• Jung Roe

    30/06/2019 at 06:10

    I saw the trailer.  Looks fun!  “Hey Dude” cracks me up. ?

    • David Herrick

      30/06/2019 at 15:00

      A few years ago Paul McCartney said, perhaps jokingly, that some younger fans think that’s actually the name of the song.


  • David Herrick

    30/06/2019 at 14:55

    The moment in the trailer when the guy looks up “Beatles” on the Internet and finds only “beetles” reminds me of looking up MLT on Wikipedia and finding only, shall we say, crickets.


    • Daniel Smith

      30/06/2019 at 23:10

      Not to give anything away, but the Beatles aren’t the only things this alternate earth has never heard of.


  • Jacki Hopper

    07/07/2019 at 02:28

    Saw the movie earlier tonight… Thumbs Up… Chuckles throughout and definitely was thinking MLT throughout it… A must go see… Highlyvreccomend it… Good casting too!!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    17/07/2019 at 04:18

    Saw the movie, and I really think it’s a must see for anybody, let alone Beatles fans. Though for those that are not Beatles fans, they may be a grouch, so not sure what they’ll enjoy. 🙂

    I thought it was great that all the singing was done “live”, meaning that they didn’t record in a studio and then lip-synced. They recorded it all on set. A few takes sure, but it shows Himesh Patel (the lead) is a good singer/performer. Obviously Ed Sheeran is as well. I loved all the actors, Kate McKinnon had me rolling with laughter.

    I feel it as a love letter to the Beatles, and not surprisingly the critics trashed it, but it was sweet and wonderful (Magical? Fab?).

    On a side note, without spoiling the movie plot, I don’t think that if I were the one to re-write the Beatles songs I could produce more than one or two. Can anyone sit down and write the whole lyrics and the chords to their songs? Can you write down the full lyrics to “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite” by heart? I failed miserably.

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