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  • You got the beat

    Posted by Rick Ross on 02/03/2022 at 17:05

    Hello Ladies,

    I’ve seen somewhere that without the beat there is no song, or all the timing is all messed up. ( I don’t know if I have that right, and hopefully you can understand what I mean)

    I guess this question would be for Mona since she is the drummer. No slight to Lisa at all.

    On your Original songs do you work on your Kit to get the beat you are looking for first before adding in anything else. That is Guitars, blues harps, piano, bass or any other instrument?

    To me that makes most sense. I guess that way everything comes together.

    I hope I asked this right. ????

    Thanks for putting up with my confusing question.

    Thanks for all you two do. All the best 24/7


    Jacki Hopper replied 2 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    02/03/2022 at 17:06

    Hi Rick,

    Whenever we start working on a new song that needs a drumbeat, yes, I usually put down a simple beat or even use a midi-track (from the computer) to get a rough first idea from which we can then build the song in more detail.

    Once we have the whole song structure figured out I will then go in and work on the drum track, try different rhythms, fills and breaks until we have something that supports the song in the best way possible.

    You’re right, it’s hard to get anything else in place until you have at least a rough idea of what the drums are going to do, it can make or break a song! 🙂

    Thanks for the question!

  • Richard Raighn

    03/03/2022 at 16:28

    I find it interesting that you cover a subject such as this. My son and I were recently discussing how you go about recording songs as he is pro tool certified and is A recording engineer part time for now since covid stopped him dead in his tracks after graduating one month before we went in to lockdown.He majored in music in college.

    Anyhow in the conversation he told me they usually start with the drums 1st to get a beat and maybe come and check in with the bass guitar and I just found this question something that I could relate to after discussing this with someone.

    Good question Rick!

    Great answer Mona!

    Thanks to both of you????

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/03/2022 at 18:27

    Agreed on all that was said …like writing a poem, you need the basic inspiration , then once that ‘s been established, it will all come into place …. Fab Q Rick, Fab Reply Mona ????

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