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  • Won't You Listen Now

    Posted by Rick Ross on 05/08/2019 at 21:25
    1. Hello Ladies

    In your wonderful video Won’t You Listen Now Lisa plays a 12 string Electric. What kind is it and what can you tell us about it?

    Also, it appears Mona sings lead, yet in a video by Jones the Cameraman, it appears Lisa sings Lead. Is it because Mona is playing the Blues Harp?

    Thanks as always for your insightful answers.

    Stay Supremely Groovy.


    Jacki Hopper replied 5 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/08/2019 at 21:25

    Hi Rick,

    It’s such a weird and wonderful guitar. We picked it up at a Vintage guitar shop in Dorsden/Germany before we started working on our “When We’re Together” album. It’s a 12 string, hollow-body Framus (old German guitar brand) with a tremolo and built-in damper built in the early 70’s. Such a unique instrument unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

    Dad and I gave it a proper set up, polished it up a little and now it’s totally playable (At 00:51 you can see me and Dad working on it for a second We used it for “Nothing Is In Vain” (you can hear it really well in the intro as well as spot it in the video) and “Won’t You Listen Now”, like you mentioned.

    And it’s a song I’ve always sang lead on, in the Chorus anyway. For the verses we both sing so there isn’t really a “lead” there.

    Hope that helps 🙂
    Thanks for the questions!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/08/2019 at 21:28

    Oh, and I nearly forgot … it’s also the first thing you see in this video 😉

  • Jung Roe

    06/08/2019 at 04:44

    Like many of the Beatles masterpieces with unique intros that make the song so much more special, Nothing Is In Vain has an awesome unique intro that give the song much character right from the outset, and it’s great to see the remarkable restored instrument (Framus 12 string) you did it with!

    Framus 12 string

    A really pretty guitar!

  • Rick Ross

    06/08/2019 at 15:52

    Hi Lisa,

    Thanks so much for your answer!!

    Wow! Talk about a unique and beautiful instrument. If you all hadn’t gone in the store that day, you would have never known such a wonderful guitar was available. You and your dad did a remarkable job cleaning it up and making it look so Pretty.

    I had asked a few people in IFC who was singing lead and all said it was Mona. I guess it was because the video showed Mona having a crush on the boy in the video. If I remember he is a childhood friend. And if I remember further, his sister plays football for the Australian Women’s Team.

    Thanks so much for your wonderful answers

    All the best and give everyone a big hug from me, including yourself


  • Angelo

    06/08/2019 at 20:56
  • Howard

    06/08/2019 at 23:52

    Hi Richard. Yes, ‘Won’t You Listen Now‘ is a wonderful video and such a sweet song. As for Mona’s crush, I’m sure you meant his sister plays for the Austrian Women’s Team. The Australian Women’s Team is quite good, but it would be nice to have her join them!

  • Rick Ross

    07/08/2019 at 14:47

    Hello Howard and Angelo,

    Angelo, I would live to own a guitar like that. Unfortunately I don’t have the funds and I don’t know how to play. Thanks though for sending the link and for thinking of me.

    Howard, You would think their childhood friend would play for Austria, but something sticks out in my mind about her playing for Australia. Mona and Lisa made mention of the fact that they were going to actually watch TV last year to see her play. If memory serves me correctly their friend had a prominent place on the team and they were so excited to try and catch her while watching. Either way it was a big thrill for Mona and Lisa.

  • Rick Ross

    07/08/2019 at 14:59

    Hello Howard,

    I was able to find it in an Instagram post..

    You are correct… It is indeed the Austrian Women’s National Team. @aschauerv is Mona and Lisa’s childhood friend. Her team had advanced far enough to be on TV in the UEFA Women’s Euro Cup Tournament.

    Thanks again for correcting me.

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/08/2019 at 20:12

    Great Q Rick and I love Lisa’s reply, indeed a unique instrument… It is something to have found that particular guitar when MLT did, it was meant to be…. It has its own distinctive sound but Team MLT playing it, only further enhances the sound  and the tweaks they did to improve upon to play it for… Awesome all around bonus!!

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