MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Yes, but can they do it live

  • Daryl Jones

    21/11/2023 at 17:04

    Tim, I’m a huge Rush fan. Have been since they first hit the mainstream. While Alex and Geddy are incredible musicians, Neil Peart was an absolute rock soldier. During their final tour before his oh so untimely demise he rode his motorcycle to the gigs instead of riding on the bus with the gang. No weather or his personal hardships stopped him. Sometimes he needed help getting off the bike and also on the stage his feet were so swollen and painful.

    Chris, that auditorium is a fantastic venue. I saw the touring stage production (with Yvonne Elliman) of Jesus Christ Superstar there when I was in my very early teens. Practically had to beg my parents to let me go as they considered it sacrilegious at the time. Only way they relented was because it was a school band supervised music trip. God if they only knew what went on a couple short years later at concerts in different venues haha.

    • Tim Arnold

      22/11/2023 at 17:06

      Daryl, I was a big Rush fan and their turning point from a local garage band to a mainstream rock band came when Neil joined the band. He became the chief lyricist and gave their music a direction. There’s no denying his remarkable talent as not only a drummer but percussionist. Even after all his success he never considered himself a great musician and kept learning his craft. He went through some serious tragedies when his daughter was killed in a car accident and the same year his wife died from what Neil said was a broken heart. Neil left and the band stopped at that point. He went on an extended motorbike ride of over 80,000 miles through the U.S, Mexico into South America. He said he didn’t care anymore and Alex and Geddy let him have his space and the time to heal. Eventually he found peace and rejoined his mates. Also, Rush never gave in to the pressure of producing hit records. Their music remained their very own personal art.

      Here’s a cool video of Rush before Neil joined the band. They are playing at a school auditorium in St. Catherines, Ontario. About 20 years old with original drummer John Rutsey.

  • Tim Arnold

    21/11/2023 at 17:36

    Not much to say about The Rolling Stones. Their music and performance speaks for itself. I love this Country-Blues tune from Exile On Main Street performed in Texas in 1972 with Keith Richards and Mick Taylor on acoustic guitars, the great Bobby Keys on sax and of course Mick Jagger at the top of his game.

    • Daryl Jones

      24/11/2023 at 17:37

      I LOVE their new album! I think it’s absolutely stellar. It’s been decades since I bought (or really had reason to) anything of theirs but I’m thrilled with this.

    • Tim Arnold

      24/11/2023 at 18:32

      Daryl, I’ve only heard about half of it but I like what I’ve heard. I actually love the duet with Lady Gaga “Sweet Sounds of Heaven”. Stevie Wonder also plays on that track. Her and Mick singing together is a great sound. Here’s a video of them doing the song live in New York City. A great performance.

    • Daryl Jones

      27/11/2023 at 19:16

      Funny, the first time I heard the song I was really getting into it. Then as it got into the later section of the song where she was doing pretty much the vocal track herself, I found it to be getting a bit over the top. At the risk of being a bit harsh, I’m not a fan at all of Lady Gaga. True she is a talent, but like Taylor Swift I really don’t care for all the hype around either of them.
      But back on track (no pun intended) I found the focus to be too much on her trying to be like a Pink Floyd vocal backup trio (think of the stage performance of Pulse or Delicate Sound Of Thunder) with the three gals doing such stellar vocal harmonies and fills. I think Mick and crew could have done far better with someone like Rose Stone adding additional vocals as Elton John did. But that’s just me. I might have had a different opinion had they ended the song when it slowed prior to putting Lady Gaga more as a longer highlight/solo vocal in the last minute or so.
      But other than that, I am duly impressed.

    • Tim Arnold

      27/11/2023 at 23:04

      I agree that Gaga is way over the top on this live performance. I guess that’s what she does, I really don’t know much about her. I like the sound of the studio version better than this live video. I think her vocal track is lower on the studio version. I prefer her vocals in the background as opposed to equal as Mick’s or even above his at some points. I always liked Mick singing with Lisa Fischer on Gimme Shelter and would have rather heard her on this song. I do think the live video shows how Mick can still get it done at 80 years old which is amazing. Having a new Stones album and new Beatles single at the same time is kind of cool though.

  • Tim Arnold

    21/11/2023 at 19:04

    You can hear a great live performance at Madison Square Garden or The Sydney Opera house but sometimes you can hear a great performance at a Starbucks in Greencastle Indiana. By the way, Sadie Johnson is an absolute treasure.

  • Tim Arnold

    04/12/2023 at 16:35

    Sometimes it’s the reactions of the crowd that makes a great live performance. I love this live album of AC/DC but the videos are incredible, a huge crowd enjoying every note. Kind of bittersweet though for me seeing Malcolm Young jamming knowing he was suffering from the early symptoms of dementia and his career was nearing it’s end. Anyway a great performance from the band and crowd in River Plate Argentina.

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