• Michael Parker

    30/10/2019 at 13:47

    Received mine yesterday and managed to listen today – another top quality MonaLisa Twins CD. Love the self penned number “All I Want Christmas To Be”. X

  • David Herrick

    30/10/2019 at 16:30

    By the way, Skip, thanks for expanding this American’s vocabulary.  “Chuffed”…


    • Ckay Kirby

      01/11/2019 at 19:57

      Hiya David,

      your welcome, I always find it amusing when American ( or Ozi’s) dont at first understand our local English sayings.

      My favourite programme from you guys is “The late late show with James Corden” – karpool Karioke is a scream


    • David Herrick

      01/11/2019 at 20:30

      Well, that word stood out for me because it sounds like it should have a very different meaning:  “I fell down a flight of stairs and got chuffed all over”.

      I normally watch other late shows, but I did catch the carpool karaoke with Paul McCartney.  That was brilliant!

      Oh, and just to reciprocate on the cultural exchange, in America we have “favorite programs” rather than “favourite programmes”, although I’m sure you were aware of that.


    • Ckay Kirby

      01/11/2019 at 20:39

      Hiya David,

      just to be sure – “Chuffed” over here means – happy, pleased, joyous, excited, exactly what you get with a MonaLisa CD, and yes your American spelling has been a pain in my bum for many a year, as a printer  have had to proof read and spell check sssssssssooooooooo many documents that where written in Microsoft Word (before they had different language versions) and now I’m fighting Google Translations – I really don’t know why we don’t give up and use one universal version – please – lol



    • David Herrick

      01/11/2019 at 21:25

      Yes, Skip, I was just reacting to what the word sounded like to me.  I was able to get the actual meaning from context.  I didn’t really suspect that the CD was physically injurious to you.

      Hey, if Bill Gates had been British, it might have been a different story.  I never really thought about how annoying it all is for people from other English-speaking countries.  It would certainly help if differing spelling conventions were handled better in electronic communications.

      And just to rub it in a little, in America no one ever has a pain in their bum, unless they own a homeless person.


    • Ckay Kirby

      01/11/2019 at 21:43


      thank god for music, at least that’s universal.

      don’t worry, your not the only ones, as I said the Ozi’s are just as bad and their BRITISH !???

      It took me a over a week to convince my Ozi sister that Chips in UK were not the same as chips in OZ, here they are Fried Potato Sticks (similar to MacDonald’s Fries but made with real potatoes cut into chunky pieces) and to educate her on what a “sarnie/butty” was = sandwich, bread with filling.

      Its so crazy how local language and slang can take over – my 3 grand kids went to Disney, Florida for 3 weeks last year, 3 weeks ! and came back asking for a Hershey bar  instead of Cadbury’s chocolate!!? and can we go to the Mall !!


    • David Herrick

      02/11/2019 at 00:35

      Three WEEKS, seriously?

      Yeah, over here Cadbury just makes a cameo appearance with its creme eggs at Easter, whereas Hershey bars are pretty much wrapped in the flag:



    • Howard

      02/11/2019 at 00:55

      Well Skip, there are also many differences from state to state in Australia too. In Queensland and NSW, we also call real potatoes cut into chunky pieces, chips. And that shopping centre that has taken over the street is a Mall (pronounced maul).

    • Ckay Kirby

      02/11/2019 at 03:30

      yeah, I remember – my sister was in Adelaide. South Australia and there were so many differences to UK, we used to have a great time sending each other old VHS tapes of the TV adverts and newspaper clips – as for the 3 weeks to educate her – i got a feeling it was just so I would buy her more “Sarnies” when she came over to  visit, and I was always making her “Chip Butties”

      My gran-daughter picked up a penfriend on her visit to Disney and they do the same, they also share YouTube vids of comparisons between UK and USA products, quite amusing .

      perhaps we could get the twins to do similar with their homeland stuff ?




  • Jacki Hopper

    30/10/2019 at 18:56

    Lol… Jung beat me to it for replying about download link thing re: Xmas CD…. Hopefully both Jung and I will receive ours soon too as we both live in Canada, opposite ends mind you.

    Paul:   As for the “Across the Pond” reference, that too applies to Canada…. I often refer to saying that to friends/family who live in UK and abroad…. Lol…


    As for the Mona & Lisa Songs References… It could go on and on indefinitely…. Lol

  • Thomas Randall

    01/11/2019 at 12:18

    Well my MLT Christmas CD package arrived Wednesday here in N.Y.! THANK YOU ladies for the card AND guitar pick as well! What a nice touch! I love getting MLT packages from “across the pond”!




