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  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 14:34

    If a song ever had a message. Boy Band dress in military uniforms.

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 14:48

    Really liked this version. I have this song on a Eric Burdon Sun Secrets .

    This is a good version too. It’s amazing that June Carter wrote this song and must have been

    covered by so many bands. She never got credit. It’s one of the classic of all time.


  • Howard

    16/08/2020 at 15:23

    This is live from Germany in 2008 and showing that Eric still had it all of these years later. One of the best Rock voices ever. I heard him say in one of his interviews that before they toured, Americans thought he was a black singer. A great blues voice.

    River Deep, Mountain High

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 16:23

    Eric still has it. I checked he is 78 now. Still alive and well. Not sure how old he was when he did this. But he still can perform.

  • Howard

    16/08/2020 at 16:58

    He would have been the age I am now, 67. He’s now 79 as he was born 11 May 1941.

    I bought  the single version of this in 1967

    “It’s My Life”

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/08/2020 at 22:57

    Lol…this gal is getting lost, confused in/with all these postings of  this Eric dude, etc….. I stick out like  a sore thumb, , I have no idea who this guy is…lol….  But am enjoying the commaderie you all are having on this topic, and knowing who he is… lol… I’m only about 15-20yrs behind you in age, so I know somewhat what you’re  speaking of, just not the whole  picture, I wasn’t quite  born yesterday,  but feel out of sorts in that you all know but I don’t…lol…oh well, makes for great learning, that  setback won’t  stop me  none…???

  • Howard

    17/08/2020 at 00:20

    Jscki, remember the MLT and band’s 2007 live concert? They did a cover of the Animals’ ”House of the Rising Sun”, which is the record that made the Animals in the US in 1964. Eric Burdon was their lead singer.

  • Jacki Hopper

    17/08/2020 at 00:38

    Lol.. Howard…. I never knew who had sung that song “House of the Rising Sun”,   as I also never really liked that song, it kind of scared me when I was a kid hearing it in the 70s.. To me, it had an ominous/eerie feel to it, that scared me everytime I listened to it on radio, thus not appreciating it , until….MLT’ s  take on it on their 2007 concert CD, thu still  never knowing who Eric was until  now in these topic postings re: Eric/Animals music

  • Howard

    17/08/2020 at 02:09

    Now Jacki, you were quite right to be scared of the House of the Rising Sun. It was certainly no place for a little girl. I’ve sure been ruined by life on occasions, but not in places like that! However, our 13 year old Lisa didn’t seem to be scared when she sang it with so much passion in their first concert. I wonder if she knew what it was all about!

    “There is a house in New Orleans They call the Rising Sun And it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy And God I know I’m one”

    “Oh, mother, tell your children Not to do what I have done Spend your lives in sin and misery In the House of the Rising Sun”

    In 1941, Woody Guthrie recorded a version and In late 1961, Bob Dylan recorded the song for his debut album, released in March 1962.
    According to John Steel, Bob Dylan told him that when he first heard The Animals’ version on his car radio, he stopped to listen, “jumped out of his car” and “banged on the bonnet”, inspiring him to go electric. Dave Van Ronk said that The Animals’ version—like Dylan’s version before it—was based on his arrangement of the song.

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