    He feels tired and he lays on his bed
    Hopes the men will find courage
    in the words that he said
    Sky pilot,
    Sky pilot,
    How high can you fly?
    You’ll never, never, never reach the sky.

    You’re soldiers of God, you must understand
    The fate of your country is in your young hands
    May God give you strength
    Do your job real well
    If it all was worth it
    Only time it will tell

    In the morning they return
    With tears in their eyes
    The stench of death drifts up to the skies
    A soldier so ill looks at the sky pilot
    Remembers the words
    “Thou shalt not kill.”
    Sky pilot,
    Sky pilot,
    How high can you fly?
    You’ll never, never, never reach the sky.

  • Howard

    16/08/2020 at 12:29

    Hey Joe, In the sixties I had the single version of “Sky Pilot” and “Ring of Fire” (1968) and in the seventies I had a copy of “The Greatest Hits of Eric Burdon and the Animals”, which featured Sky Pilot, San Franciscan Nights, Monterey, White Houses, Ring of Fire, To Love Somebody and River Deep Mountain High and I think from memory, “Paint It Black.”

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 13:22

    Good morning Howard – I had Sky Pilot as single then on a greatest Animals cd. So the same.

    A Great Song !!! Will have to it out. You never that song played. Not that I listen to radio anymore.  They do a good version of it. Thanks for providing. Terrible day in New Jersey pouring rains. Dogs will not like it. Talk with you later.


  • Howard

    16/08/2020 at 13:39

    And how’s this for an interpretation of a Rolling Stones song?

  • Howard

    16/08/2020 at 14:15

    Sky Pilot – Long version

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 14:17

    Interesting take. Never heard the Animals do Paint it Black. I listen to a few other video on the side. There was one he did with war. Is Eric Burdon still alive?

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 14:23

    Wow ! Howard just saw you sent the  video long version of Sky Pilot. It’s funny I use to hate back in the day when radio stations would play the short version instead of the original. Song that come to mind. Light My Fire, Won’t Get Fooled Again , In a gadda da vida and Sky Pilot.

    I used to say why bother playing it at all then, But Thanks Howard .. I will enjoy this since I never saw it.

  • Howard

    16/08/2020 at 14:28

    “Ring of Fire”, like you’ve never heard before!

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