• Jung Roe

    11/11/2019 at 07:26

    The 77 foot tall Norway Spruce that will be this years Rockefeller Center Christmas tree arrived in the plaza to take it’s place yesterday.  Just as MLTs awesome Christmas Album made it’s way across the world to many homes in the last few days or will be arriving anytime for others, Christmas 2019 joy is getting ready.  This Christmas I have a feeling is going to be one of the most memorable because of Mona and Lisa’s musical magic which is an ongoing blessing and gift to us all.

    The 2019 Rockefeller Center 77 foot Spruce is a 65 years old tree that was planted in 1959, and while it may be a little sad to think about it being cut down, it will give many people some moments of Christmas joy that I think would be a worthy and noble destiny for a tree.

    The Florida New York tree owner Schulz said this of his donated tree:

    “I always said ‘You’re going to be up in Rockefeller Center someday and you’re going to be a beautiful tree when you get older,'” said Schultz, who planted the tree in 1959. “When I see the tree lit up, I’m probably going to cry.”




  • Darryl Boyd

    13/11/2019 at 00:58

    Yay my CD arrived down under today. Got it playing as I type.

  • Howard

    13/11/2019 at 09:57

    Well mine is still waiting for me in Brisbane as I have extended my stay in the Blue Mountains after three weeks at Bilpin with two nights in Katoomba and two nights in Blackheath. I won’t be able to access it until next Monday. By the way, it’s a very cold 12 degrees Celsius where I am at the moment while my home city is a very comfortable 22 degrees Celsius!

  • Jung Roe

    13/11/2019 at 10:58

    Howard, 12C!  Are you in Canada? ?  That’s pretty chilly compared to the high 20s and 30s you usually get down under.  Bundle up! My MLT hoodie works good.

  • Howard

    13/11/2019 at 11:24

    I’m in the Blue Mountains where it is much cooler and I packed all my warm gear away as I fly back to Brisbane on Sunday where it is ten degrees warmer. I’m leaving my bike in Sydney as I return there on December 11 to do a one month house sit and mind an elderly dog and four cats. The temperatures in Sydney in December will be regularly over 30 degrees Celsius. It was 37 degrees there yesterday!

    I had to get my hotel manager where I am at Katoomba to put a portable heater in my room as the fixed ones are off and can’t be turned on individually. The locals are acclimatised to the cold, while I’m not.

    When I look at those low temperatures they get in Liverpool, I wonder how they do it. We haven’t seen rain here for months and Bush fires are currently raging over two states, including the mountains where I am. Many homes have been destroyed, and unfortunately much wildlife hasn’t survived. It’s much the same as they have been experiencing in California.

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/11/2019 at 20:09

    Lol@ both Howard and Jung… You are both complaining it’s cold… Damn… That’s nothing.. Try this morning’s temp here in Ottawa with windchill….   – 26ish degrees Celsius… Yesterday was cold too not that cold of – 26  ish but cold enough and apparently for mid November here, we’ve now shattered 3 weather records… I’m just Thankful it was not that Frikkin insane cold on Remembrance Day where some vets braved the cold as it was to be in attendance for the outside ceremony at the The National War Memorial Downtown…. Winter and I don’t get along… My ideal Winter would be one day, on Xmas Day and resume back to summer…. I’m a Spring/Summer Gal for the warmth…. Maybe down the line, I’ll treat myself to an MLT Hoodie… In the meantime, I’m enjoying Tea, Hot Choco with Marshmallows and cranking Xmas MLT in my headphones through CD Discman, Android Ta let, Android Phone!!

  • Thomas Randall

    13/11/2019 at 20:18

    -26 C? BRRRR! I hate the cold too Jackie, we had 16 F. this morning, the lowest so far. We can get slightly below zero here in N.Y. now and then but not as cold as our Canadian neighbours! I’m no Eskimo! Have to get me one of those MLT hoodies eventually!

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