• Your MLT Joy 3

    Posted by Jung Roe on 23/08/2022 at 01:02

    I could’t find my MLT Joy post, buried in the archives, so here is a new one. Feel free to share your ongoing MLT joy moments.

    Here is my new home office setup, with one wall dedicated to my favourite things that bring much joy. The music wall, now I call it. My cherished “The Wide, Wide Land lyrics”, and MLT Calendar tops it, with my piano and CDs.

    I have to say “Jump Ship” has been playing in my head often these days, and has fast become one of my very favourite MLT originals, what an awesome song. The melody, lyrics are amazing.

    Jung Roe replied 1 year, 10 months ago 6 Members · 34 Replies
  • 34 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    23/08/2022 at 02:20

    Very nice. I have to agree with you about Jump Ship, although we seem to be two of a very small minority. One of my favorite songs ever, with so many dimensions. The Wide, Wide Land, and Still a Friend of Mine come right behind it. In fact, I believe I will listen to them now. 😀

  • Christopher

    23/08/2022 at 03:38

    Jung, kudos on winning The Wide, Wide Land hand-written lyrics! I have to admit, you and Jacki H. are the two members that I am rooting to win the zoom call contest. Both of you are most deserving.

    My first MLT Joy? The first MLT video that I watched; namely, “If I Fell”. It came up via my algorithm when I was looking up the Beatles during the Get Back revolution and it just blew me away. I started watching their other Beatles videos right away, ordered a t-shirt, and within a week joined the MLT Club.

    My second MLT Joy? The first MLT original video that I watched; namely, “That’s Life”. I tease my wife saying that if I was a major league baseball player, “That’s Life” would be my walk-up song. She always says ‘I thought it would always be “Limelight” by Rush’. Well, things would be different in 2022, lol.

    My third MLT Joy? The day that our high school baseball team gave in and allowed me to have some MLT in the pre-game batting practice mix. Many of them, who are so far removed from the Mersey Beat, came in after hitting saying ‘Hey, they’re really good!’ Made my day.

    My fourth MLT Joy? Winning Mona’s guitar strings that she used on her Martin Acoustic for “Songbird”. Highly unexpected! They are in a prominent place in our living room, along with my ‘I’m Groovy’ button, cards, and guitar pick. The MLT sticker is proudly displayed on my laptop.

    Also, I just have to say that it is so nice that Mona and Lisa communicate with us weekly despite their very busy schedule. It has to be very hectic for them right now with the album and the business of it all. It shows the appreciation that they have for their supporters.

    Finally, thank you to everyone in the MLT Club. You are all a great group of people and I have learned a great deal about so much!

  • David Herrick

    23/08/2022 at 18:45

    It’s fascinating how often many of us, including me, use the word “joy” in connection with MLT. Until I discovered them, joy was a term with no practical utility that I only invoked on Christmas cards. But no word better describes the feeling I get from them in every manner in which they communicate with us. It’s just complete bliss and comfort, and a sense that there is something pure and honest and good in the world. I’ve internalized it to the point that I don’t mention it often, but I am truly a happier person since joining the MLT journey.

  • Thomas Randall

    31/08/2022 at 22:23

    My big MLT joy is my hand written lyrics to “June”! I was one of 15 who was to buy one. I’m pretty sure Lisa wrote them out based a little detective work looking at other videos with their writing showing. My stack of MLT CDs, all the autographed cards, calender and CDs.

    I’m so glad I discovered these girls back in 2018. Just searching for Beatles videos and they popped up! I was hooked immediately but I can’t remember which video I saw first from them. Probably Drive my car or Please please me.

    MLT forever!

  • Jung Roe

    03/09/2022 at 03:38

    Just loved reading everyone’s input, thank you all! Keep them coming as you feel the joy.

    Probably my absolute favourite Kinks song, so always brings me much wonderful joy to watch MLTs version that takes it to another level. Takes an already magnificent song with the most wonderful guitar sounds and refined it to another level with stunning harmonies and awesome twangy guitar works with the two Rickenbackers!