    • Jacki Hopper

      01/11/2019 at 18:11

      WooHoo Thomas… Glad it arrived… I’m still waiting, if not today, I’m hoping next week or week after… But will post on here on Forum, once it has arrived, you darn tootin I will…. Lol

    • Ckay Kirby

      01/11/2019 at 20:01

      Hiya jacki,

      sorry you have wait so long but at least you should get the down load link now – it sounds great – and yes the physical package is well worth waiting for



  • Jacki Hopper

    02/11/2019 at 04:05

    Lol… May I add my 2 cents worth before I head off to bed as I work at 9am Saturday morning and almost midnight now on Friday…

    About the vocabulary,  etc, slang terminologies from around the world, well between Canada, USA, UK, Australia,… It’s funny how each of these areas have their own words to define things yet in other countries, mean differently… Canada has some…. Just too tired name but I know “Double-Double” is commonplace here (A Tim Hortons running code gag for coffee/tea drinkers when ordering….)… Another Canadian icon fave saying of mine belonged to a character named Red Green (Steve Smith)… Who would say, something along the lines of, “Keep Your Stick On The Ice… Etc”.. Another character I loved Charlie Farquarson (Don Herron), had some humdinger ascwell as Willy and Floyd, Delmer and Cecil… All Canadian characters on Tv/Radio…. Gnite EH ??

  • Jung Roe

    02/11/2019 at 04:47

    Holy gosh darned, Christmas has arrived already!  “All I Want Christmas To Be”, and “Walking In The Air”!!!  I’m stunned with joy and beauty, and have fallen in love with the MLT music magic all over again!  I can’t stop playing the album on repeat on my phone! 

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    04/11/2019 at 00:33

    Got mine yesterday (Nov 2)! Though I did download it on the 1st. So much care put into the package and personalization!

    As for the music … I’m surprised yet again. This album is certainly a cut above. I’m still wrapping my head around “All I Want Christmas To Be”, the song writing skills on that one are quite something, stuff only the Beatles used to pull off. And you can’t but get up and dance to Happy Xmas.

    Hope you’re all getting yours!

  • Howard

    04/11/2019 at 01:53

    Lucky you Tomás. Mine will be waiting for me at home as I’m still away for a couple more weeks. Fortunately I too was able to download and listen via the MLT Club Jukebox. They never cease to surprise and reward us! I hope you have purchased a copy for that adorable, talented niece of yours. If it’s a Xmas present, her mother can’t make her work for it!

    I can well imagine Luli attempting a cover of MLTs ‘Silent Night’.

  • Jung Roe

    04/11/2019 at 06:03

    I’ve gotten use to the MLT “Winter Wonderland” live performance video at the Cavern, but it’s also great to hear the studio version in all it’s clarity.  Wow, those harmonies!  It is so wonderfully charming!  Awaiting the CD arrival from Canada Post, but had the downloaded Christmas album piping through the car stereo today and it sounded so wonderful!  When “Walking in the Air” comes on, I need an airplane as my spirit soars. .

  • John Behle

    05/11/2019 at 03:45

    Just received my Christmas CD moments ago.  Importing to iTunes right now…..  Yeah!  You’re right, it is beautifully produced as far as graphics, etc.  Love their new song.  Their voices and harmonies just get better and better.

  • Howard

    05/11/2019 at 04:38

    Well I won’t be able to touch my CDs for a couple more weeks but it was nice to hear from my neighbours that a package had arrived from the MLT and they were holding it for me!

    Still able to listen via the download and have been particularly enjoying their new original song and the newly recorded covers, especially’Silent Night’.

  • Paul Steinmayer

    06/11/2019 at 18:52

    Yippy Skippy… My CD came on Monday!!!  I agree, amazing packaging, and I love the signatures on the CD and on the included picture too!  Of course I started listening on Friday when I downloaded the album.

    Thank you so very much Mona and Lisa!!!

  • Jung Roe

    08/11/2019 at 05:18

    My CDs were waiting for me when I got home, how joyful!  Receiving MLT merch is always wonderful with the nice extras. Personally autographed, and love the lyrics!  Now I can gift these To my friends.

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/11/2019 at 20:05

    YippeeYay… Fab… Woohoo… It’s the most  nice Thursday night of all…. The Xmas CD Arrived and I listen with pride, ear to ear, yes At long last Canada Post finally delivered my CD here to my mailbox…. Today is Friday but  I had to wait today to share the MLTBuzzGroovyiment of Xmas Joy… Thankyou, Cranking in my earphones…. Sing along sincere.. Yes… It’s the best Xmas Album quite clear?

  • Jung Roe

    08/11/2019 at 21:54

    That’s great to hear Jacki.  Its wonderful when your much anticipated package arrives on Friday so you can enjoy it for the weekend.

    • Jacki Hopper

      08/11/2019 at 22:32

      Thanks Jung but it came yesterday, just didn’t have a chance to post here about its arrival until today?… But you’re right in how it makes for a great way to begin a Wknd. Especially now that the teasing of Winter has begun here in my neck of woods… It does kinda gets you into the Xmas Spirit!

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