• Posted by Will Beard on 02/06/2021 at 03:45

    Was listening to a song I discovered on You Tube and it caused me to realize how much great music I have discovered that likely would not have made the local radios. Of course I found out about the Twins on You Tube (Proud Mary) but there are others. The Refreshments from Sweden, The Shadows (Apache), a drummer named Sina, another drummer named Sabine, the revamped Searchers with Spencer James on vocals (wow) and most recently Spencer James’ recording of “Commitment’ which has me wondering how Lisa would do if she tried it. My musical background is strictly Pacific NW, Quincy Jones, Jimi Hendrix, The Fleetwoods, Merrilee Rush, The Ventures, The Sonics, Fabulous Wailers, Viceroys, Dave Lewis, Kenny G, Kenny Loggins. You Tube music opens doors to the world and no matter how old the recording, it is still a new discovery and lead to the 8 MLT cd’s in my collection. And now that I have a band of my own, we find new songs new arrangements, latest addition to our set list is “I Don’t Know Birds That Well” alll because I was curious about a couple of 13 year old twins I’d never heard of doing “Proud Mary”

    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Will Beard

    02/06/2021 at 03:51

    oops forgot to mention another NW band, The Last Madman Of Rock And Roll – – Paul Revere and The Raiders, That will get me some “Kicks”

  • Tom Fones

    02/06/2021 at 15:36

    You can get lost in Youtube forever and find some great forgotten stuff.


  • Thomas Randall

    02/06/2021 at 23:39

    Youtube lets us go back to the “good old days”! And I love it! For me that’s the 60’s and 70’s.

  • Will Beard

    03/06/2021 at 00:25

    You Tub has new rendtions of old classics, songs that are “oldies” in one place and new discovery in another. Even band line up changes – – The Searchers were good but I prefer Spencer James on lead vocals also that line up put reverb on the vocals which is killer. And discovering the twins – – as I had said else where I do NOT own a single Beatles record but I have 8 MLT cd’s, my favorite cover is Please Please Me, my favorite original is Still A Friend Of Mine. Musically I am from the Doo Wop generation so vocals and harmony are vital as well as music that gets your feet, your waist moving. My goal is to win the Lotto so can bring the Twins to Seattle, they should bring their skis of course

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/06/2021 at 18:56

    Agreed , YouTube has rekindled, jargoned and surprises me with long lost but lovingly forgotten and/or cringeworthy music I enjoyed/disliked as a kid/teen years up to present day, makes me think of my late parents, and finding new funky twists on songs I love, etc….????

  • Jung Roe

    09/06/2021 at 06:09

    I really love the Youtube algorithms and mixes it creates for me. It just keeps pumping MLT videos automatically one after the other. I really enjoy that. It must know I like “Close To You”, it keeps recommending that to me lately a lot, and I can’t help but keep clicking it! 🙂

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