  • Jung Roe

    03/09/2022 at 03:44

    Another great favourite of mine, MLT refined it so elegantly, sounds so incredible. Brings much joy when I listen to this.

    I always loved the Beatles guitar work, but with the banjitar in MLTs version, wow! Love Mona’s lead vocals, Lisa’s finger work on the banjitar, and those supreme harmonies.


  • Jung Roe

    11/09/2022 at 06:59

    Was watching the Live at the Cavern Club videos today, and I just had to highlight “Hey Bulldog”, such top notch musicianship. The guitar work between Mona and Lisa are so tight, and they are having so much fun doing it, the passion and energy is so contagious, couldn’t contain myself. Mona and Lisa don’t need stage theatrics, it’s their passion and stellar musicianship that kicks in and blows you away.


  • Jung Roe

    23/09/2022 at 09:05

    I love MLTs version of this classic. MLT do this one amazing justice. The singing, guitar, saxophone, eveything so “beautiful tonight”.

    Such a wonderful song this time of year.


    • Christopher

      25/10/2022 at 03:59

      “Wonderful Tonight” is my favorite from the first concert. If the album is consistent with the concert playlist, it is the second song from the show. Lisa seemed nervous during the first song; namely, “Knocking on Heaven’s Door”. However by the second song, Lisa relaxed and just let her talent and her hard work do their thing! By the end of the song, she realized:

      “There’s nothing I can’t do, there’s nothing I’m not good at, there’s nothing I am not the pro!”

      I just love that quote from the making of “I Want to Kiss You”.

      Her solos were incredible!

  • Michael Thompson

    23/09/2022 at 15:36

    My first MLT joy came when I stumbled on “Bus stop” on You-tube. I was blown away not only by how well they sang and played but also how their personalities came jumping off the screen! I fell in love at that moment and never looked back. To this day whenever I’m down or nervous I put on some MLT and I always feel better!

  • Jung Roe

    25/09/2022 at 02:10

    Hi Mike, I know what you mean, their Bus Stop is awesome, blew me away when I first saw it. So much incredible talent, charm, and humour, drew me in and I never looked back! Was a beautiful day today out and about in the car, windows rolled down and Sweet Lorraine came on and I blissed out!

  • Thomas Randall

    21/10/2022 at 17:46

    Got my copy of Why? yesterday! Man the girls went in some new directions! My favorite tracks so far are, “Pretty little thing” (an ode to Neve!), Make Show, Questionable, I bought myself a politician, Summer rain. I was hoping for a few rockers but maybe next album! And as usual they included a few extras with the order, nice touch!

    Well done Mona & Lisa and team MLT!

    • Jung Roe

      22/10/2022 at 05:27

      Awesome Thomas! The album is a musical adventure. It reminds me of the story of my good friend when he first got and heard Sargent Peppers in 1967 when he was a young teenager. It was so new and amazing, it was too much to comprehend all at once, but has become his most cherished album of all time. Well, “Why” should be arriving on his door steps soon.

      “Pretty Little Thing” and the way Neve came into MLTs life and touched them, and became a part of the album is a real blessing! It’s such a charming song. Love it.

  • Christopher

    24/10/2022 at 20:44

    My MLT package came in today. Absolutely love the studio scribbles. Plus, the way that the scribbles were packaged was so nice!

    It is great to have everything signed as well!

    • Jung Roe

      25/10/2022 at 00:42

      Hey Christopher, awesome news! Yeah I loved the special sealed envelope the scribbles came in. It was like an invitation to a special event! The Scribbles are such a brilliant creative idea by MLT. They are so special.

    • Christopher

      25/10/2022 at 04:06

      Definitely! I like collecting game-used baseball jerseys, bats, etc. It is like owning part of the process. The Studio Scribbles fall into that category. Shows how Mona and Lisa worked towards the finished product along with some chords, fun doodles, sticky notes, and even the tea mug ring! Just had to purchase all four! And, of course, the CD was a mandatory item!

  • Jung Roe

    01/11/2022 at 01:25


  • Jung Roe

    01/11/2022 at 02:57


  • Jung Roe

    02/11/2022 at 06:19


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