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  • You Sure Know How to Cheer a Guy Up

    Posted by Steve on 14/12/2018 at 19:10

    Mona & Lisa

    No question this time.

    So I’m having a really crappy day at work (fortunately I work from home).  So around 1:15 PM I pushed myself away from the computer and said  “Steve, you need to go check the mail and run to the store.”  So I get to my mailbox and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a Christmas greeting from twins on a polar bear—in their jammies, no less.

    Anyhow, that completely turned my day around as it was certainly an unexpected surprise.  So from my humble little abode in Pennsylvania, let me return the greeting and wish both you and your dad and step-mom the merriest of Christmas and a joyous and beautiful 2019.

    You two are an amazing pair that seem to exude joy and happiness towards everyone you meet.  I know we’ve never met and probably never will, but I consider you two my besties from across the pond.  Peace and love from my side of the pond.  Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy, keep working on those cakes and brownies and above all, stay groovy.



    Darryl Boyd replied 5 years, 9 months ago 9 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Robert Blume

    14/12/2018 at 19:47

    Hey Steve,

    Well said. I couldn’t express it more eloquently than you did. So I’m just going to tag on here.

    I got one today as well. What a nice surprise. These ladies…..the entire Wagner family…are not only talented but incredibly classy too.

    The warmest of holiday greetings from soggy Western Washington.

    Seattle Bob


  • Thomas Randall

    15/12/2018 at 01:00

    Yes, I got their card as well yesterday and it REALLY made my day! What a GREAT surprise! I smiled a mile wide! THANK YOU girls! And warmest wishes to the whole Wagner family!

    Tommy R. in N.Y.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    15/12/2018 at 20:38

    You’re the first we’ve heard from who got the card in America so we’re glad they are making their way over the pond!

    We appreciate the kind wishes back and all of us say a big thank you!

  • Daniel Smith

    16/12/2018 at 02:50

    Hmm.  I’m feeling left out here.  I guess they don’t love me.  🙁

  • Howard

    16/12/2018 at 03:16

    Maybe the Pony Express is a bit slow where you are Daniel. But don’t worry, you are bound to receive yours well before me, where the Kangaroo Express is very unreliable. I’m sure you’ll receive yours before our Canadian friends where the weather and mountainous terrain can be very hazardous for the Husky Express! Then of course they all have to deal with Rudolf and all those other pesky reindeer clogging up the communication routes.

    • Thomas Randall

      16/12/2018 at 12:46

      Don’t forget that they have all those moose too! It’ll get there and it’s worth the wait Daniel!

      Tom in N.Y.

    • Daniel Smith

      16/12/2018 at 22:08

      Tomorrow is another mail day.

  • Jacki Hopper

    17/12/2018 at 03:34

    Apparently… Also noticed the failure to. mention beavers… Canadian Geese… Groundhogs… Bears…lol…wait…Bears and Groundhogs hibernating… Moose aren’t.. Deer aren’t either .. EH ????????

    Well the Canada Post folks were forced back to work… But things still kinda slow…. Jung and Martin have it good out on West Coast… Don’t have to put up with insane winter weather crap like rest of Canada… Lol… ????????????❄️☃️⛄????

  • Howard

    17/12/2018 at 03:44

    I know what you mean Jacki. I brushed up on your big freeze of 1998. Eerily, the year before, the Ang Lee directed film “Ice Storm’ had been released and I remember how frightening that was. However, nowhere near as severe as your big freeze! Still, I’d love to visit some of those beautiful wildernesses in Canada when it isn’t so cold.

  • Michael Rife

    17/12/2018 at 06:46

    I received my card also this week…..either Friday or Saturday (don’t go to the mailbox every day).  I really think you two, Mona and Lisa, are really special……not just because of the music but also how well you treat your fans.  You two and the rest of the MLT team can not be more gracious.  I really enjoy your music and I have been enjoying the Clubhouse.  The Clubhouse allows us to see some things behind the scenes and we get to see you two try to make brownies and smoothies as well as the scary site of Mona driving in the snow.  I also enjoy the interaction with the other Clubhouse members.

    Concerning the card……since I read this forum item string, I knew my card was going to be here soon.  So, it was not a complete surprise when I saw in it the mail.  Still the amount of work it took for you to do this for all members must have been a lot.  I plan on keeping the card in the rapidly increasing MLT souvenirs and merchandise.

    Finally I want to wish the best holiday season for you two and the whole MLT team.  You all have a good thing going.  On your card you alluded to 2019 being a big year which sounds like the MLT team has something special planned for the year.  So, I look forward to what MLT will do in 2019…..I am not certain what it will be, but I know we’ll enjoy it.

    Much love;


  • Howard

    17/12/2018 at 08:05

    Well said Mike. I don’t know how they manage so much, so well. Obviously very organised and endowed with that Austro/German precision.

    I’m tempted to request that MLT Club members in the deep north of America and in the Southern Hemisphere and other outposts of the Club, have their mail outs sent a week in advance so it truly is a surprise!

  • Howard

    17/12/2018 at 11:36

    Well yabba dabba do! Guess what? Yep! My postcard was in today’s mail. I can only endorse what Mike has already posted, but would also like to mention just how much I appreciate the quality of the actual writing on the card. Puts my terrible scrawl to shame. Is there nothing these Terrific Twins can’t do. They write lovely poetry in English, produce beautiful music, sing in perfect English and even write beautifully in perfect English ……. and they are Austrian!

    For other members, may I suggest in future, so the surprise for other members isn’t spoilt, your appreciation could be sent directly to:

  • Darryl Boyd

    18/12/2018 at 01:26

    I received mine in the land of Oz last Friday.

    A lovely surprise and very nice gesture from MLT.

    Merry Christmas,


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